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Anonymous No. 941991

Does drawing 2D (grinding to get good skill) on paper with help you do 3d and im not just talking human anatomy but robots and buildings and everything else? I'm a hobbyist generalist, been doing this since 2011. I've been drawing here and there and buying drawing materials recently, but I find that I can't design (actually design) nearly as well as stable diffusion so what I do is just use SD for ref and then try to change the camera angle in 2D with drawing and then translate this into 3d later.

Is this about right? Will this help me do 3d? I find doing a lot of 3d stuff like sculpting, grooming, texturing, simulation, etc can be really really slow

Anonymous No. 942006

it's not necessary at all, but it might make learning sculpting easier, as proportions and correctly working with references are core skills that you would already have.

the only people that completely hype drawing skills (this thread will be bombarded by them) are ironically those that don't have any.

Anonymous No. 942023

don't most studios have a character artist draw the references in 2d either on paper or photoshop, and then pass it off to the 3d modeler to copy in zbrush, and then the zbrush guy passes it off to the maya guy to animate? so if you're trying to do it all yourself, you going to want to have some drawing skill.

Anonymous No. 942025

if you're going to do it all yourself, you're going to cut corners anyway - and the character artist is by far the least important one.

let's be honest here: the indie game that you're never going to finish 5% of will not have a unique art style, but instead just copy existing tropes & characters, so just use reference images of whatever it is that you are blatantly and poorly trying to steal.

you don't need the ability to draw.
you are never going to finish even a single level of that unimaginative game.

Anonymous No. 942030

wow blender users are truly seething unhappy people.

Anonymous No. 942037

>you are never going to finish even a single level of that unimaginative game.
jesus dude, take your meds. I'm not making a game.

Anonymous No. 942038

Yeah it does. 3D came along in a big way as something you could do at home in my late teens, I had been drawing all my life and continued to do so for many years. Your 2D and 3D skills go in absolute lockstep. It's impossible to improve in one without getting better at the other as a side effect if you know either and pick up the other.

Anonymous No. 942041

I've found that I can't draw on my tablet and look at the monitor to see the output, its just an abomination. I can only draw on an angled easel with mechanical pencil.

I have a hard time shading with my pencils, even simple organic 'squiggly' objects where the light is just one directional sun light and making that object look 3 dimensional with even a simple N dot L shading equation. Do you have any tips for me? I'm trying to do cross contour hatching, but I just end up with a mess of lines over everything

Do you find reading /ic/ helps you?

Anonymous No. 942051

knowing how to draw is always better than not knowing how to draw even if you only do 3d