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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 942615

Should anatomy be critiqued by someone who has not done a single piece of finished work? No offense but I think some people like talking out of their asses all the time even if their intentions are good-willed. Anatomy is hard to master yet very easy to nitpick even by beginners who can't keep their ego in check.

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cat stride.jpg

Anonymous No. 942616

I personally have never finished a 3D model but I am experienced enough to say that your work is toilet grade and my dead grandma can do better.

Anonymous No. 942622

Yes, 99% of "critics" here are failed artists, you shouldn't listen to them. Cool skelly by the way

Anonymous No. 942729

Criticism is very easy to verify. If someone says there is a problem, and you know what you're doing, then you can easily dismiss it. Just let it roll of your shoulders, it shouldn't even affect you emotionally, because you're confident in your work. And I talking about when you KNOW your shit. Not ego telling you, but study and practice. Then you can brush off criticism like it's nothing.

Criticism only bothers people who still have a lot to learn, because it makes you feel insecure about your creation. when you feel insecure, your instinct might be to check the person lobbing criticism. Because if you can invalidate that person, then you can invalidate what they said. However, it's just as easy to check their claims. If they say something is wrong with your anatomy, then just go seek out references, and check to see if they're right or wrong. If they're wrong, move on with your life. If they're right, then correct your mistake. Simple as that.

Worrying about who is telling you what, is a burden ultimately. An emotional tax that drains you, and stifles improvement. You should only care about right or wrong. Not who said what.

Anonymous No. 942735

You're being socialized with shitty critiques. The ideas get planted at the back of your mind and your art will become changed. You cant trust the people here.

Social media alters art and it makes it homogonous instead of what you meant for it to be. The person givien you critique has no idea what you want to make. The person wants you to make the project like the person wants you to make it. You're all characters being programed by each other and you have to be careful about getting bad instructions.

Anonymous No. 942737

This is where taste comes in. I'm not telling you to accept every criticism you hear. I'm telling you to verify. To evaluate. To use your own judgement to determine if the criticism is valid or not. "Does this advice help me achieve what I want?" If yes: heed. If no: ignore. It's not that complicated. People make it complicated, because their feelings get hurt.

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Anonymous No. 942758

It is not mine lmao, it's from a turboautist discordfag who hangs with a bunch of professional artists. He likes posting his unfinished anatomy sculpts and rambling out unsolicited anatomy feedback to unsuspecting begs. Pretty much the reason why you should verify as >>942737 says.

Anonymous No. 942807

I know who you are talking about lolol

Anonymous No. 942829

Are you talking about OP or the nigga? There's actually 2 of them but one is worse than the other kek.

Anonymous No. 942901

lol jesus i hate that guy he spouts nonsense nonstop, he's obviously autistic tho

Anonymous No. 942902

yeah that one shawn guy and he %100 clearly thinks of himself as a professional, retards like him is what's kept me going back to discord desu

Anonymous No. 942934

>can't decide if he wants to be a professional anatomy teacher or professional codemonkey
Damn, autismos have it rough.

Anonymous No. 942936

People are entitled to their opinions and have a right to express them.
I don't have to know anatomy to recognize that your representation is incorrect. That's how it works most of the time.
I don't have to be a physician to recognize that somebody is not able to walk correctly. I don't have to be a neurosuregon to recognize that somebody has mental issues.

Anonymous No. 942991

Nah I think you should stfu if you don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 942992

Yeah I mean, Nobody is doing their time pointing out your teeth is yellow or you are disabled or you are bald right?????

Anonymous No. 943010

The ultimate judge is the public, the unwashed masses. Unless you're making technical drawings and those are meant to be read by other professionals, you need to get used to it.

