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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 939571

What's the best way to make models in this shitty style? Box modeling with subdivision?

Anonymous No. 939576

I think Substance Modeler is a major part of the 3D Globohomo art style.

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Anonymous No. 939577

This shit existed long before Substance Modeler

Anonymous No. 939579

Use outdated software

Anonymous No. 939584

Sure but the one you posted, you can immediately tell it's some kind of Metaball/SDF.
The art style of the future requires that after the fact you "massage" the model a little bit to make it even more generic and nondescript than a math formula.

Anonymous No. 939585

It's like... After you've assembled some SDFs, then you have to work hard to erase all the remaining bits of soul left on the model.
I don't think it would work for the cause if it had any remaining tool marks that would give people a glimpse into how it was made.

Anonymous No. 939592

See, that's part of the deception. It has to look outdated because modern multinational corporations need to be "relatable". It has to look like anybody could do.
But in fact there are subtleties such as the droopy eyes that have seen unspeakable horrors and the inviting smile combo that have to be executed to perfection.
I'm convinced that only top-of-the-line brand-name monthly-subscription-based software such as Substance Modeler can enable you to become integral part of the future that awaits humanity.

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Anonymous No. 939598

>Box modeling with subdivision?
Pretty much. There's little to no texture or shader work, you can see in your example how they didn't even bother to paint his lips or draw black lines on teeth, its just the most basic single color shader with barely any painting ontop of what feels like a 40% done sculpt base. The eyes seem like an actual nintendo 64 looking texture with the same shitty basic shader but with less roughness to make it shinier.
The hand is literally just a vaguely hand shaped lump, I'm not even sure they bothered to make any fingernails.
>But in fact there are subtleties such as the droopy eyes that have seen unspeakable horrors and the inviting smile combo that have to be executed to perfection.
Anon I am pretty sure it's less that and more that they just hired a $2 pajeet instead of an actual competent modeller

Anonymous No. 939607

not a thing, go back to /pol/ boomer

What you also seeing here is basic garound shading with a little bit of ambient occlusion mixed in. This makes everything look "plasticly" like that.

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Anonymous No. 939720

pretty much, Check this guy, he's the closest to what you want to achieve and he has some tutorials for it hovering on the web

Anonymous No. 939851

dude if you knew how much I relate to chrysler and those maxipad companies all day long, man

Anonymous No. 939856

you could sculpt that in 3 seconds too, i don't see why it matters.