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🗑️ 🧵 this is condisered the level of industry pros

Anonymous No. 941240

This was made by a real industry pro master team on billion dollar movie and not some industry pro larper here.

Anonymous No. 941242

pyw cris

Anonymous No. 941246

At least it's not a black person fighting the nazis in WWII. You have to give them that.

Anonymous No. 941260

Out of all the historically inaccurate stuff they did you cited something that actually happened. Congratulations.

Anonymous No. 941263


Anonymous No. 941269

That's (likely a few) animatronic puppets...

Anonymous No. 941271

Yoda with a Spetsdöd

Anonymous No. 941274

And a million dollar render farm and a jewish banker's budget and the experience behind dozens of movies and video games made by Lucas Arts and Industrial Light and Magic. Don't pull that shit here. I am a pro and know how it's done.

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tyrone von frankf....jpg

Anonymous No. 941290

>At least it's not a black person fighting the nazis in WWII.

you meant, atleast it's not a BLACK NAZI right?

Anonymous No. 941302

I mean, it's a puppet.

Anonymous No. 941343

as someone who works as a artist in the industry. This is the type of shit when a client requests it. I guarantee no one thought it looked good, but either some producer or the episode director pushed for it. I cant tell you how many times clients request bad looking shit.

Anonymous No. 941344

Great. Now everybody is larping as "people who work as artists in the industry".

Anonymous No. 941348

post the version where it gets shot then pissed on as it's squirming

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Anonymous No. 941358

why are you giving my browser aids?

Anonymous No. 941379

Looks like you need to download Microsoft Edge for Linux. It's available now.

Anonymous No. 942380

anon he never said that didnt happen