🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Tue, 14 Mar 2023 16:06:36 UTC No. 939971
There's this competition going on for beginner artists only and it has completely blackpilled me. Over time, I've learned modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing and rendering and I have completed workflows before. But my work just... sucks. Which would be understandable, except I've been using Maya for probably over 2 years now.
It's not like I don't want to do 3D or my heart's not in it, I do actually really enjoy it and I want to get good at it. But then I stop and look at my work and it looks frankly embarrassing for someone of my age and length of education/experience to have made and no matter how many tutorials I watch and models I try to make, I'm not improving. I'm not exactly staying in my comfort zone either, I try different features on Maya and learn more about what it's capable of (I've definitely learned by now if Maya seems "inconvenient" then there's probably a feature that does exactly what I'm looking for somewhere) and when I restart a model I fucked, I try doing it a different way, but I literally can't do it. I can have a front and side reference for a character and be unable to model it properly. Just... unable. I couldn't tell you why.
People younger than me and with half or less the experience are producing work that looks like the professional industry stuff on Artstation. I've been reading up and apparently the average person masters Maya by 4 months of use. I mean christ. Am I just sub-zero IQ? I don't want to give up, but is it possible to just be born incapable of learning something? This is the only place I know that'll tell me the unfiltered truth.
Pic unrelated
Anonymous at Tue, 14 Mar 2023 17:31:10 UTC No. 939973
You're a retard and you've jewed yourself. TLDR is
>Stop using social media to compare your 'progress' to other people
most shit you'll se posted on social media is highly cherry picked and/or the 0.001% of autists who do nothing but <the thing> and get gud in short amount of time by virtue of having no fucking life outside of it
>I can have a front and side reference for a character and be unable to model it properly.
Hard truth is: Keep at it. You will suck. You will fail. But that's how you learn. Some people do click faster with what they're doing wrong, that's true, but for most in any artistic medium it can take years of daily practice to start producing something they themselves are satisfied with.
There are lucky faggots who just 'get it', but they're a vast minority.
Post some of your work somewhere (here?) and ask for feedback, try to apply feedback, just saying 'my work sucks' is not helpful, you've got to figure out why it sucks, and take steps to unsuck it if you truly want to make it.
Also there's a big difference between having a technical understanding of the software UI and having the artistic skill of bringing projects to life, from the sounds of it you're a tech nerd who knows how to work the software, maybe look into fundamentals of things like composition / color / etc, actual art topics, and try to apply them to you work.
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Mar 2023 00:32:21 UTC No. 940007
Being able to draw really helps. But like the other anon says, artists don't have lives outside of their work and it's usually that way for decades. If you have a passion for the thing, nothing's going to stop you anyway so don't give up! Also, here's my Kleyman.
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:17:41 UTC No. 940041
I see, thank you for this post.
I'm just worried that it was a "teaching a monkey to do algebra" deal and that if basic things weren't clicking by now, maybe they were never going to click. But now that you point it out, I'm starting to realize I kind of isolated myself where I'm my only critic, yet I don't have the frame of reference to articulate what's problematic and google searching only alleviates so much. I wouldn't want to post my best work here since it's probably a reverse search away to find my real identity, but I am going to be modeling today so whatever I make today I'll post ITT.
Yeah you may be right, I think navigating Maya's UI is probably the only thing I'm kinda relatively confident at (though there's a lot of room for improvement on fixing my topology issues) which maybe made me think I should be producing better quality work than I am, even though artistically I'm frankly pretty clueless. I just feel frustrated like I must be wasting my time if people can make better in such little time, but then as you say, I could be just obsessing over being as good as a tiny fraction with autistic amounts of talent. Every time I model I do learn something that I end up applying to my models in the future. I just wish my general progress was faster.
Anon that's amazing, the textures are just... pic rel. I only put Klaymen in the OP because my meme folder is lacking and I was listening to the Neverhood and Skull Monkeys OSTs, I really appreciate this, it's really inspiring. Thank you for posting.
I am absolute ass at drawing. There was a time when I was really determined to learn and was lurking /beg/ on /ic/ for a while but, like 3D modeling, I was hitting a wall and struggling to improve. I still use 2D to conceptualize but I'm not skilled at it at all, and I've probably been coping like a retard by reading about extremely lucky people who can model perfectly with 0 drawing talent as an excuse not to learn it properly.
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:44:44 UTC No. 940042
>I just wish my general progress was faster.
