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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 942249

Plasticity is out of beta and is being shilled on the socials. Got me interested in trying out CAD concepting again. Anyone used the thing? Looks a little autismy than moi or fusion.

Not piratable yet, but the demo isn't too limited so i'll probably grab it later.

Anonymous No. 942250

less autismal*

Anonymous No. 942253

Does this thing do T-splines? Autodesk's patent is expiring soon.

Anonymous No. 942254

Just use f360.

Anonymous No. 942255

I've tried the beta but there were too many bugs. Maybe I should try it again before the trial ends or just wait till its pirateable.

Anonymous No. 942257

F360 doesn't have convert to quads option like Moi or Plasticity, so it requires more time to cleanup

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Anonymous No. 942258

Yeah no.
It either doesn't have constraints or no straight forward way to set them up.
"For Artists" and "not using traditional CAD workflow" is just a shitty marketing cope.

If you want to use a non-bloated CAD software try solvespace btw. It's foss and the author is an opinionated asshole as usual but in a sense that doesn't matter since it's just supposed to do one thing.

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Anonymous No. 942259

>convert to quads option

Anonymous No. 942270

thing is i'm not sure i want CAD software at all, i want something closer to toy that i can have some fun with. i don't want this to be srs bizniz.

Anonymous No. 942271

Solvespace or f360 if i want to learn CAD modeling? Considering I can get fusion for free

Anonymous No. 942273

Depends on your use case. If you want to create 3D game without having to deal with topology you're golden.
If this is about creating models for 3D printing you really want exact dimensions.

Solvespace only has a fraction of the functionality of Fusion360.
Solvespace == Paint
Fusion360 == Photoshop

Anonymous No. 942277

yeah it would be mostly non-deforming geo, i can always retopo if i need to.
i've never been a great modeller so whenever i try to freestyle i start thinking about topology, broken normals etc and it breaks my flow.
i'm hoping something like this will let me just focus on just making something that looks nice.

Anonymous No. 942278

>i've never been a great modeller so whenever i try to freestyle i start thinking about topology, broken normals etc and it breaks my flow.
watch arrimus tutorials, idiot

Anonymous No. 942279

sorry i'm not into cult brainwashing

Anonymous No. 942280

he's not in a cult.

Anonymous No. 942305

Hmm... so I've been playing around with it for few hours now. It shows promise but there's still many bugs and glitchy functions. I can't see myself using it as a daily driver until its a bit more refined.

Anonymous No. 942324

yeah i played around with it a little as well and it seems okay. i don't think the 'tutorial' linked on the main website is doing it any favours. ui elements and even some shortcuts have changed since it was filmed, plus half of it is in the style of a hopscutter autism video

Anonymous No. 942400

who got the pirated version?

Anonymous No. 942427

It's still got a long road ahead of it. Fusion's got T-splines and myriad of other features. The only thing that's a great advantage in Plasticity is its export options and no subscription. Maybe in plasticity 5.0 it would be a worthy contender.

Anonymous No. 942477

>>I can do all that in zbrush.
I'm not the target audience

Anonymous No. 942852

I used the Plasticity beta and I liked it. There are some small modeling features it can do that programs like F360 or SketchUp can't do. The dev has a YouTube channel where he explains these 'hidden' features. But since 1.0 came out, the beta no longer launches anymore so everyone's just locked out unless they pay for 1.0.

It's not worth it for me to buy it right now because other modeling software serves my purposes fine already.

But it is a cool program, and it's fun to use for making nice hard-surface stuff with lots of booleans and shit, and not worrying about topology.

Anonymous No. 942853

>But since 1.0 came out, the beta no longer launches anymore so everyone's just locked out unless they pay for 1.0.
Huh? I was using the beta as a trial before release as well and simply downloaded the 1.0 update and installed it without any trouble.

Anonymous No. 942868

i think anon means he wants to continue using the beta for free but it's been disabled

Anonymous No. 943130

Not even a link...
OP truly is a faggot.

Anonymous No. 943808

Typing "Plasticity" in Google just gives the definition of the word; so try searching for "Plasticity 3D" Also, learn how to use Google dumbshit.

Anonymous No. 945663

>opinionated asshole
why he doesn't want features?

Anonymous No. 945678

SolveSpace is cool. There are many situations in which you may want a relatively simple but precise part and not the kind of decorative jumbled up nonsense that arrimus does with box modeling.