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🧵 Big Animation Studios: how hard to get in?

Anonymous No. 940823

How could one start off on the path to be employed in one of the major animation studios throughout the world - Studio Ghibli, Dreamworks, Pixar, Disney, Sony, Blizzard, etc... ?

I think the general question here is how to properly start a career in Art? How much years does it take for you to become some kind of Art Director of medium-large studio?

How many years of working experience; what general softwares to use; etc. Tell me straight, is it realistic for someone to abandon everything and try to follow some general arts pathway looking at websites like Artstation and Scavenging the entire internet (piracy)? Or try College? There are also schools like Gnomon and other French ones, but they do cost an arm and a leg.

I haven't been able to get a decent ground-to-earth answer anywhere else. So I might as well post on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 940824

fuck, typos.

Anonymous No. 940828

Just meet and get to know one of the big wigs at their local synagogue or odd fellows meeting.

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U still jelly.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 940850

What´s your skill level? How long would you take to model something, rig it, animate it? Is it better than pic related (made by me, and i´ll never be able to enter the industry)? Remember that Patreon pornographers who makes those impressive animations will never enter the industry, so how could you? It´s not skill, it´s contacts - Spielberg´s neighbor who had this cool idea of a movie about a bouncing ball will have more chance to 'enter' the industry than you.

Anonymous No. 940857

how do you know that the pornographers are not also in the industry? Or wnat to be in teh industry, considering the pay.

Anonymous No. 940860

start deposit semen in your anus

Anonymous No. 940893

Art is 99% sucking dick and 1% skill.

Anonymous No. 940897

What do you want to do in animation, what part of the production? Ideally, you could get an internship, but those are for university students. Otherwise, in my experience, a lot of job listings ask for about 4 years of experience. That amount of experience is achievable, but hard to get, if you're not in the industry. This can be bypassed by not working at a big studio, or for a corporation, but something smaller or personal. Obviously, knowing a guy, or making friends with a guy can help you here, but it's all chance. I think, if you really want to get into the industry, you need to build a portfolio. Portfolios is the most important part of any art job application.

>I don't have a portfolio
Start building one, ideally, you want five of your best of the best art pieces in there. You'll submit it digitally in job applications. Do note, they will ask for you to link your website, it's optional, but always nice to have, because it's like another portfolio with more stuff in it.

Also, modify your portfolio to fit the job, if you have a piece that is good, and matches the studio, put it in there. Make your portfolio show you can do what the specific job you're applying for.

>I don't have anything to put in the portfolio
This is the hardest part, and you'll be constantly replacing things as you get better. You can volunteer on community projects, have a personal project, or use pieces from your job. It is a grind, there's no way around it. Remember, you don't need to be the most technically skilled, but compensate with concepts, composition, and good ideas. If you're really good technically, but suck at the concept part, make you're stuff very technical to show it off.

I'm not a professional 3D modeler, but I have some experience with other parts of the art industry, and studios. I hoped this helped.

Anonymous No. 940903

Getting completely AI'd right now as part of a mass collective industrial effort.

Anonymous No. 940941

I'm not op, but this is pretty helpful. Thanks bro

Anonymous No. 941010

why do you want to be a slave?
make your own animations, get a kickstarter going

Anonymous No. 941024

>Remember, you don't need to be the most technically skilled, but compensate with concepts, composition, and good ideas.
all of my "good ideas" come from ai prompting to generate concept art

Anonymous No. 941710


Anonymous No. 941711

he is talking out of his ass, but i detect hint of jealousy and envy. overall, malding.

Anonymous No. 942080

ive seen plenty of porn artists make a breakthrough into the industry, it just really depends on what kind of art youre producing.

Anonymous No. 942148

why would you want to work at a sweatshop?

Anonymous No. 942500

Never liked this guys tv shows.

>Tell me straight, is it realistic for someone to abandon everything and try to follow some general arts pathway looking at websites like Artstation and Scavenging the entire internet (piracy)? Or try College?
Do art as a hobby, definitely do not "abandon everything" you will regret it. Definitely do not pay for "art college" or get a loan. You will regret it. Consider yourself warned.

Anonymous No. 942508

it's over, the fuck are you doing?
AI is fucking us all

Anonymous No. 942600

It's more about your knowledge of animation, color etc. Models are basic.
>Art Director
3-5 years.
>Scavenging the entire internet (piracy)

Anonymous No. 942601


Anonymous No. 943493

If you're a hot girl, effortless.

Anonymous No. 943495

U are a homogay

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Anonymous No. 943496

This plus fitting into the socially accepted constraints in industry. Animation is no different from games. Its full of basedjaks who only employ basedjaks, minorities and hot girls. The ONLY reason I got a job in industry after 6 years of literally no interviews is because I was hired by an art director than ostensibly did not give a fuck about hiring practices and only hired on merit. It doesn't really happen these days.

I have however got absolutely wild stories of average to below average skill level women walking straight through the back doors and in some extreme cases getting senior for NO good reason.

Anonymous No. 943499

I meant to say basedjaks damn autocorrect

Anonymous No. 944034


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mr. thunder thighs No. 944050

Here's my best piece. I'm just a hobbyist. Never even learnt rigging/animating/sculpting/mapping or any other fancy stuff.

Potato PC, Core2duo g2030 with integrated graphics.

