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Anonymous No. 941504

I'm going back to Maya. Just because Blender 3.5 is free doesn't make it any better unless you pay for plugins made by people who never worked in the industry before lmao kek.

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Anonymous No. 941527

average maya user

Anonymous No. 941535

blender + boxcutter is useful for quickly blocking out the size of level design elements (how wide to make a corridor, how long to make a climbing section for gameplay elements to work), but you might just as well do that in any other application. that's literally it: you can make dirty low poly garbage that you're going to delete fast.

Anonymous No. 941818

thanks for reminding me to renew my student license (im 34) heh

Anonymous No. 941820

maya 2024 has stack based booleans. its over for boxcutter.

Anonymous No. 941824

autodesk is losing
fuck them for killing softimage
good riddance

Anonymous No. 941841

??? You do know Autodesk makes most of their money on engineering CAD programs right? They are not going anywhere Cris. So long as Blender keeps lighting a fire up under Autodesk's stinky ass I am perfectly fine with using Maya. Until then keep shilling Blender will be industry standard one day even if it takes 3 more decades.

Anonymous No. 941917

so cool that you're at school to improve yourself at that age, anon

Anonymous No. 941925

What's with retards thinking you need to be in school for an edu license? lmao You could be 14 years out of uni like that anon as long as you have your transcripts lmao.

Anonymous No. 941945


Anonymous No. 941947

>Industry standards
I worked in the industry for a while and I can tell you that they’ll just throw any deprecated license they have lying around at you, may it be 3ds 2008 or maya 2011 and you’ll just have to cope with it. But you can ask your supervisor to install the latest version of blender on your machine and most of them will say yes without a second thought.

Anonymous No. 941954

>4chan kid finally lands job in the industry
>first day announces to his boss that he will be using hobbyist freeware
>no longer works in the industry
the brief and wonderful career of a blender shill

Anonymous No. 941964

I literally just post a blank page with current year, my name and a random university from their list. No one reads those documents, it's automatic.

Anonymous No. 941971


Anonymous No. 942010

>face you make when you have to pay $3,000 per month instead of a one time payment of $30 for a plugin

Anonymous No. 942024

Studios can afford it. Freelancers can foot the bill to the client. Hobbyists can pirate it. What is the issue here? You are delusional malding blendfag

Anonymous No. 942027

don't respond to blender pajeets.

Anonymous No. 942043

failed bait rajeesh
dont respond to pajeets who dont know Maya INdie exists for.. you know, indie/individual users. and no as Freelancers You dont foot the bill for software You bought for Your client you retard.