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Anonymous No. 941353

>over a month into my project and too burnt out to finish

Anonymous No. 941354

burn out doesn't exist pussy

I started a project in 2019 and I'm gonna finish it next month, what's your excuse

Anonymous No. 941355

>I started a project in 2019 and I'm gonna finish it next month
sure thing buddy. Just two more weeks.

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the chair nerd No. 941377


Anonymous No. 941389

stop generating these retarded templates

the chair nerd No. 941392

Yes sir. Roger that.

Anonymous No. 941402

kek being perfectionist i can relate, coming back to something i started years ago and getting heated up about it

Anonymous No. 941417

skill level? Maybe you should try to focus on learning specific stuff you find cool instead of trying to tackle a big project.

Anonymous No. 941448

Just take a break, your project will still be there when you're ready to work on it again.

Anonymous No. 941458

the only actual "project" you have is to annoy the shit out of this board, cris.

Anonymous No. 941473

me too man, a month is nothing, i've also been working on one single character since september 2020. step it up bro. if oyu don't develop a resistance to frustation and burn out you might as well be better off qutting now, like a bitch.

Anonymous No. 941512

2 personas of Chris

Anonymous No. 943745

you dont have a project
if you do post

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Anonymous No. 943750

>Start doing animations (Not porn) about a certain game in blender
>Make content practically every second/third day
>It's not even shit, i am actually improving
>Want to improve even more, try to constantly 1-up myself evert video, even though i don't need to because most people who watched my stuff would eat the laziest shit and call it a masterpiece (Proven by me actually posting low quality shit once to test it out and watching the reactions)
>Improved to the point where there is only like a pair-trio of people i know in the community (Who don't do porn) who i can consider better than me, and by a kilometer at that
>Some time passes
>Absolutely full of ideas but haven't finished a single animation in months
>Keep starting new ones and abandoning them too
>Open old ones, "Nah i dont want to", and close blender
>Keep doing that all the time, maybe making like a fraction of a percent of progress rarely
I am not even burnt out, i actually want to continue making stuff and love doing so, just can't get myself to work on it and this eats me from inside. One would consider taking a break, but i am constantly on one by now because of that shit. I know one day i will snap back to being productive (it happened before) but i want to speed up the wait. Any tips?

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Anonymous No. 943764

this. i'm the only one in my friend group that can do anything in blender and they ate up the crap i made (still unsure if they were too kind or the lack of content made the bar low). eventually improved to a point where they told me i can sell my work. now im stuck in the EXACT same situation. what the fuk is this wormhole we got ourselves into? how do we break out of this?

Anonymous No. 944769

you can do it OP, get some coffee

Anonymous No. 944778

I'm also in a similar situation.
It's been about a year since I've actually posted something new on social media. Growth has all but stopped, and I still have the urge to make new things. I'm constantly drawing sketches for new things, go to start them, get like 25% done with it and then abandon it. All the while doing commissions that I can't post to my socials, so while I "am working", I'm not really getting anywhere.
Then I'll work on a commission, and think either I don't have time to work on personal shit, or I'm too tired to work on it because I'm "on a job". Or I will work on a personal project during my free time, but then feel guilty because "If I have free time, that's time I SHOULD be using on the commission", even if it's time I set aside.
I give myself a generous break after, start a new personal project, get partway done, get a new commission and then repeat the cycle.
I'm not exactly making mad bank from commissions, and it's just enough to stay afloat, so it's not like I can just stop doing them. Especially since I think my GPU is slowly dying (I can't render more than 50 frames before a crash, so I can't render overnight), and I'm trying to save up to buy a new one.
Even when I do have time for a personal project, I can't even do something simple, and have to try and surpass what I've done before making projects larger than they need to be.
I don't think I'm burnt out, but I'm definitely getting there. I just want 3d to be fun again.

Anonymous No. 944996

>Any tips?

... after ~ 25minutes into a task, you are hooked onto it, even when you are not in the mood to do it, and mostly keep up doing it automatically - brain needs some time to load all infos about it into the consciousness until it overrides your lack of motivation!

doing some stuff that isnt directly with the project related is a good entry point too .... last time i had a big break i organised my geometry nodes into a library where every node got his own file, wrote some explainations, tweaked them for more usabilty, more overview, no more mismatch ... such stuff motivates!

Anonymous No. 945048

Then shelf it. Come back to it later maybe if you think it's worth it. "Murder Your Darlings"
Let go of your favorite work if it helps you move on and become more productive and leads to higher quality work.
IMO you should work on smaller projects to get experience and a motivating sense of accomplishment that comes from finishing something.
Meanwhile focus on working faster. Just go. Make shit, it doesn't have to be prefect. Imagine you have 1 day or 1 week to do some big project and you get paid a stack of money if it's competed, regardless of quality.
Quality comes with practice and proper inspiration. You can't force it, but you can force speed.
Once you get better at working fast, you can make something in one month that would take other people a year of shitty grinding.