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Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 01:18:51 UTC No. 942826
Hey, 2d guy here. I want to make a model of this instrument in 3d.
How would I even go about this?
๐๏ธ the chair nerd at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 01:22:02 UTC No. 942828
Use /qtddtot/ /sqt/ and delete this thread and I'll help you.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 01:55:44 UTC No. 942830
Fuck around and find out
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 04:15:46 UTC No. 942835
Maybe it will be revealed to you in a dream anon.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 04:26:57 UTC No. 942836
Your question is too abstract. What are you going to use it for? Vfx or assets for video games? If this is just a portfolio piece, Iโd rather recommend you start with something basic to learn how the basics of modeling work first before conceptualizing a complicated model.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 09:37:15 UTC No. 942844
I'd use a mixture of splines and poly-modelling tools. I'd draw out the extents of the instruments with splines
focusing on keeping the shapes and curves clean an exactly like I want them.
These splines would sit disconnected in space as an outline acting as a blue print for the extent of the geometry.
I would then conduct poly modelling with various poly tools to fill in the thing.
Prob generate some starting geometry by doing sweeps and lofts along the guides that I then to manual operation on to finish.
Any time you have these large precise compound curves like body panels of super car or a violin or similar such
using curves to generate that geometry will be a fast and effective route to clean results.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:42:50 UTC No. 942855
Load this image into Blender as a reference image. The top and side views are the most useful, because you can trace polygons or curves right over them using orthographic camera views in Blender. Then extrude them or connect them to create a 3D shape.
This is a pretty advanced object to model if you know nothing about 3D modeling, but it's doable. The first thing I modeled when learning 3D was a Nikon camera, and it turned out really well. But it took me months of reading the documentation, watching tutorials and then about a month dedicated to modeling that one object. It took forever because I was constantly looking up hotkeys and searching how to make the various shapes and details.
The strings can be 3D bezier curves. Look up tutorials about modeling holes and booleans and their topology. This model looks like it has a lot of little holes which will introduce bad shading artifacts if you don't model them properly.
For the parts that slide out, you can just have them as separate objects. But if you want to be legit you can create a little armature and control rig to easily slide those in and out, in case you wanted to animate it.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:47:40 UTC No. 942856
model in MAX
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:56:08 UTC No. 942859
download blender (no point in learning sophisticated software for one asset) and watch a hard-surface-modeling tutorial.
if you end up developing an interest in 3d,move away from blender as soon as possible - it is a dead end for indians and schizophrenics.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:10:10 UTC No. 942862
>if you end up developing an interest in 3d,move away from blender as soon as possible - it is a dead end for indians and schizophrenics.
stop spamming with this drivel
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 14:37:13 UTC No. 942866
you could attempt at getting the early blockout of the mesh by using the subdivision modifier and fucking around with the mean crease edge data (lets you manipulate the edges / the weight of an edge so you dont have to mindlessly add polyloop onto polyloop to get sharper edges) keep playing around with it while you get accustomed to the controls. dont use the donut tutorial, its a shit tutorial. go look up how to make a guitar in blender or whatever modeling software youre using. use the one from arijan, his workflow sucks for later stages of uv mapping and even in the blockout phase but this should not be too much of an issue for a complete beginner
the model really isnt that complicated for a beginner if one stays on track for it longer than 2 days and does some research about the controls then he should be more than fine. he is a 2d artist afterall, so hes got the perspectives and general shape ideas down.
this applies to anything that isnt hardsurface modeling and animation. blender can do both of those things pretty well. everything else just use zbrush, marvelous, substance, marmoset.. etc. bruce lee said to be shapeless like water so adhering to one software only will yield you comparably good results with an extremely long, tedious and sometimes extremely destructive setup.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:26:49 UTC No. 942870
>How would I even
Start by learning a 3D program.
Was this worth a thread? You zoomers really have no self confidence at all, do you?
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:29:13 UTC No. 942872
not my problem if you can't handle facts, blendertard. how's the weather in kalkutta?
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:32:01 UTC No. 942873
>bruce lee said to be shapeless like water so
and gianna michaels said "ahhh ahhh omg fuck my fucking ass ahhhhh"
how is that related to anything? you have the spirituality of a grandma's toe fungus, don't attempt to be deep.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:35:30 UTC No. 942875
if your reading comprehension is as bad as your comparison then let me dumb it down a shade or two for you
>blender only bad
>more software good
cynical retard
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:37:10 UTC No. 942877
Only the 3D guy can help the 2D guy.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:39:18 UTC No. 942879
the statements you have put into quotes are unironically true.
each software has its strengths and weaknesses, hence the optimal result will be achieved by using each in their respectively strongest role.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:40:57 UTC No. 942881
lol salty blendertard. don't you have a low poly tutorial to watch?
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:42:10 UTC No. 942883
I don't really watch porn anymore (I'm actually productive now, hence the contempt for blunder)
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:53:32 UTC No. 942888
Start with a vertex and keep moving and joining vertices to get your shape
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:58:28 UTC No. 942889
this wont work, just like drawing a portrait in 2D by randomly moving the pencil will not work.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 17:21:43 UTC No. 942892
>you shouldnt use blender exclusively youll get bad results
you are such a retarded gorilla, how did you get into 3d when you cant even fucking read? i can tell just by how much of a subhuman you are that i could easily mog you in zbrush and substance painter, post your work.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 23:14:18 UTC No. 942922
Dynamo Dream's latest episode features a short film by Blender expert Ian Hubert with better CG scenes than Star Wars movies. I've learned 3ds Max, Maya, and Blender, and I prefer Blender for most things because of its stability, UI, workflow, documentation, and frequent updates. Max's UI is outdated and lacks UI scaling, while Maya has too many toolbar buttons and limited hotkeys. Blender's Cycles is faster than Arnold and has Geometry Nodes for advanced effects. Maya has nice UV editing tools, but Blender has comparable animation capabilities. Max excels at semi-procedural hard-surface modeling but the Slate Material Editor is super laggy.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Apr 2023 23:20:08 UTC No. 942923
>while Maya has too many toolbar buttons and limited hotkeys
get off this board
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Apr 2023 01:24:43 UTC No. 942929
Sure thing Mr. Maya one-trick! I'll totally leave because some salty red-faced troll told me to. Don't you dare go learning Blender and doubling your production speed. Blasphemy!! Just get offended by honest opinions and get angry at people for speaking them.