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๐Ÿงต AI in the Workplace

Anonymous No. 942143

In 2018, Andrew Price made predictions about how AI will change the industry.
Aside from pic related, Andrew made some other predictions:
>Procedural workflows will become standard
>Creative assistance from machines
Now that it's 2023, for those of you working in the 3D industry, has anything significant for you changed since 2018? Have you seen a cut in jobs or more use of AI and machine learning?

Anonymous No. 942146

can you post a single instance of how machine learning changed 3D workflow anywhere in the world? aside from using stable diffusion for seamless texture generation

the procedural workflows were standard a decade before he made that video

Anonymous No. 942151

>can you post a single instance of how machine learning changed 3D workflow anywhere in the world?
>the procedural workflows were standard a decade before he made that video
He mentioned procedural texturing and materials were already standard. Was it the same for modelling and world building a decade ago too?

Anonymous No. 942154

>Was it the same for modelling and world building a decade ago too?
but where exactly is procedural modeling and world building a standard? again, on a smaller scale it was done at least a decade ago

Anonymous No. 942160

is that the donut guy? just curious what he has done or what credentials he has besides become a meme on youtube for making an entry level tutorial for a freeware app? youtube has to be one of the lamest sites on the internet.

Anonymous No. 942178

He does pretty good interiors

Anonymous No. 942187

He has absolutely zero credentials when it comes to AI, and he's extremely average at his own 3d work.
He's been on a "journey" for years in obtaining "photorealism" thinking there's some holy grail trick to it, and propping himself up as some expert on it, when it's really just a case of him being a mediocre artist and not "getting it".
His shit was soulless while AI image gen was taking it's first baby steps with Google Deepdream, and he's yet to improve. He's essentially just been treading water in the same place artistically for more than a decade now, and decided to share his average knowledge to others as a means of promoting his texture website. Fair play, but it's wrong to think of him as a source of knowledge in any real field just because he has a bunch of Youtube views.

I've got nothing against the guy, but basically, just take anything he says with enough salt to cure a large chunk of meat. He's an expert at nothing. Makes an alright businessman selling textures to 3d noobs though.

Anonymous No. 942188

Idk why you guys keep memeing this donut tutorial lmao you could be making low poly anime instead. It is 100x way more fun than adding sprinkles on a donut kek. Let's face it most people who pick up blender quit within a year of use because they can't get out of beginner tutorial hell lmao it's why you see nothing but low quality trash in the places like reddit, blender discord and blenderartists site.

Anonymous No. 942191

>as a means of promoting his texture website
there's a c4d meme tutorial guy who does the same shit! lmao, i guess that's how viral youtube dudes who can't get real gigs monetize.

Anonymous No. 942193

The donut tutorial is simply too long. It's better to just follow a good course for what you want to do (like hard surface, character modeling etc...) I've learnt from the likes of Milad Kimbari and Chamferzone 100x more than watching fags like Price and FlippedNormals.

Anonymous No. 942214

when will these "it's over" AI spam threads finally end?

it's not even 3d-related, as there are only (mediocre, too) 2d-applications so far. we don't need the same offtopic non-discussion 10 fucking times a week.

Anonymous No. 942216

4chan needs to make an ai containment board sort of like how all the crypto shills are contained in /biz/ spamming each other with hype for trash coins.

Anonymous No. 942262

I'm going through the donut tutorial. It's not bad it covers a variety of things, the guy is just a bad teacher.

Anonymous No. 942265

>the guy is just a bad teacher
I think the same. When I fist got into Blender, I started with the donut tutorial, but didn't complete it. I decided to try some other basic/fundamentals courses, which helped a lot. When I came back to the donut tutorial, it was a breeze aside from some stuff I hadn't previously learned, mostly involving nodes.
Long story short, the donut tutorial isn't a great place to start.

Anonymous No. 942266

I'm on the nodes section now. God its a pain.
Got any links to other better tutorial courses in general though?

Anonymous No. 942268

I used cgcookie, which is paid courses.
The fundamentals are free and on Youtube, though.
I'm sure if you look around you can find their other courses for free.

Anonymous No. 942269

Here's something simple you can try making as well.

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Anonymous No. 942272

Here's one more thing since I rarely see it mentioned. Make sure you go into your settings, go to system, and choose your cycles render devices. It's set to none by default, and if you have a good cpu/gpu then you need to set them to be used. CUDA for Nvidia cards. OptiX for Nvidia RTX cards. HIP for AMD cards. OneAPI for Intel cards.

Anonymous No. 942274

yeah the donut guy covers this

Anonymous No. 942330

it's literally one single guy. just permaban him and the board will drastically improve.

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Anonymous No. 942377

His guide was a lot better than funny donut man.
Thank you for linking it, you've helped boost my confidence in this

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Anonymous No. 942381

Glad you liked it. Play around with the Pokeball a little more and you can make a nice wallpaper for your computer. Here's mine for comparison.
I've got two other small projects you can try.
I do recommend going through the fundamentals series from earlier. If you've done all that and the other projects, try the donut again and you'll breeze through most of it.
Whatever you choose, I hope you stick with it. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 942919

too bad moderation here is so shit, they rather ban shitposters than terminally ill shizos and obvious shills