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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต >The state of Artstaion

Anonymous No. 942117

Anonymous No. 942118

Are you surprised? Perhaps even shaken to your very core? All patrons of the Artstation brothel are nothing but attention-seeking whores, drawn to numbers like a moth to a flame. Most of them don't even know where Ukraine is located, let alone the intricacies of the conflict.
Also, a thread died for this worthless shitpost, be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous No. 942119

>literally do a search for ukraine
>results are art about ukraine
>post /pol/ thread on /3/

your mother will die while you sleep tonight, op

Anonymous No. 942120

I'm on point with this post.

Anonymous No. 942122

Who says she hasn't died already? Only one without motherly love and fatherly guidance would do such a horrid thing.

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The Devil In Disg....jpg

Anonymous No. 942126

>>most artists are globohomotrannyfaggotNPCsloganswallowers

why are you confused?

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Anonymous No. 942129

no it's not

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lmao retards.png

Anonymous No. 942141

>Attention seeking trannies not realizing that ukraine is one of the big importers of CP and they are supporting it indirectly

Anonymous No. 942147

AI will fix this

Anonymous No. 942159

>ukraine is one of the big importers of CP
you seem very aware about that sort of thing, wonder why

Anonymous No. 942163

Yea, its called /news/

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Anonymous No. 942166

>Local retard cannot fathom common knowledge

So glad that shitshow that happened in /pol/ when the war started managed to make it into /news/ just wished the thread didn't get deleted lol

Anonymous No. 942181

OP's an assblasted russian it seems

Anonymous No. 942194

/Pol/ is a limited hangout, anything that comes from it is Fedshit.

Anonymous No. 942217

/pol/chuds... we lost

Anonymous No. 942252

>Artstation making buttblasted ziggers seethe
wtf I love timmy tencent now

Anonymous No. 942256

No; I do not support ukraine.