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🧵 Blender Market

Anonymous No. 939176

How do I get Blender market addons for free?

Anonymous No. 939190

Ask your friend to give you a copy

Anonymous No. 939191

search for them on the internets

Anonymous No. 939220

Email the creator with a request for the source code, since blender is GPL and therefore their addon is GPL.

Anonymous No. 939223

I have no friends

That's why I'm asking here

Seriously guys

Anonymous No. 939227

>Email the creator with a request for the source code, since blender is GPL and therefore their addon is GPL.
They can still obfuscate the code behind a compiled pyc. Tons of addons do this.

Anonymous No. 939228

Some of them are on github, all the others on cgpeers.

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Anonymous No. 939231


Anonymous No. 939232

back in the day they used to open registrations twice a month, 1 and 15, idk if they keep doing it or you need an invite.

Anonymous No. 939233

Jesus man what's the point of using a free software if the essential addons are going to be paid. I'm looking for the human generator one by the way.

Anonymous No. 939234

we used to have a thread to share this kind of shit, here you have the .torrent.

Anonymous No. 939235

Wow thanks a lot anon, I appreciate it.
Got any other resources/links for this kind of stuff?

Anonymous No. 939236

>Tons of addons do this.
And the ones that do this are the ones you should put in the trash

Anonymous No. 939237

Humans? the best is the metahuman from unreal , if you want to get animations mixamo both free as free as in beer

Anonymous No. 939238

wrong, kiddo. What they are doing is perfectly GPL

Anonymous No. 939239

Oh no I'm just going to learn Blender, at least for now. What I meant is places where paid addons are shared like the torrent you just gave me. Doesn't have to be the human ones only.

Anonymous No. 939240

>Oh no I'm just going to learn Blender, at least for now.
why? If you want to do anything in this field, you want to learn Maya and Houdini. Stay the hell away from blender

Anonymous No. 939241

Well Blender is already overwhelming enough haha, plus truthfully all I'm going to make is a 3D porn game. It might not take me long with all these helpful addons too.

Anonymous No. 939243

the truth comes out you degenerate. You wont succeed and nobody will play your literal crap

Anonymous No. 939244

It's not like I like it anon, I'm only doing it for financial reasons...

Anonymous No. 939245

you _won't_ succeed

Anonymous No. 939246

Wanna bet?

Anonymous No. 939247

Not true free as in freedom. Just get Maya indie, runs way better anyway

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Sanpaku Eyes.jpg

Anonymous No. 939251

is Blender Vanilla not good enough?
then why are you using Blender?

Anonymous No. 939257

How easy is it to build a human body from scratch compared to just using the addon?

Anonymous No. 939269

>load picture of human (optional)
>extrude default cube until it looks human
wow, so hard.

Anonymous No. 939275

This is not gpl compliant. You have the right to request the actual source code.
Pyc is compiled python, violates the requirement of supplying machine readable code, if requested. They HAVE to supply the code.

Anonymous No. 939279

I'm pretty new to Blender anon, in fact I started learning not even a week ago. Would you advise me to learn it the hard way or to simply use the generator?

Anonymous No. 939283

Is there actually a proper workflow to getting MetaHumans into Blender now?
Last I checked it was locked down to UE only with some bullshit hoops you had to jump through to get it to export to Blender in a way that essentially fucks it completely.

Anonymous No. 939284

You forgot the "study anatomy for 3 years" part.

Anonymous No. 939293


Anonymous No. 939303

So it's exactly like I said then.
I've been aware of bringing it into UE and exporting everything out to Blender bit by bit, but that was the "bullshit hoops" I was mentioning above.
Beggars can't be choosers, I'll admit, but this seems more like a brute force method rather than a "proper workflow".
They really don't want MetaHumans outside of their own ecosystem. I think I heard something about being able to export to Max/Maya natively (as in they had built in support to do it), and even that fucks it.

Anonymous No. 939837

They don't have to give you the source code if you haven't bought the addon.

Anonymous No. 939838

If you like something you should buy it, it's much cheaper than paying autodesk 3,000 a month.

Anonymous No. 939840

You are just wrong.
They do. If their software is built on gpl software, it's also gpl software.
GPL software is open source. Open source for everyone, not just the person who bought it.
You can sell gpl software, but it HAS to be open source.
If you think I'm wrong, read the license.

Anonymous No. 939843

You are 100% wrong. The source comes with the software. No software = no source. If you think I'm wrong, talk to a lawyer.

Anonymous No. 939845

>their software is built on gpl software, it's also gpl software
Only if it's dynamically or statically linked to it.
Blender plugins don't have to be open source or GPL necessarily because they don't link to Blender but since Python is an interpreted language and can only be shared as source code, then...
People often make commercial software in Javascript, then they obfuscate the source and sell it. It doesn't become GPL because it runs on Firefox.

