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🧵 Clothing in games

Anonymous No. 942139

Ok fuck it, I'm making a thread, let's discuss this shit. Gamedev/character artist (hobbyist) reporting in.

It's been a few months now that I've been switching between Marvelous Designer/Clo3D and Zbrush trying to make nice looking (semi-stylized) clothes in these softwares but I can't reach the look I want to have on my characters. I'm particularly struggling on making a Gakuran (male studen japanese uniform).

With Zbrush:
> Clothes general shapes are off or very hard to get righ
> Looks too clayish
> Tedious as fuck

With MD/Clo3D
> Very little control on the style of the cloth
> Folds are generated "randomly" -> no control on the folds
> Shape depends on the character model not on the pattern of the clothing

In the end, I dislike both of them. Well I dislike both of them on their own. The most experienced of you are going to say "Well duh, you can't use MD or Zbrush alone for clothes, you make the base in MD and the details on Zbrush". But how do I cope with the ridiculous amount of MD/Clo3D "intermediate/advanced" tutorials?
So I'm asking here. How do you do it? Any tips to share ? Anything that changed your life in doing clothing? Should I use MD anyway?

Anonymous No. 942140

And like I said my main beef with MD/Clo3D is the lack of content on it.
I have to search for hours if I want to make a specific type of pants, with a specific type of fit (oversized, loose, stretchy, whatever...).

I also know some of you are gonna say 'Yeah Daniel had a ton of shit about that but he deleted it blah blah blah". So what, was he really the only master of this software that documented his craft?

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Anonymous No. 942263


Another thing I hate about MD/Clo3D is the fact that garments aren't really re-usable if the proportions of your characters are totally different.
Pic related is when I tried to make clothes from scratch. This one went well (I have to lose the symmetry like an anon adivsed me too) but I have other examples where it went wrong and I don't really know why either...

Anonymous No. 942264

This one is ugly as fuck for example. I think it's because of my character's anatomy (very slim/skinny). But I'm not sure it's the only reason, everything seems off. From the folds to the general looks of these clothes.

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Capture d’écran (....png

Anonymous No. 942267

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 942281

use the cloth brush in zbrush

Anonymous No. 942336

OP, I think that your model looks ok, have you tried putting the textures yet? The reason why you think that they look clayish is from the Zbrush basic shader. If you put it in substance and apply the smart material that uses occlusion/curvature for material wear it might look just as you want it to be.

Anonymous No. 942338

Are you talking about this one >>942267 ?
THe previous one I posted looks ok to me but not the other one. But yeah, I realised that one of the problem is the shader from Zbrush that gives this horrendous plastic look.

Ngl, I'm kind of autistic with my learning of the 3D craft, I wait to reach a good level before trying the next step (like, I'm very good now at modeling, sculpting, retopo, rig and animate but I never touched anything related to UV and texturing yet).

Anonymous No. 942370

>I'm very good at-
No, you are not. Nobody is. Please kys.

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Anonymous No. 942375

>I wait to reach a good level before trying the next step (like, I'm very good now at modeling, sculpting, retopo, rig and animate but I never touched anything related to UV and texturing yet).

Anonymous No. 942393

Lol, is it that stupid to operare like this? I don't know why I'm like this, I think I might get into UV and textures today.
Since I'm a hobbyist, i've had the weirdest introduction/path in 3D
Obviously but you didn't have to point it out.

Anonymous No. 942396

It has to be said, have you seen pros brag about how good they are? No. Sometimes you need your head out of your ass. It makes you more humble.

Anonymous No. 942405

Take a chill pill man. When I said «good», I didn’t mean as good as you’re picturing it in your head.

Anonymous No. 942604

anyone know a good place to pirate MD?

Anonymous No. 942624

Textures are everything man, even low poly models can look amazing if the textures are good. If the textures are bad even high poly super detailed models are gonna look shit.
Personally I grew up mostly with PS2 and PS3 games, so those are my benchmark when I model clothes. I just poly model clothes (based off of a sculpted + retopoed character), then I unwrap them, then I export the UV layout, then I use that layout to create textures in Photoshop, then I slap the finished texture back into Blender. If I need PBR maps I use Materialize to generate them. Barring the Materialize bit, this is an old workflow but one that I'm enjoying nonetheless. As hobbyists, we have the privilege to value fun over whatever the industry standard is. Besides, there ain't really much point to go for hyper realism when things like Metahuman and Marvelous exist imho

>I'm kind of autistic with my learning of the 3D craft, I wait to reach a good level before trying the next step
I don't recommend that. I suggest to try a bit of everything first when it comes to 3D and then hone your individual skills. But it's just a personal preference, your approach will do too

Anonymous No. 942680

ru tracker
Care to critiques what I posted when you have time. I'm going to tackle UVing and texturing asap since that seems to be a major problem.

