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Endless Engines_1.webm

๐Ÿงต Endless Engines Challenge

Anonymous No. 941973

Did your clip make the cut?

Anonymous No. 941975

whenever these things show up i watch the first few, get bored and skip to the end and never think about any of the people who spent days making free content for someone else's channel.

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Endless Engines_2.webm

Anonymous No. 941976

It's free advertising, motivation to work within constraints and inspiration from others doing the same thing as you.

the chair nerd No. 941982

We don't do anything productive in this board sir.

Anonymous No. 941983

>It's free advertising
only for you, clint

Anonymous No. 941995

>free advertising
For what? Do you really think anyone is going to look at a single 6s clip in a video with hundreds and expend the minimal effort of looking you up?
It's just not gonna happen. Get out of your dreamworld. ADHD scrollbrain zoomers pat themselves on the back for sitting through a 5 min video, they're not going to bother looking you up, even if the link is right there.
Not to mention most people won't give a shit when it's placed next to pop-culture shit that's not even halfway good as yours because it doesn't have bing-bing-wahoo characters in it for them to identify with.
And of course, lastly, most of the people watching these are most likely other 3d artists. The people that aren't going to go out and ask ANOTHER 3d artist to do a job for them, and studios won't be wasting their time paying their employees to do something for free like this, so they're not going to be hiring you for something they've seen here.

It really is just the dude grifting for ad revenue and free content from others.
Other dude said it perfectly, it's only "free advertising" for the dude's channel.

Anonymous No. 941996

That's a lot of words anon. Take it easy. You don't have to participate or get personally offended. Other animators aren't as buttbothered but I guess they haven't taken the cynical death pill yet.

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Anonymous No. 941997

This. Most threads are just casual Q and A.

Anonymous No. 941998

Advertising what? outsourcing?

Anonymous No. 942072

Don't tell me what to do faggot.
All I'm really saying is that no one cares about your work in it, so why fucking bother? You're not advertising yourself. It's just to line the faggot's pocket and you bought it hook line and sinker.
>You don't have to participate or get personally offended
I'm personally offended that these shitty threads pop up advertising this grifter every time a "challenge" of his pops up. Retards a-fucking-bound.

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Endless Engines_3.webm

Anonymous No. 942073

Anonymous No. 942086

What's the actual return on investment in terms of new followers/art directors in your inbox if you participate? Are the artists all students or hobbyists or does it legitimately help drive business for serious professionals? A breakdown of returning artists vs new faces would give a clue.

the chair nerd No. 942132

Let me tell you a little story about posting shit on social media
>Be me 5 years ago
>I have a business with a partner, we specialize on archviz and arch product viz
>Me: Goes to every construction company in our country to have meetings with the marketing departments.
>Him: No we must get famous. Proceeds to post our work on social media and yes we get recognized, very.
My inbox: 1 or two mesaages
His inbox: Thousands of messages.
>A year passes
My result: We made 2 new clients.
His result: Now he has to block thousand of arabs, chinks and pajeets asking for him to tell what software what engine hurr dur please teach me.

Anonymous No. 942149

>It's free advertising
you mean creating content for someone's YT channel for free?

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Anonymous No. 942153

I was making something like this until I realised I know barely any animation basics.

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Anonymous No. 942156

Barely put any work into it but this would be the idea

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Endless Engines_4.webm

Anonymous No. 942201

Multi-track drifting is a classic and could've worked really well.

Anonymous No. 942218

>Do you really think anyone is going to look at a single 6s clip in a video with hundreds and expend the minimal effort of looking you up?
I did. There's a few people from previous challenges I follow now.

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Anonymous No. 942220

Alright, Denishraj Bhati. Where are you?

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Anonymous No. 942226

>the jeetposting wasn't ironic
i feel dirty

Anonymous No. 942227


Anonymous No. 942307

You're an outlier, not the norm.
Most people watching are there for the quick rush of dopamine while doomscrolling.

Anonymous No. 942312

Of all the challenges so far, I think this is his best one. Alternate Realities being a close second.

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Anonymous No. 942313

Agreed. This one from Moving Meditations was also really fucking good.

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Anonymous No. 942408

This one had some cool entries too.

Anonymous No. 942418

I'll participate next time for sure.

Anonymous No. 942576


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Anonymous No. 944914

I like discovering new artists/animators.

Anonymous No. 944925

It's not that things like these are technically impressive in some way. It's just that they say nothing to me. The colors and the atmospheres are unpleasant. There's too much useless detail, too much useless motion.
It's modern art. Very "global", entirely soul-less.

Anonymous No. 944946

At the end of >>942408 for example there's a derelict environment which obviously represents the artist's bedroom after he hadn't left for months to complete his animation. And the little girl which obviously represent the artist inner desire to have been born a little girl as well.

Anonymous No. 945160

It's also a great portfolio piece

Anonymous No. 945355

That Speed Racer one looks straight out of the film

Anonymous No. 947194
