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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 941437

What's the career path that is very specialized and hard to replace?
I'm 2d artist, learning 3d for about a year but i see so much competition and automation that i feel like i could focus on something very specifc.

Anonymous No. 941438

fuck off poopreet we're full

Anonymous No. 941441

Government job as a nurse working in elderly care. Don't blame me. You asked.

Anonymous No. 941451

Honestly nothing is safe not in 3D nor elsewhere. Machine learning will do what stable diffusion and it's like is doing to 2D to 3D as well, prob within a year or two.
Creative jobs now seems like they gonna be the first ones to go since those are the interesting ones where loads of effort is poured into the research by people enthusiastic about what they do. But machine learning can be trained towards any task and be just as competent there and coupled with advancements in robotics and computer vision it means that drones are soon gonna be
able to roam the complex real world, just as we can, and go perform any tasks in the physical environment ranging from cleaning the streets to performing brain surgery.

If you are a young artist today I'd recommend you to pour your effort into doing whatever it is you love doing. Make sure it's something you find intrinsic value in the process of doing
rater than reaching the end result. Like the warpdrive has been engaged and we're rapidly heading towards a future where not just artists but no human effort, save that from few genius level individuals is gonna remain relevant at all.

In the coming decades we're gonna go through a very painful transition where our aged politicians and the public is slowly becoming aware how the consumerbase is being destroyed.
Machines will replace increasing number of jobs but since algorithms don't get a salary and do not buy any products they'll destroy the economy at the same rate they're adopted.
At this point the democracies of the world will likely start voting in leaders that will democratize ownership of production and place everyone on universal base income.

Anonymous No. 941457

>that wall of pseudo intellectual palaver
you could have just said "mom I'm gay"

Anonymous No. 941465

Just because your attention span isn't developed enough to read a whole paragraph doesn't mean it's 'pseudo'.
Imagine a world where nobody's more articulate than yourself and just went 'it's gay, lol' at everything, we'd still be monkeys playing with our own feces.

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desert of the real.jpg

Anonymous No. 941469


just get really good a talking bullshit, people have no capacity for discernment, they will do what you tell them and you'll get payed more than the pleb wagies

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 941474

>desert of the real
what did they mean by that anyways? like it's a desert full of real shit? i mean when i'm talking about the sahara i don't say it's a "desert of water" that's nonesense, the sahara is a desert of sand, so saying the desert of the real means its a desert that's entirely real with nothing fantastic or imaginary? or do they mean it like "just deserts" and so when you're in the desert of the real, you living in the results or outcome of realness?

Anonymous No. 941508

Be a jack of all trades. If AI kills jobs, you'll specialize in the jobs that are still useful.

Anonymous No. 942208

Bespoke furry porn.

Not joking

Anonymous No. 942211

It is already getting AI'd, I know a few whales in the community (spending $4k+ USD per month on commissions) who already went full AI and stopped commissioning altogether, generating like hundreds of pictures everyday for their own coomsument.

Anonymous No. 942703

Nope. Coomers need someone else to make their porn otherwise they cant get off to it. has to be specific to their likings.
only people fucked over by this are non sexual artists for games etc.

Anonymous No. 942763


Anonymous No. 942770

>not a doctor
when agi comes student debt won't matter

Anonymous No. 943422

technical animator

Anonymous No. 943424

very soon all rigs, and simulations will be done by AI (1 year)

Anonymous No. 943426

good thing is that's not what technical animator does,retard

Anonymous No. 943427

a technical animator does simulations and sets up rigs

Anonymous No. 943428

no, that's a rigger and a simulations guy
technical animator knows the animation engine, sets up state machines and all the logic behind, works with programmers on implementing new features for the engine.. I really doubt AI would be able to replace that guy any time soon

Anonymous No. 943429

and of course I'm talking about vidya industry chads, not the film VFX pajeets

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Anonymous No. 943430


Anonymous No. 943498

do what does technical animator do in film industry? you guys are so poor you don't have a separate person for rigging and simulations?

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Anonymous No. 943520

>>all around repair man

infrastructure is falling apart, lots of money in building and repairs

but if you're like me, staying indoors for life, then I don't know yet

maybe create an AI waifu and trap simps

Anonymous No. 943522

>vidya industry slaves

Anonymous No. 943533

why? film cucks are those with 12h work days and work weekends before the deadline, retard

Anonymous No. 943720

Hair cards.

Anonymous No. 943721

I consider my time on the computer leisurely. If I get a job as a 3d monkey or a code monkey, I will have no time to be on the computer at my own pace. It’s why I stuck to being a tradesmonkey and not stink my room up with cum just like you wfh faggots. Besides, I make more money and have more off days than you cunts will ever have kek.

Anonymous No. 943736

Whats wrong with doing paid overtime? You don't like making money or something? This isn't the game industry where we work late for free because of muh passion