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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 942332

why is it so extremely hard to model this, is the only way of making this pouch by sculpting it ??

Anonymous No. 942333

cloth simulation with the sewing option in blender.
You model all the sheets of cloth as planes and connect them with edges that do not have any faces on them.
There's the cloth weaver plugin that uses that but it's hardly worth using because it does nothing except provide an interface to functionality already existing in blender.

Anonymous No. 942334

what i mean is what is the best way to make this

Anonymous No. 942335


Anonymous No. 942337

Just tried it for myself, it's quite finicky because this approach normally is meant for clothing that goes on a character which gives it shape from collision.
You might want to either create a dummy mesh inside of the internal shape of the pouch or use the pressure function.
Things to note don't stitch more than two vertices together, you can try to create a seam by stitching on verts together that aren't part of the border of the mesh but it's finicky.

Anonymous No. 942344

try normal mapping honey

Anonymous No. 942345

This pouch is absolutely NOT extremely hard to model. What the fuck are you talking about?
If you can't model this thing, than you basically admit that you can't model.

Anonymous No. 942363

Thats the noob cheap way, you get the views but not the commets.

There i no "best way" to make it, people will use normals on substance to fool your eyes, some try build it with 1 million polygons and smart people will make it look like the real thing from the picture but it's only 2D planes and no you can't zoom in.

the chair nerd No. 942374

This can be modeled using good old hard surface in about an hour.

Anonymous No. 942461

Damn, you are retarded.
best way FOR WHAT?
what is the purpose of this asset?
Is it something in the background, something that needs to hold up when getting really close with the camera?
Is it for realtime or for a movie?
Will it be animated/deformed?
Context matters.

the chair nerd No. 942562


Anonymous No. 942618

doesnt look like its hard to model
i think you're just retarded

Anonymous No. 942621

lol that's just a cube with straps on it, how can you be so retarded

Anonymous No. 942630

doubt you could model that to a decent standard in 1 hour desu

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Anonymous No. 942653

Beginner here. This took me around 10 minutes to model with the subdivision modifier and a bevel modifier.

Anonymous No. 942654

doesnt come close to the OP image

Anonymous No. 942658


Anonymous No. 942659

not an argument

Anonymous No. 942661

>10 minutes
What did you expect, retard?

Anonymous No. 942664


the chair nerd No. 942668

Weak bait.

Anonymous No. 942669

>Gets challenged to make a 3D model on a board for 3D modeling.
>Calls it weak bait.
You are mentally challenged.

Anonymous No. 942670

no, this board isn't about 3d modelling, it is for 3d computer graphics. You are a tourist.

the chair nerd No. 942672

Yep. This. But yeah I was wrong it can be done in 50 minutes.

Anonymous No. 942673

>Introduction and Guide: Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.
You are a faggot.

Anonymous No. 942674

pyw or kys.

Anonymous No. 942675

3DCG stands for 3D Computer Graphics, kid

Anonymous No. 942676

Read the fucking introduction thread, old fag.

Anonymous No. 942677

Changing subject? Nice way of trying to doge the challenge, faggot.

Anonymous No. 942678

you are a tourist who cant read even the title of every page of every thread of the board

the chair nerd No. 942681

I am literally one of the few anons that post their work on this board. If you don't know that you are a tourist. You touristy tourist.

Anonymous No. 942682

Your work is so shit that I ignore it.

Anonymous No. 942683

This thread reminds me of some time ago when we had a similar anon with a similar attitude. Hmmmmm.

the chair nerd No. 942684

Why are you so mean to me I am about to cry anon. This is not fair.
Hmm indeed.

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Anonymous No. 942685


Anonymous No. 942688

Schizo moment.

Anonymous No. 942691

turned out that guy was schizo, like this guy >>942673

Anonymous No. 942696

Who are you calling schizo, schizo!?

the chair nerd No. 942700



Anonymous No. 942736


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011 - pouch.png

Anonymous No. 942764

I'll admit that the proportions are off, but overall I think I did a half decent job.

Anonymous No. 942767

These kinds of pouches are the easiest cloth items to model. Cloth simulation and sculpting is only going to make it harder for you. The only thing you might sculpt is some small creases and such.

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Anonymous No. 942781


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Anonymous No. 942782


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Anonymous No. 942783

doesn't seem to be that hard to model this

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Anonymous No. 942787


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Anonymous No. 942793

not going to texture

Anonymous No. 943255


these look like fucking shitt
im talking asking question on how to model it on a AAA way and not for some 2007 game

where are even the cloth folds and seams

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Anonymous No. 943261

Shut up.

Anonymous No. 943410

>literally just a beveled rectangle
>extremely hard
I should just stop coming here.

Anonymous No. 944289

just needs more poly and extra detail

Anonymous No. 944300


The reason it appears to be hard to model is that most of the look falls on the texturing(+-baking) and shading process.
Problem is, how do you know if you're doing the modelling phase right? Just have a crack at it, and overtime you'll know what to do

Also Substance Designer is your friend for the repeated weave pattern in the fabric of something like this

Anonymous No. 944303

And yes, a lot of examples in this thread do look like shit. Because they're all rushed box models. And yes, you'll need to sculpt minor plane changes and move things 'out of place' quite a bit to make the final look believable, to answer your first question

>>942783 is similar to what your base mesh would look like by the end
All the straps in OP will be their own mesh's in the object, and personally I'd make the stiches their own mesh's too.

The zip (not the zipper) can be 1 mesh if you want, or individual mesh's the whole way through.
I'd do the individual mesh method myself and leave it at that, but if you're actually going to use this in a production (VFX) with close ups and distant shots you can make both if you want to optimize the distant scenes, just bake the individuals onto a low res quad tube

Anonymous No. 944413

Easy to model, it's just a rounded box with a couple straps.
The details you want have almost nothing to do with modeling, it's just texturing. Stitching can be done with a normal map. Plenty of free tutorials online about how to make stitching.
And create or download a canvas camo texture, (couple basic noise patterns). Done.

Anonymous No. 944579

that's awesome desu

Anonymous No. 944664

>how to model it on a AAA way
Have you ever even played a game just to study the assets? Even AAA assets are pretty shitty; you just never realized because you were busy playing.

Anonymous No. 944677

extremely aesthetically pleasing, good job with this one

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Anonymous No. 944759

Anonymous No. 944898

amazing work, well done (you)

Anonymous No. 944900

gotta see the whole globe befor traveling becomes an alt-right only thing or something