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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 941396


Anonymous No. 941397

fuck hyper

Anonymous No. 941398

i hate that faggot cunt with painted nails and autism reloads, also hate how every reload now is copied after mw2019

Anonymous No. 941406

but they look cool

Anonymous No. 941410

mad bc bad

Anonymous No. 941416

that's not hyper, that's the faggot furry

Anonymous No. 941423

you guys are really the embodiment of the "i oppose the current thing" meme

Anonymous No. 941429

it isn't that impressive once you download the video and play it frame by frame, there is a shit ton of clipping in all his animations

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Anonymous No. 941447


Anonymous No. 941455

Yes, we know Reddit is the current thing.

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Anonymous No. 942204

Impressive, now let's see what you've animated.

Anonymous No. 943787

did you think about that one before posting or are you just pretending its not retarded?

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giant enemy crab.jpg

Anonymous No. 943907

I am thoroughly and utterly disgusted by the current animation reload trend. I think the reload style that MW2019 popularized looks really tryhardy and gay, like those little snaps and jiggles to be all tacticool like. So gay. Worst of all I absolutely hate when at the end of many reloads they like slam the butt of the rifle into their shoulder causing that gay ass jiggle, like the guy holding the weapon is made of fucking pudding. Gay as fuck. My anger is multiplied tenfold when that "end-reload-jiggle" happens with fucking pistols. PISTOLS. So there isn't even a physical object causing the operator to jiggle like a jellyfish, the animator just HAD to cram that stupid shit in there. Gay max to the extreme.

Now the MW2 reloads on the other hand, now that's the stuff, the right balance between believable, tactical and stylish, they did 'em in such a way that feels natural and not forced. Mwah

There's no doubt in my mind that these new animators that ape MW2019 reloads are skilled, I just think the artistic direction they chose to go with their animations sucks balls, like they're trying way too hard to be tacticool and end up looking fake and gay and forced as fuck. Gay.

Anonymous No. 944186

spotlight bias

Anonymous No. 944193

to be honest I like the new reload trend, i love these from one of my favorite game

Anonymous No. 944259

>grrr, i dont like these animators and they make me angry. wait, you want me to post my animations now? fuck you, retard.
nice blogpost faggots, no one cares

Anonymous No. 946577

genuinely looks like shit, out of touch boomer etc.
>le fingers twitching in every reload

Anonymous No. 946663

fucking finally someone said it

Anonymous No. 946685

Is making a reel of guns and reloads considered offensive in this day and age? I feel like it could be.

Anonymous No. 946691

What is NOT considered offensive in this day and age?

Anonymous No. 946693

>emergency empty
whats the difference?

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Anonymous No. 946705

Human hands are made of flesh which is light. Guns are made of stamped metal and plastic, which are heavier than flesh.

The forces have to go somewhere during fast motions. What you think is rubbery animation followthrough is actually called overshoot.

Ki2's overshoot here is something human movements just do. It happens when adrenaline is high, because the brain is less able to perform precise control, due to resolution loss in exchange for a greater observational throughput.

Please for the love of god, learn how to handle real firearms and maybe read about competitive shooting before you say completely stupid things.

What you actually want is for the guns to move like they're made of paper, like they're weightless 3D models, because you personally feel like the guns being heavier makes you feel weaker and emasculated.

If you feel emasculated by a reload mechanic, I can only imagine how dysfunctional your life is.

Anonymous No. 946754

it's just the name of it, I guess he named it that way because it happens as an "emergency"

Anonymous No. 946810


I know nothing about the game, but I'm gonna guess it has to do with reloading faster at the expense of losing the entire magazine that was in your gun.

If the mag is already empty, then it only really benefits the player to use the emergency reload. Might just be an attention to detail thing. Insurgency Sandstorm does something similar.

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Anonymous No. 946842

Well, this one is at least creative, and animating tentacles is hard skill.

Anonymous No. 946849

>and animating tentacles is hard skill.
i mean, not really

Anonymous No. 946850

i always heard that tentacle movements are some sort of an animators' nightmare when they're actually moving and doing stuff and are not just some floating in the air accessory

Anonymous No. 946852

its just tubes and this was literally just first person around the barrel of a gun. They hardly did anything. Stop defending this guy.

Anonymous No. 946922

That's because they are. it's always kinda hard to get the right follow-through with them to make them feel right., especially making them feel sticky

Anonymous No. 947089

you sound butthurt, like in a gay way

Anonymous No. 947611

i remember when gamebanana was infested with animators trying to emulate mw2 animations back in 2010

Anonymous No. 947614

based. i hate modern FPS animations, they are so obnoxious and "in your face"
What i hate the MOST is when they shake and move your view. dont fucking do that, ever

Anonymous No. 947616

>every post mw 2019 animation:
>camera shake
>weapon tilted, if it's a pistol it's in that low ready pose
>exaggerated animation that pauses movement every .5 seconds

Anonymous No. 947642

i imagine this became much easier a decade ago and its even easier now as we can use more complex rigs and physics simulation

Anonymous No. 947643

holy shit what is that disgusting smg at 0:42
unwatchable video at this point

Anonymous No. 947723

show your work then, coward!!

Anonymous No. 949440

it's some kind of vector

Anonymous No. 952370

Why is /3/ so obsessed with defending this shit reload trend?
>it's twitchy and guns are le heavy so THEREFORE ITS REALISTIC!!
>no, I have not watched any video material on actual military forces reloading, how could you tell?
Holy shit grow up

Anonymous No. 952382

post reloads that you like

Anonymous No. 952509

how is it offensive? only the craziest snowflakes would take offense at that reel.

Anonymous No. 952510

can you give me an example of "actual military forces reloading"?

Anonymous No. 952746

And I want to make a game where if you move your mouse (and thus, your view) with the reloads, you reload faster.

Anonymous No. 952808

>Well, this one is at least creative
It's not, it's boring.

>nightmare when they're actually moving
No, only people with bad fundamentals (like that Youtuber) will find it difficult. Tentacles are just literal curves. There aren't many more basic forms than that. If people can't express anything with it like he didn't, they've got issues.

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Anonymous No. 952858

so no one's gonna comment on his "other" animations?

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Anonymous No. 952861

>Older animations
Indulge me on the elusive reloader furfag animator lore.

Anonymous No. 952868

nothing really interesting as far as i know (im not part of le quirky twitter furry porn artist clique) but LayzuhKatz, the guy who does the quirky modern warfare reloads being discussed in this thread has an alt where he posts the "naughty" stuff named Conningvrat or something

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Anonymous No. 952869

>"NO guys it's not sexual we just like the anima--
>Makes faggot porn
Why do they keep doing this.
I wonder if Mittens and Genowhirl have something hidden like that up their asssleeve too.

Anonymous No. 952871

>Why do they keep doing this.
ask yourself this and think about it for a second.

why do people draw/animate porn? because its profitable, especially furry smut. have you seen how much cash those fucks make in their patreon pages?