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Anonymous No. 938563

I fucked my hands up, can I use Blender with no hands? Pic related but I don't have the eye tracker yet plus it doesn't even work for a dual-monitor setup.

Anonymous No. 938568

Nobody wants to develop anything for people with disablities, they would rather develop DLSS69 and give all their money to jensen

Anonymous No. 938569

I'm not disabled I just have dequeerveins

Anonymous No. 938570

AND carpal tunnel

Anonymous No. 938572

you're disabled. We should have full eye tracking across multiple monitors working with voice commands so you can use any DCC in a hospital bed on a month long stay while attached to an IV. Instead, companies are all in on Bing Bing Wahoo!

Anonymous No. 938574

>Bing Bing Wahoo!
I'm physically disabled for weeks, but you will be mentally disabled for life >>>/reddit/

Anonymous No. 938575

you're a tourist and disabled

Anonymous No. 938576

you're coping because I didn't find your autism funny

Anonymous No. 938577

I dont have autism and You're a disabled tourist

Anonymous No. 938578

repeating yourself? sign of autism, yikes!

Anonymous No. 938579

Wow you could be the next great stand up comedian

Anonymous No. 938580

Oh, still reeling because I called you unfunny?

Anonymous No. 938581

my world is absolutely in pieces

Anonymous No. 938582

salvage the pride, my friend.

Anonymous No. 938584


Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.

Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.

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Anonymous No. 938655

I've had hand pain as well and have dabbled in this. To some success, but obviously not as much as if I was using kb+m.
Depending on how severe it is, it might be possible to use something like a steam controller, once you map things up correctly. At one point in time, I pretty much just used my computer like that, especially since you have the touchpads and gyros, as well as nested control schemes that you can swap between on the fly. Though Steam Controllers are at a premium now that Valve has stopped making them.
Barring that, you could also look into getting a big trackball like pic related and use your feet. I've not done that since my hands aren't that bad (yet), but it might be a worse-case option.
I've heard eye trackers are pretty shit right now, but I've seen voice commands being used quite well. The trick is to not actually say commands as they are, but rather short letters or words for an action that take less time to process. A bit like short-hand writing.
After all that's said and done and your hands are a bit less fucked up, I recommend using an ergonomic mouse that you can use in either hand (I use a Penguin mouse). That way you can swap hands and give them a break. But also actually give them real breaks as well.
Even using something like working voice commands into your workflow with kb+m might be a speedup (depending on processing time, or using it for long multi-button shortcuts), or at least take your hands off the keyboard.

Anonymous No. 938670

learn how to rest, seriously, I had similar issues. Press your arm against a cushion and let it rest, change positions to rest the other parts of your arms (you can't rest everything at once) and you have every muscle and tendon fucked up so rest each one. Additionally buy a massage gun, makes a big difference

Anonymous No. 938680

If you are serious about getting work done without the use of your hands you need to learn to operate your keyboard with your tootsies, there's no way around it.

Anonymous No. 938681

>I recommend using an ergonomic mouse that you can use in either hand (I use a Penguin mouse)
thenks for the advice! I have an ergonomic mouse but its not ambidextrous so its a pain for my other hand. I'll order one of these soon.

Anonymous No. 938683

Another anon suggested one to me years ago when I mentioned hand problems myself, and it's been a really great mouse for me and fits my hand really well. I don't want to sound too much like a shill, but they're a pretty cool company as well.
The warranty is pretty generous, and they're really great about honoring it. To the point where I've been able to get multiple mice over the years for free since each one I've gotten replaced under warranty refreshes it. I've mostly needed replacements since the left click button can get kind of glitchy from time to time if you're using it a ton, but since it happens during the warranty period, I just let them know when the issue pops up, and they send me a new one pretty quickly.

Anonymous No. 938846
