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OH MY GOD -- CUUU....webm

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940390

This goes here, right?

(This is early and the mesh generation is fucked up please don't kill me)

Anonymous No. 941040

Pretty nifty demo you got there. Needs to stick better though. Can't have nut bouncing and flouncing around like rubber. Let us know how progress goes.

Anonymous No. 941133

Not bad but you should have some pre-cum mixed in with it, it's more liquid and separates from the ropes.

Anonymous No. 941134

You need to film yourself nutting. That's how animators reference their shots nigga.

Anonymous No. 941145

post nodes

Anonymous No. 941201

Damn I wasnt expecting that, this looks quite good anon. What's your plan for further improvements on it?

Anonymous No. 941827

looks like in slow motion, I prefer it more liquid

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Anonymous No. 941829


Anonymous No. 942066

you people need to go to a doctor if your cum looks like this

Anonymous No. 942801

Good start but why is it not look wet / shiny?

Anonymous No. 942905

It's not cum anon, I'm Op and I'm trying to make this animation where a model-builder is trying to glue some pieces together but is kinda bad at it and presses the tube real hard so it accidentally goes into his eyeball.

Anonymous No. 942927

>15 spurts
must have been backed up pretty bad