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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940630

>blender still doesnt have an API yet
>expects to be taken seriously

Anonymous No. 940809

>Template shitpost thread
>Faggot op expects to be taken seriously

Anonymous No. 940821

shoo back to blenderartists

Anonymous No. 940822

I've never used blelnder in my life but ok, faggot op

AustrianFaggotHater293 No. 942044

*insert samsung noti here*

Anonymous No. 942496

bro forgot about python scripting support

Anonymous No. 942502

>api vs scripting language

Anonymous No. 942560

>C4D doesn't either
What's your point?

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Anonymous No. 942577

ayo so u sayin blenda needs an api and shii??

Anonymous No. 942649

>OP tries to validate wasting money on maya

Anonymous No. 942650

>industry standards

Anonymous No. 942652

Do you know what you are saying

Anonymous No. 942662

A thread died for your shitpost, kys.

Anonymous No. 942667

nobody actually uses blender. there is a gigantic tutorial & plugin industry around blender though, because noobies will start out with it and tend to spend a few bucks before inevitably giving up.

hence the tendency to do tutorials for and promote it.

Anonymous No. 942861

(((industry standards)))

Anonymous No. 942876

>uses anti-satanism (judaism = satanism) internet lingo
>in order to defend blender, which literally has 666 as its logo

Anonymous No. 942940

I think you mean (industry standards:1.3). Multiple parentheses are depreciated.

Anonymous No. 942944

People who make free tutorials on Youtube are paid per view, not by how useful the tutorial actually was.
That's why you see dishonest titles such as "Become a master in just 5 minutes" and they're trying to sell you NFTs in the process.