Anonymous No. 939910

The source isn't even that important, something that took a year of development won't be easily understood by the retards on /3/
>omg gib me free source
Yeah you want a mathematics degree with that big guy?

Anonymous No. 940037

Afaik it needs to be open source to be allowed on the marketplace though.
You don't need to understand code to compile it

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Anonymous No. 940110

Your info on GPL is correct but that doesn't apply to Blender because you have to link to Blender in the Python code. You need to use Blender libraries to write the plug ins. Not pure Python code.

The Firefox/Javascript example you gave works because is just a component that is embedded in Firefox and other browsers. You write pure Javascript code. Not Firefox code or Javascript code that is linked to Firefox.

In order for to make Blender plug ins that aren't GPL compliant, you'd have to make a independent standard language(like Javascript) written in Python for Blender under the GPL, and then you implement the actual plug in functionality that language with no explicit links whatsoever to Blender. It's a lot of trouble that nobody got time for that.

Anonymous No. 940114

"Vfxmed" website

Anonymous No. 940115

The fine line you're pointing out is a very old argument. It goes back to when Stallman said the Tcl interpreter couln't use the GNU readline library because Tcl was under the MIT license. I think it was addressed in GPL v3.
And BTW, just a reminder that it's not linux, it's GNU/Linux.

Anonymous No. 940117

Right and if this strict interpretation of the GPL would be commonplace Android would be the largest offender.

Anonymous No. 940135

In order to make closed source blender plugins you need a bridge between blender and your closed source, or you can just say fuck you to FSF and do what you want because they haven't sued anybody over linking ever.

Anonymous No. 940143
Sharing or selling Blender add-ons (Python scripts)

Anonymous No. 940144

I'm 100% sure they're correct in their legal analysis but as >>940135 said, there are aspects of the GPL license (especially v3) that are still untested by the courts.
I take that more as what they would like people to do.

Android is indeed a large offender but the courts seem to be favorable to Google.

Anonymous No. 940146

I meant to say: I'm not 100% sure they're correct in their legal analysis

>Blender’s Python API is an integral part of the software, used to define the user interface or develop tools for example.
As far as I know that argument argument has been disproved recently in Google v Oracle

Anonymous No. 940147

>are still untested by the courts

But it would be epic if they tried.

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Anonymous No. 940149

>>Blender is Free
>>Needs addons
>>You gotta pay for addons

I love it

Anonymous No. 940170

Blender has funding, addons need funding too. You think the world just runs on hopes and dreams or something?

Anonymous No. 940171

What part of FREE AND OPEN SOURCE don't you understand?? If license says it's "free" WHY ISN'T IT FREE??? Fucking bait and switch, addon devs are jews.

Anonymous No. 940176

Don't fall for the anatomy meme. Everyone uses basemeshes and you'll pick up anatomy over time.

Anonymous No. 940177

you see, the point of the market is to provide a place where people can sell their wares for a living.
if you don't buy stuff, people can't make a living making the stuff you want.

Anonymous No. 940189

>Blender has funding, addons need funding too
Oh, no no no. The Blender Foundation gets the funding. You get fucked. It's right there in their license page.
But again I'm not entire sure what's written there has any connection to reality either.

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Anonymous No. 940191

Hypothetically, what would happen if the Blender Foundation just copy-pasted all for-profit addons from the market into their software? Sure it's a dick move but fair play according to GPL? Is Blender Market's large dev fund donation actually just ransom money for the Foundation?

Anonymous No. 940212

There're free add ons too.

Anonymous No. 940214

I think copyright still applies to the GPL.

AFAIK, the GPL is strictly about making the code available to the end user, so that end user can adapt it for his own needs. That doesn't mean you can just steal the code and claim it as your own.

Anonymous No. 940217

>that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs

I don't think authors could veto the use of their code on copyright grounds, they can only demand attribution if their license had a clause for it. Worst case just change some variable names, it's now a derivative work.

Anonymous No. 940222

They could, but then they'd need to pay a whole new employee to keep that internal addon updated and it would make them look like dicks.

Anonymous No. 941621

Hey, is there any way to rip models of sketchfab? I need some animal skulls for some research and they arent even available to buy.

Anonymous No. 941635

>they arent even available to buy.
Have you tried asking them before trying to steal their work? If it's not available to buy, I'm sure you can plead your case as to why you would like to have access to it. If it's for "research" and all.
I can't see many people turning a genuine request down on something they're not even profiting from. At most they'd just ask for credit in whatever you end up using it for.
Not to mention this isn't even remotely the right thread to ask.