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Anonymous at Thu, 2 Mar 2023 18:04:57 UTC No. 938817
Has anyone here used the new Mari? Does it destroy Painter?
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Mar 2023 01:26:37 UTC No. 938843
Mari is probably not software that anyone on this board would need. stick to Painter/Quixel.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Mar 2023 13:33:24 UTC No. 938885
If you have to ask, you clearly never used Mari and never will.
Go move some sliders in painter or whatever.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Mar 2023 14:50:05 UTC No. 938887
>If you have to ask, you clearly never used Mari and never will.
I used it in 2013 when it was new, kiddo. I'm asking about the latest version.
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Mar 2023 02:50:04 UTC No. 938961
Is Your Model too dense for SP/Texturing app to paint smoothly on?
do You need the edge bleed/meshfollowp ainting?
Do You need specific channel packing on layer/channel level for scalar data packing?
Mari hasn't changed in its principle, both softwares can do better in their specific scenarios, dont act like You will buy/sub to it. if You want to try it, then just get it to see for yourself, instead of making retarded threads.
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Mar 2023 03:12:40 UTC No. 938962
Just because i ask a question doesnt mean its 'retarded', old man. I was using it in 2013, probably before you even used it. Shut your pie hole.
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Mar 2023 03:41:17 UTC No. 938967
not even the same dude that you were replying, but okay - if anything, seems like you are projecting alot. so no point helping an idiot like you.
You didnt even bother try to reply to questions, instead you just want to be annoying on the internet, go back to /b/
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Mar 2023 16:15:34 UTC No. 939076
>asks retarded question
>doesn't mean it's retarded
Stop creating new stupid threads and use the designated thread.