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๐Ÿงต It's Over

Anonymous No. 941620

Ever since Picasso they just keep coming out

All hail the age of Kris

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Anonymous No. 941622


Anonymous No. 941625

AI won't replace my ability to separate my client's money from my clients. I'm not an artist I'm a merchant.

Cry me a river hehe.

Anonymous No. 941637

First example is literally smoke and mirrors.
He's got a bunch of premade assets (a few buildings, a table model, "L Shaped gargen", and he's calling them up. At most the AI is just placing them where they need to go. The prose largely doesn't need to be there, and I'm positive it does fuck all in the example. In all likelihood the "example" is faked. The dude made a fucking asset browser.

Second example just plain looks like shit. Which I guess is how you can tell it's AI generated. Still a while to go before it's really usable. Instead of seeing it as a threat though, it's better to see it as a means of filling your scene with more detail than you could have ever managed to do alone. Plenty of clutter objects can be generated and used to fill your scene that you've modeled yourself.
Not to mention I highly doubt any of those models will ever have clean geometry.
If you genuinely think "it's over" I hardly believe you've ever gotten started.

Anonymous No. 941647

Anon, you do remember that like 4 years ago AI could only do 200x200 images that barely resembled the prompts, right?

Anonymous No. 941681

these are grifters trying to get free money from venture capitalists who have a poor understanding of ai. people think this is the birth pangs of ai, but i say it's its death throws. like in crypto, the satoshi bitcoin paper was the birth of crypto, now every shitcoin grift and fraudulent exchange is the twitching of a lifeless corpse.

Anonymous No. 941682


Anonymous No. 941696

I can smell the pile of shit games coming from this pile of shit tech in the future. They need to make a tag so these games can get filtered out of my eyes. I don't wanna play something where there is no love poured into. Sure you can use this to prototype and get beta releases out for playtesting. But if people start using this shit in production games then I guess I'm not ever playing those games

Anonymous No. 941724

steam already has a ton low effort rpgmaker games and other crap that you don't see already. like go to "new releases" then pick "see more: all new releases" then scroll and scroll and scroll an endless feed of random indie shit that no one is ever going to play.

Anonymous No. 941744

Doesn't seem like you've even read what I posted.
First example is clearly fake bullshit. Second example looks like shit, but could be useful in years to come. Which I said. Not word for word, but I did mention it in a positive light.
Why there's 2 of these threads is beyond me.

Good thing that bank shut down then.

Anonymous No. 941779

jesus christ i just did that.....
they need an AI Art tag soon or else steam is going to go to shit (inb4 it already has)

Anonymous No. 941789

>>544 tech companies w/ layoffs
>>157688 employees laid off

wagie wagie, get the fuck outta the cagie
AI AI, will replace your wagies

Anonymous No. 941797

the layoffs are because of the rising interest rates not because of ai lmao

Anonymous No. 942170


no you just draw some pictures and try to sell them. a merchant has useful items. they also lack the level of faggot you carry

Anonymous No. 942171


like u give a shit about games made with love faggot you only started to care because it got easier to make them and you need a reason to dislike ai cause it scares you