🧵 It's truly over, yet again, this time for real.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Mar 2023 13:40:21 UTC No. 939513
We are proud to introduce Wonder Studio.
>>An AI tool that automatically animates, lights and composes CG characters into a live-action scene. No complicated 3D software, no expensive production hardware—all you need is a camera.
Steven Spielberg is on the Advisory Board
yet here, he's goes in hard against AI
>>"People who [make A.I.] for a living... it's NOT about morality. it's about climbing a mountain, and getting to the top... and then looking back down to ask the question... is this going to better serve humanity? or is this going to default [humanity to the machines we created]?
typical kike, but to be expected.
Say goodbye to your wagie cagie jobs. It's truly over.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Mar 2023 13:57:39 UTC No. 939515
Didn't we have that for literal decades with those webcam toy apps that tracked you and made a funny cat / skeleton / whatever the fuck on screen mimic you?
It'll probably look like soulless shit and it will still require someone to make & rig the characters you drag ontop of the video.
Literally not a happening for /3/.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Mar 2023 15:34:48 UTC No. 939527
>only shots of single character walking, basic facial movement and stretching
This will shit itself with more than 1 person on screen
This will shit itself if it has to make the characters interact
This will shit itself with more complex / precise movement like hand gestures / fighting
The walking is relatively impressive for something fully procedural but when they showed facial animation it was very stiff and awful and will still need a lot more manual tweaking to be anything other than a shitty novelty app
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Mar 2023 16:14:14 UTC No. 939529
> Steven Spielberg is on the Advisory Board
> yet here, he's goes in hard against AI
inb4 that tool will be for 99$ subscription each month.
How afraid they are that a simple goy will be able to make the desired content himself, with any crap he wants to be in it.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Mar 2023 16:42:39 UTC No. 939532
fuck off, cris. you are a goddamn nuisance and I sincerely wish you disease.
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Mar 2023 01:06:48 UTC No. 939574
>Say goodbye to your wagie cagie jobs. It's truly-ACK!