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Anonymous No. 942972

Focus on hiding UV seams, UV islands size consistency (checkerboard is your friend) and proper flattening with no deformations. Most of the basic textures can be done with tri-planar mapping and generated texture maps (occlusion/curvature/world normal) can help with the details as smart materials make use of them. Basic ID map for dividing the model into smaller parts will simplify and speed up the process. Textures make the model stand out and it's been known for literal centuries.

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Anonymous No. 942993

>I'm very good now at modeling, sculpting

Anonymous No. 944371

with marvelous you can reuse clothing made in MD, for example try to reuse clothing from a hulk to a dog, with zbrush you cannot.

Anonymous No. 944447

It sounds like you're relying too heavily on the software to generate good results for you. It also sounds like you have no clear vision of what you want to create. Maybe you think you have a good idea of what you want to achieve, but I would bet it's more of a gut feeling rather than a clear vision.
The fix is pretty simple yet tedious, you just need more practice until improve at visualizing and sculpting/modelling

But honestly, your models are not terrible. You could maybe get an internship at our studio with this. But you absolutely need to be able to finish a model (including UVs) too before you can land a job as a 3D artist. And even then it's kinda half expected that you should be able to do some texturing too, unless you're working uber-specialized at some AAA studio

Your complaints about the models looking too much like clay or plastic is just because of this shader and lack of textures.

Anonymous No. 944456

Next time consider using a model that does not have fucked up bow legs.

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Anonymous No. 944724

>I'm very good now at modeling, sculpting, retopo, rig and animate but I never touched anything related to UV and texturing yet
Oh that's a good joke. You haven't completed a single prop if you never touched even UVs. You have mountains to learn.

Don't stop at just modelling. try to finish you models and that means also texturing them. Even if it's shit, you'll build experience in uvs and texturing and can make an originally shaky model pop.

That said making clothes is just ass. I love them and hate them as shit can be annoying and tedious at times, but that's life.

Anonymous No. 946933


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Anonymous No. 946986

I don't even know how people get these nice looking clothes directly from MD before any detailing.
Mine look like straight up garbage in MD. If you're not doing anything that's not a pair of pants or a t-shirts, it's fucking horrible to get it right...

Anonymous No. 947175

Anyone know how you might go about modelling a 100% accurate shoe from a pattern with foss/hobbyist tools only? Making a planar mesh from the pattern and dragging it around doesn't preserve area and Blender's cloth sim is unwieldy as fuck and doesn't like the bends where the fabric gets glued to the sole.

Anonymous No. 947176

> shoes
> cloth sim
Bro just polymodel a shoe

Anonymous No. 947182

I need to make it look realistic close-up from the inside and other weird places. Polymodelling that would require references and skill I don't think I have. My hope is that modelling it from pattern will allow me to get around that since the shoe will then be its own reference.

Anonymous No. 947422

its actually funny how much you can cut out the high poly with a good texture workflow, with something like substance painter, you can get your low-mid high poly in, texture in detail on the height map layer layer it in, soften it out with blur filters, export the height as normal reimport and build off the low poly as high with the new normal map.

get your mesh silhouette right the first time and learn how to manipulate the textures and you will have super good control on the end result, no more pain in the ass retopology and no more spending hours on an amazing high detailed sculpt that doesn't translate to the low poly.

Anonymous No. 947580

Meshes can be real ugly under all the shaders and textures.

Anonymous No. 947598

> Very little control on the style of the cloth
> Folds are generated "randomly" -> no control on the folds
> Shape depends on the character model not on the pattern of the clothing
Massive skill issue. Get a sewing book and start studying. How do you think IRL stylists make clothes? They just clap their hands and magically make them different? The principles are the same in MD/Clo.

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Anonymous No. 947606

Recommend sewing book then

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Anonymous No. 948359

First, you need to study some real fashion and style. I mean some REAL tailoring. Or pirate it sizes, like on pic.
Second, use some REAL tailoring CAD software, not this childish toys.

Anonymous No. 949900

Easiest way is to box model. Sim in blender. And cache sculpt the rest. What is so difficult about it? The problem with zbrush is working backwards from high density mesh to something simpler. And with marvelous or similar is separate meshes that are tedious as fuck to sculpt on, and again working backwards from a cloth sewing pattern or uv unwrap to something that could have been modeled traditionally in half of the time plus adding constraints to your simulation that could have been saved or avoided by modeling like a normal person. What some studios do is to do a proxy mesh to wrap upon then again working backwards. Zbrush and Marvelous are a meme.

Anonymous No. 949901

And if some fags want to make the argument that you are simulating as real life by making the cloth “sew” are so far away from understating cg physics are the furthest away from reality. Seriously guys I hate you as you make simulation for cfx the hardest shit to work on. With your non manifold garbage when vertex joining your unsculptable shit.