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๐Ÿงต Blender 2.79

Anonymous No. 941911

Come Back

Anonymous No. 941949

It won't because video cards don't sell themselves. You have to periodically raise the minimum requirements and make your software slower and less useful.

Anonymous No. 941999

The 2.8+ performance regression mainly affects the CPU.
GPU performance has if anything increased. But since that's basically just rendering it hardly matters.

Anonymous No. 942003


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Anonymous No. 942213

this guy's doing god's work

Anonymous No. 942244

I'd use Blender 2.79 if the UI was more user-friendly.

Anonymous No. 942246

The Blender UI is not user friendly. The difference is that 2.8+ adds nothing of value and it's a lot slower. If your computer can run it at all.

Anonymous No. 942247

>no OptiX
>no Eevee
>obsolete NLM denoiser
>no geometry nodes
>no asset browser
>no viewport compositor

Sorry, brah, but I can't.

Anonymous No. 942248

no Eevee - it's a plus if you consider that on modern hardware the internal render runs almost realtime and it does that with just the CPU

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Anonymous No. 942291

This was the last release when texture painting was still functional before Pablo fucked it up and left. Hence a lot of Japanese artists will not go past this version.

Anonymous No. 942295

link to vtuber?

Anonymous No. 942296

the old internal render is based, i wish there was a way to bring it back

Anonymous No. 942311

>the old internal render is based

Anonymous No. 942317


Anonymous No. 942318


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Anonymous No. 942433

very good anon

Anonymous No. 942587

Can you elaborate? How did it get fucked up? any sources you can provide me with? Even comparisons between 2.79 painting and 3.4-5 would help tremendously

>t. python programmer enthusiast and going to attempt fixing it for modern blender

Anonymous No. 942637