That's why so few people are artists, Anon. Even disregarding 3d media, you look at someone like Leonardo DaVinci and go 'man I wish I could draw a mona lisa'-- not realizing the dude was an italian neet leeching off of family fortune to sit at home and draw all day. He was 51 when he drew mona lisa. It took him decades to get to that point. It's the same with 99% of all other artists, you have to just grind through years and sometimes decades of producing shit you'll hate (even if some other people will like it) until you get to where you're making something similar to what inspired you.
There's no shortcuts, you either survive through the grind or quit.
Another thing is that not all tutorials are good tutorials, you have to learn / practice the right things; Unfortunately it's tricky to pin-point what's right and what's wrong, as what works for person 1 may not work for person 2, which just adds to the challenge of artistic expression.
But that's also the fun part. Experiment. Try new things. Something will work, something will not, and that's ok. The journey is part of the process.
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Mar 2023 16:10:42 UTC No. 940056
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Mar 2023 17:30:25 UTC No. 940059
This, and keep ind mind that 90% of the time you see a cool picture somewhere with the "creator" writing it took them two weeks to make it, you'll find "models taken from X", "tree package #5678 used" which means in those two weeks they didn't create anything, they just took premade assets, made by actual artists, and assembled them.
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Mar 2023 21:03:09 UTC No. 940074
>apparently the average person masters Maya by 4 months of use
the chair nerd at Thu, 16 Mar 2023 16:09:15 UTC No. 940154
Love this kind of simple models every day I get to model a simple prop that I don't have on my libraries.
>The journey is part of the process.
Yes man that is the spirit. The reason I love this kind of models is that they take me away from architectutal modelling wich is soul sucking and mindbogglingly dull. You have to opportunity to try new techniques and refine your process.
As for the model make sure those wheels have a logical mesh density cuz the legs ae way too subdifivded and the whells not. The rubber feet are not alined and they seem to be diagonal as an artifact of non paralel subdivision (you cut the legs first and the subdivided them so the rings are not parallel). The bbq lacks the ventilation feature and yes that is the most difficult partof the model so you may as well try to do it.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:42:17 UTC No. 940167
Modeling and remodeling props is great because even basic things can have very different requirements, so it gives you a lot of coverage in learning without overwhelming you most of the time, building you up for more complex things. Speaking of complex things, how bad is architectural modeling? I've not done buildings in their entirety yet, I assumed 80% of that would be in the texture work, but I'm talking out of my ass I wouldn't know. I really really want to learn character modeling, which feels like an uphill battle in Maya instead of something like Zbrush, but maybe that's unironically just a skill issue.
And thanks so much for the feedback, this is the kind of review and articulation I'm incapable of that I really need to learn and understand. Like I said, I was pretty much relying on myself for reflection all this time so I appreciate someone with a much better frame of reference giving me pinpoint advice.
Anonymous at Sat, 25 Mar 2023 04:08:38 UTC No. 941000
Great model, anon! I will give something like that a go this weekend. I modeled the engineer's stock wrench from TF2 after my second attempt earlier today, came out a lot better than the first. That grill is a lot more complex than a wrench, though. Will take some thinking of how to approach.
If you don't mind, would you explain your general workflow for a model like that? Do you use any booleans, or do you like to model with subdiv modifier? Please let me know, thanks.
Anonymous at Sat, 25 Mar 2023 07:40:10 UTC No. 941006
How about you reflect on what kind of shit you like to model instead of being ngmi techfag who’s only learning the tools to make some shitty abstract 3d art I see on reddit all the time? Why do you think people go as far as learning to draw and grinding their fundies consistently in order to perfect their sculpted anime girls? Because they know what the fuck they want to make.In other words, you don’t know even know what you are getting yourself in to lmao. It’s like buying a Gibson Les Paul just because it looks cool but you never bother playing it. And yes, you are sub-zero IQ. You should just go back to your vidya games. I mean it.
Anonymous at Mon, 27 Mar 2023 17:25:45 UTC No. 941272
60% of everything a professional artist makes is thrown away because it's no good or they simply don't have enough space for it in a game or comic book or movie or whatever. Basically EDITING is what makes art good. Cutting out the bad and leaving the rest. Learn to take the best part of a model and cut away the garbage and then build from there. Cut away the worst of that and do that again. DIVISION is the key to good art. Cut, cut, cut, divide and conquer.
Anonymous at Mon, 27 Mar 2023 17:31:06 UTC No. 941273
Looks good to me. I would add a small bevel to the outside edge of the wheels so they look a little softer unless it was for a video game. In that case saving polygons is important. Also the area above the rim of the lid should taper in just a bit. Using a pencil or something straight held up in front of the screen can help you judge angles a little better. That's a trick we use when drawing. But overall it's a good model. The handle is especially nice. I think you stress about your skills too much. You are doing fine.