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mr. thunder thighs No. 944051

Second favorite piece

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mr. thunder thighs No. 944052

third favorite.
Also fuck captcha

Anonymous No. 944346

Make your own animations, unless you want to study in an ambience full of upper-middle clas libtards whining about
>sOCiAl IsUeSs
>muh police brutality
>communism is good aktually
>x is bad
oh and the last thing DONT ENTER A ANIMATION CAREER IN COLLEGE IF YOU ARE A WEEB! animation careers is full of tourists and people that doesnt actually see anime and only know shonen shit also they draw or callarts shit or tumblr level shit oh and also there is a lot of troons and other ill people, teachers will be woketards too and talk about muh cinematographic and inclusion.

the best way to enter the industry is by being a woketard drom the upper-middle class, and preferable a jew

Sinceraly, some anon that thanks to its country and economical level, can study for free, and was socially forced to enter college, so im here studyng an animation career, since it doesnt cost anything for my family

Anonymous No. 944368

Minor critique, the glass and outside looks whitewashed and unrealistic, the wood needs more contrast and would benefit from a specular map so you get a more authentic look. shorten up the handle on the window a bit, and give it a hint of anisotropic reflection.

There's a lot of fireflies (white pixels from noise generated during rendering.)

You should turn down samples a fair bit and use the de-noising feature, it'll save you a bit of render time and make it look much better.

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Anonymous No. 944496

I work at one of the animation studios in your list. The big names exploit artists, squash unions and pay as little as they can. If you don't like it, someone else will take it.

Anonymous No. 944684

>Is it better than pic related (made by me, and i´ll never be able to enter the industry)?
of course you won't, that pose is utter shit

Anonymous No. 946157

>I think the general question here is how to properly start a career in Art?
Learn the fundamentals, do not chase tech trends, just spend years making progressively more complicated work and doing your absolute best and putting the most effort in that you can every step of the way

>How much years does it take for you to become some kind of Art Director of medium-large studio?
~6-8 at the absolute minimum, more often over 10

>How many years of working experience
no one cares, in fact you have a better chance of getting into a place like this as your first job, they know they can pay you less. i'm not joking and i myself got in this way

>what general softwares to use; etc
No one at this level cares, if you do great work you can learn to do it with different steps, the tool is not the hard part
>Tell me straight, is it realistic for someone to abandon everything and try to follow some general arts pathway looking at websites like Artstation and Scavenging the entire internet (piracy)?
School will give you structure but also cost you lots of money and give you tons of other shit to do that isnt helpful. You absolutely do not need a degree so unless your parents have money DO NOT waste your time in school just repeat the above, grind out the practice, only hours and hours developing fundamental skills will get you anywhere

Anonymous No. 946440

show you work then coward

Anonymous No. 946459

>Patreon pornographers who makes those impressive animations
there's nothing impressive in what the porn niggers do, they literally just rip models that someone made and do the laziest possible shit.

Anonymous No. 946464

Most of them earn below minimum wage working longer hours. For that reason alone, porn is really not something to aspire to, even if it might be fun. If you want to earn the lucky big bucks, why don't you literally anything else with better odds, with the same skills?

Not to mention, all of the issues with earning your money that way. I have a feeling the ones who suddenly go quiet, have had their lives destroyed by the companies whose assets they're using, or by the government. It happens to sfw derivative makers over basically nothing.

Anonymous No. 946470

and yet they earn your yearly wage per month.

Anonymous No. 946548

I do sometimes wonder what if. What happens if for whatever reason I can't keep doing this. If I need to do something else and I don't have a degree. Will it fuck me over? Will I be unable to get any half decent job in a different industry without a degree?

And most importantly, are the people in this industry bearable to work with ? It certainly must be different than the animation industry in the 20th century and early 2000's

These are some questions to consider I think

Anonymous No. 947090


Anonymous No. 947206


Anonymous No. 947231

If you want to get in the industry, you gotta identify what job you want to do, first. Parts of the animation pipeline are delegated to individuals. Once, you identify the job you want, you need to base your portfolio on that. For example, if you want to be a storyboard artist, you need to only have storyboards in your portfolio. Additionally, you want to only have five of your best pieces in your portfolio. You can have all of the work you've done on your website, but the portfolio is gonna need to be short, and simple, since the hiring guys will only look at if for five minimum, before onto the next applicant.

Next, you need to apply for jobs. I'm not going to sugar-coat this, getting into the industry is the hardest part, because people want the best, and ask for prior industry experience. So, you need to either get into an internship (they want college kids or fresh graduates), or you mass apply. It is important to note, that most online job applications have hundreds of people like you applying at once. So, you need to send the studio your portfolio. You find the guy that hires, and you send him your work, maybe a physical portfolio, or something digital. An example of this working is a YouTuber named Dong Chang. He's from Canada, and got a job in a Japanese 2d animation studio as a keyframer. What he did was look at the credits of an anime, and found a certain job title, and sent that guy his work. He did it, until he found a job. Additionally, there is job conventions that happen, a lot of them are in Southern California. These conventions allow you to talk to studios, and show them your portfolio. It's tough, because many people don't want to take a chance on someone inexperienced in the industry, and the finite amount of jobs, but you gotta keep grinding.

Anonymous No. 947581

6-8 years.

Anonymous No. 949328

I'm a 2D Animator have been working in TV for years and am tired of it I really want to go into 3D animation probably Maya. Got laid off and am looking for work and when I search for the word "animator" the jobs are mostly 3D. Really wish I had the time and $ to go through AnimSchool in the meantime I'll have to learn Maya on my own.
Also was sad to hear about how the SONY animators were treated like that sounds like a dream job but I don't want to work 12hrs/7days a week. I did that in 2D Animation already.

Anonymous No. 949329

if you type like this, chances are your entire portfolio is unoriginal shit