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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 940971

/ic/ tourist here, just wanted to say I hate every single one of you talentless soulless smug fuckin cunts
your employability hinges on your ability to pirate as many asset libraries as possible
99% of you have no eye for shapes or rythm
On top of that you also probably smell bad
That's all, take care

Anonymous No. 940973

You're probably just salty because someone made fun of you for being a blender beginner. Your models wouldn't look like shit and would be less laughable if you used a real 3d program.

Anonymous No. 941148

>99% of you have no eye for shapes or rythm
That percentage is even worse on /ic/

Anonymous No. 941171

I look like this.