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Anonymous No. 942096

let's talk business. for you guys working as freelancer or solo/small company owners, how did things start and evolve? what are your tips and takes to get the business side of things right?

Anonymous No. 942124

Git gud, unironically. That's it, people come to you. And post on social media to get noticed.

the chair nerd No. 942130

My advice is exactly the contrary. Get sufficiently good but not that good(pareto's), spend more time marketing yourself. And don't post on social media, start networking face to face with people in the industry you want to get into. Learn to sell yourself. There are trillions of chinks that already do prettier images than you'll ever make.Learn soft and hard skills for business, do you know how to read a quarterly report? Do you know basic labor law in your country? Why try to be the next Beeple? Are you willing to gamble with your time like that?

Anonymous No. 942144

I'm doing this shit as a freelancer/indie studio for +12 years and I hate it desu. The only path that makes sense:

- learn as long as someone is willing to hire you
- don't go the pure VFX / big animation studio path as it will literally kill your soul and body
- aim for design/marketing/visual agencies that need 3d generalists
- work at such an agency for 1-2 years, and be as pro as possible
- repeat the above in at least 2-3 more agencies

Then and only then it makes any sense to become a freelancer or start your own thing. I hate doing 3D now because the market is extremely saturated and if you didn't catch the big client fish in 2010 - 2020 it's getting extremely hard to do it now, the only thing you can do is to lower the prices, which is a loose-loose game for everyone except the cunts above you.

this anon gets it, networking is the only shit that will bring you real money, the social media posting died in 2015. you can only make it on social media today if you're an absolute top 0.1%

also if you're from a developed country, an often overlooked. quite well paid and easy job is to become a 3D educator at a local school/university/institution. just don't teach it for animation studio leeches but for general creative purposes

the chair nerd No. 942167


Yep. I've had a couple of clients telling me 'hey anon why don't you have linkedin/social media? Your work is impressive.' An I always answer the same thing: The only person that I need to know I'm good is my clients. And they love the discretion.

Anonymous No. 942174

So it's basically impossible to wfh on a small town? I HAVE to move to big cities to meet people? fuck

Anonymous No. 942179

Eh, it worked for me. People notice you on social media and good things can happen from their offers. It's not about actual followers. But actually it kinda is to me now because I started selling some stuff and this could become a really good passive income from the looks of it. Depends what you want to do I guess. A lot of us have vastly different experiences in this industry, it's not even defined which 3D industry exactly. I work from home for studios from other countries btw, and their clients are big boys.

Anonymous No. 942183

What kind of modeling do you do?

Anonymous No. 942209

>>942179 him >>942144 here

I’m also making quite a good living out of it but if you’re ambitious it’s easy to hit the payment cap very quickly (you can only work x hours a day).

aside from freelancing I’m also selling 3d assets and it brought me on average 3-4k usd a month over the past 5-7 years. but it’s a shit money desu when you consider how much investment (your time + freelancers working for you) it takes to get to these earnings. I have almost 2500 assets on turbosquid.

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Anonymous No. 943173

>2500 assets
how do you get motivated to squeeze out new stuff when you already did so much?

Anonymous No. 943189

>2500 assets
nigga modeled the entire planet

Anonymous No. 943193

>entire planet
must be mars
2500 models is like 5% of runescape

Anonymous No. 943285

It’s realtime environments and props. Multiple clients, so I both work on props/architecture as an outsourcer and I work on full unreal engine environments. It covers mostly games industry, but since unreal is now used in other areas as well, there are multiple film projects, and some AR/VR educational stuff.

Anonymous No. 944403

>how do you get motivated
I was working at the 3D sweatshops aka VFX companies for years and it just killed my sovl. I did it because I wanted to become somewhat independent as freelancing can sometimes become even worse than working at a sweatshop.having the freedom of working or not working and not worrying about money to some extent really saved me from not ending in a mental facility (but it's just me, maybe I'm wired differently).

Anonymous No. 944417

>having the freedom of working or not working and not worrying about money to some extent really saved me
thats what im trying to achieve right now, but my problem is more physical
although, because my problem doesnt count as disability, everyone keeps saying theres nothing wrong with me and i should "just get a job". honestly, that this drives me crazy would be an understatement

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congrats slave of....jpg

Anonymous No. 944436

don't be a make monkey

be a producer / manager / supervisor / consultant

the moment you're making anything, you're at the bottom of the food chain aka replaceable aka pajeet aka wagecuck aka stupid cunt etc.. etc...

Anonymous No. 945473

Do not try to out do yourself or what you're paid for for the sake of wanting to do good art when freelancing.

Freelance for the money, not for the craft.
Stay detached.

Anonymous No. 945477

Everything is on the internet. Go bug people with dumb questions and ask if they like your shit. There are also tons of CG communities.

Anonymous No. 945555

4k a month passive income isn't bad at all

Anonymous No. 945563

Where do you sell the most? I was thinking about selling some stuff on the unreal market place, do you think that's preferable over some other sites?

Anonymous No. 945573

are you guys incorporated or doing business as?

Anonymous No. 945595

post on socials as much as u can and try to network on there as well as in person events, try to be a generalist as much as possible or u will eventually want 2 kill urself doing the same thing over n over :)

Anonymous No. 946271

Start as CEO. got it.

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Anonymous No. 946574

Anonymous No. 946664

spoken like a true delusional "wagecuck" who thinks they're gonna blow up one day.