Anonymous No. 943015

Probably not most of the time. Anyone can point out mistakes to an extent, but most of the time they lack the vocabulary to point out specifics, or even the experience to be able to help people. On top of that, many inexperienced individuals may have misconceptions about certain bodily features, like how a 6-pack is not a set of 6 muscles, but is actually a single muscle comprising of 8-10 sections that stretches from right below the pectorals, all the way down to the crotch. They will misguide people and get them to fix mistakes that aren't there.
Even for people who have experience, sometimes it’s just a salty beg picking on someone worse or only slightly better than him, or even someone who knows their shit, but thinks stylization is always nothing but an excuse for a lack of talent or effort, and will say someone’s work looks like shit if it isn’t a AAA realistic model with pores everywhere.
Sometimes you’re better off having good presentation skills instead of trying to be an anatomy expert. You can model whatever you want, and as long as it looks “professional”, people on the internet will stroke your cock. I see tons of really cool character models get ignored because the presentation of the model was poor. You can be a presentation and anatomy expert, but both of those skills take time to develop, and you shouldn’t have to subject yourself to endless grinding until you achieve perfection just to be able to appease people who try to stop you from making the things you want.

Anonymous No. 943952

anatomy shouldnt be critiqued by someone who doesnt know WHY artists learn anatomy.

Anonymous No. 943957

and why would that be, mr gatekeeper?

Anonymous No. 944114

God i wish I could bully this autistic fuck publicly

Anonymous No. 944122

lmaooo, I have yet to see anything finished from him.

Anonymous No. 944298

The best critics are your own pair of eyes, train them.
Don't need to listen to anything else.

Anonymous No. 944388

I've determined if I'm pedagogically capable of teaching what I've learned, then it's probably worth disseminating what came from obsessing over hands or the rotator cuff. Though it should be communicated with a disclaimer that additional context could be missing. That is to say the one giving the feedback hasn't reached the point where knowledge becomes more complete and overlapping (seeing the relationship between elements) that its been integrated to the point of reaching comprehension and you'd likely update or revise your feedback. It's like a jigsaw puzzle. 10 seemingly unintelligible forgettable pieces show a new simpler to understand unit as comfy cabin on a hill. Finish the puzzle and it may be far from that and would explain why the roof is so close to the clouds.

On one hand it's pretty epistemologically limiting anatomical study to experience alone and very specific standard at that. On the other hand you're going to be sorting through the noise and pedantic queers trying to perceive isolated flaws that may not even be there or tell you to memorize everything that most doctors don't remember nor need to. Most people aren't mentally ill enough to try to compete with being a harsher critic of your own work than yourself.
Anatomy thread not discord drama circlejerk. You return to discord for retarded reasons because you're an oversocialized addict.

Anonymous No. 944408

if you have some experience, you know when things look like shit,

Anonymous No. 944572

doesnt take a sailor to say the ship has sunk

Anonymous No. 944739

How do you even go about learning anatomy? Is there a website for this? Catering to the 3D man, I wouldn't think it necessary to learn the intricacies of the cardiovascular system, you're not a doctor or a heart surgeon. Also, how do you know when you're 'done'?

Anonymous No. 944746

Look at anatomy charts and (more importantly) real bodies

Start saving references into organised folders as much as possible

Download pure ref and have make/open a reference board every time you're doing anything, let alone sculpting bodies

It's hard to know when you're done done till you see it rendered. But if you're not going to do fully decked out models with all the bells and whistles then it's just down to if you think it looks good enough

One thing keep not about the human body is that nobody's muscles, veins, etc have the same shape and structure,
over time you'll pick up on how drastic the differences between people can be. So you'll get an Idea of how the shapes you put in your sculpt that aren't in a reference image you have on hand or anything like that can be

There was one more thing I had in mind that slipped as I was typing this

Anonymous No. 944747

Oh right, I remember

Photos of real people > Anatomy charts and shit like that 100000000%

Use anatomy charts and whatnot as guides and guides only. Nobody has the perfectly placed muscles and veins

Anonymous No. 944748


Unless you're doing some underneath the skin work like OP for leaning purposes

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Anonymous No. 945543

lmao who dunit?

Anonymous No. 945554

What server? I want to join

Anonymous No. 945584

Why would you? It's literally full of soi boy redditors who are Le funny and quirky and the only entertaining thing is the occasional sperg posting there, like the guy in question.

Anonymous No. 945585

Retard can't even write properly, I don't know why people put up with him.

Anonymous No. 945596

If you want to dig yourself a grave in the 3d industry, sure go ahead.

Anonymous No. 945605

What do you mean? It's not like CEO's hang out in that server.

Anonymous No. 945618

What, server, Anon?

Anonymous No. 945646

I think they're talking about the experience points server