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Get fucked No. 943045

we are in the dark age of 3d animation

Anonymous No. 943046

No, we are all good. Now go finish your projects.

Anonymous No. 943589

No we aren't. We are in a transitioning period but it's still superior to the goyslop that came before

Anonymous No. 943652

Imagine defending glorified blocking passes lmao
It is the new goyslop

Anonymous No. 943655

Oi! Shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear anymore of your regurgitated bullshit!

Anonymous No. 943659

>somebody posted a video
>the world is done for
Nobody cares. Nobody ITT is even defending or caring about the video. Get back to working in your projects.

Anonymous No. 943670

it's more of a personal preference, to me the choppy animation should be reserved for fast moving objects only

Anonymous No. 943727

t bh with the exception of disney/pixar, western animation studios are probably experiencing a golden era right now.
spiderverse did wonders for the film format. hopefully the success of arcane can do similar things for the serialised format as well.
and someone should get alberto mielgo money to make a feature length.
disney/pixar need a shake up though - i can see disney potentially absorbing pixar if their films continue to underperform.

Anonymous No. 945885

how is it different from skipping frames? I really don't know

Anonymous No. 945887

Skipping frames is usually done in fast motion to show that "Yep, it's that fast". It's a tool.
OP example is more of "We will keep our whole project as a glorified choppy blocking pass without any splining and say it's intention of the animation style", which seems to be the current trend in animation since it saves time/requires less effort or some shit.

TLDR: One's a tool, the other's a lazy animation fad.

Anonymous No. 945904

Spiderverse looked awful and 2 looks far worse

Anonymous No. 945907

that's a nice opinion, mr. shit taste

Anonymous No. 945957

show your work then coward

Anonymous No. 946280

at least it tried something different

Anonymous No. 946300

>requires less efforr
It requires more effort, this is not 2d animation where that would be true

Anonymous No. 946375

no, it doesn't. it's essentially keeping only the keyframes and eliminating the inbetweens.
that being said, i think it can be used to good effect.

Anonymous No. 946405

smooth arched animation is shit and absolutely unnatural
it looked great in 2d and it got dragged into 3d by inertia

Anonymous No. 948038

It's over! The cartoons have fallen. BILLIONS MUST DIE!