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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 941481


Anonymous No. 941483

Still looks better than your work, chud

Anonymous No. 941484

I thought the first film looked like a prerendered cutscene from a videogame, but this looks like an actual game... wtf?

Anonymous No. 941485

lel i've just started watching it and there's rough looking shots early on for some reason. mostly fine by the 20 minute mark though.
the daylight scenes with real humans comped in tho, i dunno man...

Anonymous No. 941486

Yeah can't imagine the film would look like that screenshot, it's reminiscent of the infamous Mos Eisley shots Lucas added to the 97 'special edition' of the original Star Wars.

Anonymous No. 941503

atrocious composition, wtf is even happening in this pic
>hmm, hummies
and that neo m60 with grenade launcher and main part of iron sights removed

Anonymous No. 941509

Games look better than this, at least they have cohesion.

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Anonymous No. 941529

One of the only three worthwhile mini-giantess scenes in the entire movie.

>Create a race of mini-giants because literally peepee and everyone like mini super-strong giantesses.
>As in, literally literally, he admitted it in one interview.
>Doesn't show any mini-giantess scenes in the entire movie.


Anonymous No. 941596

That looks like those cheap 3d depictions from national geographic magazines back in the early 2000s

Anonymous No. 941597

there is literally nothing wrong with this. The movie was meant to be seen in 3D stereo :(which I saw it in) and you wont even notice.

Anonymous No. 941598

It is wrong, but immersion shouldn't absolve flaws, you're just describing your psychological state back then, while immersed and how it blinded you but it's irrelevant for the discussion of the flaw as such.

Anonymous No. 941604

there is no flaw

Anonymous No. 941611

No that anon but as someone who came equipped with these golf-ball sized gelatin kinda spheres which senses photons
located on the front of my skull I can testify that there are indeed numerous flaws present in that image.

Anonymous No. 941615

As it happens some weeks ago I've downloaded a very high quality cam that looked like OPs, and skipped around just a few scenes, reaching that... it instantly made me lose interest and thinking that I might as well wait for the bluray rip if I'm going to watch.

Anonymous No. 941623

finally got a chance to watch the rest and yeah
90+% of it the best cg you'll have seen and then there's a handful of shots early on that are weird.
i have no idea why kept that shot in.

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Anonymous No. 941802

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HDR to SDR via Mo....jpg

Anonymous No. 941803

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HDR to SDR via st....jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 941805

Same frame as OP.

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HDR to SDR via st....jpg

Anonymous No. 941806

Same frame as OP.

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HDR to SDR via Mo....jpg

Anonymous No. 941807

They've apparently used Spline for the SDR web release.

Anonymous No. 941826

show your work then

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Anonymous No. 941831

ehhh, in the age of answers everyone seems to be so fucking focused on figuring everything out themselves. Animators, instead of searching for answers try to make their own way by pushing their own work forward no matter if it's good or bad. When first avatar came out it respected cinematography, composition and despite having shit story was generally a good piece of art. Now it all changed since all those children without a clue who always had "great ideas" but never wanted to learn anything to execute these ideas are given power to literally do what they want, but they don't have any taste or ability to discern good from bad, as such we end up with shit like this.

This is my theory at least.

Anonymous No. 941854

>Now it all changed since all those children without a clue who always had "great ideas" but never wanted to learn anything to execute these ideas are given power to literally do what they want, but they don't have any taste or ability to discern good from bad, as such we end up with shit like this.

But how? The competition is fiercer than ever. The budgets are huge, and the salaries drop. How is it possible that ideaskids without skills are at the helm now and produce poor work?

Anonymous No. 941855

There are more productions in the world than there is talent available to work on those projects so the available skilled artisans
are spread too thin for thunder to happen the way it used to when Hollywood was in it's prime.

The knowledge necessary to operate the complex tools we have availible well requires people to bring game that is growing more and more scarce as people retire.
CGI 20 years ago was lead by teams populated by the same people who established our entire industry and created our tools and understood our tech inside out.
Those people are gone and the torch has been passed onto people tasked with operating equipment they understand less while asked to do more and for cheaper.

Artists, as in real artists who live for the art 1st and the paycheck 2nd, are no longer attracted to get into the corporate industry.
Their talent that could've brought new life is stripped away from these mega productions and instead focused on more numerous
but less accessible and much more limited in scope indie projects.

Anonymous No. 941886

these do look a bit better. it such a terrible shot though

Anonymous No. 942499

games are starting to look movie level now so it's not really surprising.

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Anonymous No. 942786

artist kind of explain it here.


The issue is that the old guard of the 90's pretty much is on retirement age now.

Schools not longer teach the fundamentals that the 90's guys had, because they still were forced to learn like the pre computer era artists had.

There were no digital tricks, composition, blender and autotune and other shit the average artist in the 80's in america or japan had to be.

But now, every kid in school literally learn to push a button, but never tries to draw by hand on pen and paper.

Name a single school that tries to make the kids to actually fucking learn to draw and animate with pen and paper, without reference.

That doesn't mean the talent is not there.
But the actual fucking talented kids today are making their own ideas, mangas and animations for some porn patreon or a youtube or tiktok channel and making more money and recognition than the pajeets at the industry.

Just compare the pixel art quality of some indies versus what the industry can make.

Anonymous No. 942867

>or a youtube or tiktok channel and making more money
making irregular good art isnt optimal for those and why would they bother doing good art on youtube when there are madlads earning 10 times more animating gacha life screenshots

Anonymous No. 942974

Average American mindset, this is the reason every single studio is outsourcing now, why pay mentally challenged Americans to do less for a higher salary

Anonymous No. 942977

missing my point.

Why wageslave for american globohomo corps when you can make your own IP you actually own?

specially if you have the talent to do so.

Anonymous No. 942978

Lmaooo it's why I work stem where I can make a huge impact with little work responsibilities as much as possible.

Anonymous No. 942980

more like i missed your delusion.
you dont need talent for patreon or youtube

btw most of pixel art i see nowadays is just obnoxious zoomers trying to be quirky, its nowhere near the japanese digital art from 90s

Anonymous No. 942987

>only pixel shitters are the only pixel artists that exist
maybe you're used to pixel shit, because the current pros of pixel art usually don't bother making indie games.

dunno why.

But you're stupid claiming there's not current top tier pixel artists today.

Also, you can be rich of low effort porn shit, yes.

but why aim for the lowest effort today, if you have the fucking talent to do good shit?

Anonymous No. 942988

>But you're stupid claiming there's not current top tier pixel artists today.
i meant to say that most of the pixel art today makes me cringe, not exactly all of it(that almost never happens)
>but why aim for the lowest effort today, if you have the fucking talent to do good shit?
its funny to me that you thought of manga and youtube(and tiktok?) as a good way to utilize good skills and earn optimal amounts of money with that
and i hope you dont actually believe that anybody cares quality in current year, you might get some fans, but fans are not going to pay you more than consoomers

nice taste, i remember fapping to those sprites long time ago

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sony vs indies.webm

Anonymous No. 942990

>people dont care about quality today
funny how some indie game shits on everything Sony made.

Anonymous No. 942994

>brown nosing some random chinese 3d artist's poor work
why? what do you get out of this?

Anonymous No. 943073

Some stuff is just there for looking good. But the leaves not being animated is a bit lazy and not needed most of the time.

Anonymous No. 943074

It is just a preview before being rendered (calculated) completely. If you would render everthing in real-time it would take some minutes to see only 1 image.