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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 938392

is AI the future of 3D?

Anonymous No. 938446

fuck off, cris.

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Anonymous No. 938451

Is photography the future of painting?

Anonymous No. 938453

fuck off, cris.

Anonymous No. 938456

AI is the future of photography and painting too :(

Anonymous No. 938458

Are Females the future of Males?

Anonymous No. 938459

It is, but it's gonna take a long time before it can make good 3D models, and a lot more time to animate stuff.
Up untill there, they'll only help 3D artists to work faster.

Anonymous No. 938460

>Just a few more AI shitposts and I will be on my way to getting noticed for my gamedev skills!

Anonymous No. 938464


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Anonymous No. 938492


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Anonymous No. 938494

aichads...I kneel...

Anonymous No. 938505

more like actual skilled painters are the future because AI can't do shit in real world

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Anonymous No. 938538

maybe if AI shills stopped shilling the "muh 3d model from a text prompt" and instead focus on a dedicated add on, extension or script generating AI maybe I'd take them a little more seriously because the things they shit out are pretty neat but not useful or practical enough for me to use on the daily. please move your priorities to the script generating AI please

Anonymous No. 938541

I'm a proponent of AI, but these AI threads always feel like they are low effort threads from board tourists,
especially since there's quite a few of them up right now and none of them add anything interesting to warrant them existing over the preexisting ones.
Just post in those threads, instead of creating the 10th /3/ equivalent of an anime recommendation thread on /a/.

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Anonymous No. 938710

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Anonymous No. 938757

Ai keeps giving me this so yeah

Anonymous No. 939327

I know how you feel. I use AI for references and generating ideas but most AI threads on 4chan are so fucking cringe