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๐Ÿงต It's over

Anonymous No. 939897

Anonymous No. 939901

Welcome to a new world of uninspired garbage limited only by your imagination.

Anonymous No. 939911

soulless but I suppose mediocrity is in now

Anonymous No. 939912

First off, I believe it when I see it in production.

>It's over
On that this commercial has one but misguided insight: AI is just a tool
The problem is everything that's coming out now (especially this( is made to cut down the workforce. I don't want to get all /pol/ in here just say the economy has to crash hard for that mindset to change.

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Anonymous No. 939922

You shilled this already and nobody gave a shit, will repeat myself:
we had these for literal decades. You know the toy apps you use to make a funny skeleton on screen mimic your face on webcam? You know vtubers? It's literally the same thing.
>can't do more than 1 character at a time
>can't make characters interact
>will 100% shit itself with more complex movement like fighting / dancing / etc.
>facial animation is stiff and actually worse than 10 year old webcam apps
>walking is impressive so if all you want to do is make a funny cartoon robot walk, bingo?
>will still need someone to model and rig the characters so literally not a threat to /3/ at all

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Anonymous No. 939924

Microsoft 3D Movie Maker

Anonymous No. 939930

lols this

Anonymous No. 940039

you're responding to cris, a literal schizo third-worlder. just report his spam threads and ignore him.

Anonymous No. 940061

i like to think its just one guy hating on cris and there is this back and forth rivalry on here for which on is the most schizo.

Anonymous No. 940150

>>Spielberg shits on AI
>>Is on the Advisory Board for AI company

is he, perhaps, jewish?

Anonymous No. 940235

everything that they show is already possible, even with open source tools. you just need to glue a lot of github projects together and present it in a polished gui.

Anonymous No. 940301

Does not fuck over /3/ because it still needs the model. It is basically no different then mocap, just cheaper, and still works only with humanoids. Far better shilling is this because it allows retards like you Cris to make just as good animations as the program you posted, but with more control. All you need to do is make 3 keyframes and it automatically calculated potential physics and wiggling to make it look hyper realistic.