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Anonymous No. 943112

Should I bother learning Blender if I only care about hard surface? Seems like the whole thing is very much catered to organics and missing incredibly basic shit that'd be useful for hard surface like parallel/centerpoint/tangent constraints and extrude cutting. Maybe you could do some of that with the geometry nodes or whatever but I don't want to drag little boxes around like I'm programming in fucking Scratch to do something CAD software does with a single button.
Is there some trick to making hard surface tolerable in Blender or do most people only use it for organics and then some other software for anything else?
To clarify, I already know a bit of CAD, I'm looking to learn a software better for game models and renders.

Anonymous No. 943113

just pirate moi and use it as a bridge to whatever shitfuck you want to render in.

Anonymous No. 943114

If you can't search for answers to these basic questions, you won't learn anything if you tried, anyway, frogdittor.

Anonymous No. 943115

get MAX

Anonymous No. 943116

The advantages CAD has in terms of modeling tools comes at the cost of the resulting models having geometry that's fucking useless for 99% of the shit general purpose 3D packages like Blender were designed to do.

Either suck it up and learn how to model with polygons or stick with CAD and just retopo everything.

Anonymous No. 943117

Is there any real reason why that is though? Surely it's not impossible for Blender to find the centerpoint of a face, then allow you to attach an object to that point, say to create a cylinder perfectly centered on a square.

Anonymous No. 943118

Pretty sure Blender can do that. Select the face, shift+s -> cursor to active, select the cylinder, shift-s -> selection to cursor.

Anonymous No. 943120

>Should I bother learning Blender
The answer is no.

Anonymous No. 943128

You could also just model in f360 and export in Moi. The result would often be 70-80% complete, the rest you would need to cleanup and retopo in blender. There's also plasticity which can export like Moi.

Anonymous No. 943147

plasticity is the new kid on the block and everybody is jizzing their pants about it

Anonymous No. 943150

Too bad it has the shitty blender interface and keybinds

Anonymous No. 943273

>Is there some trick to making hard surface tolerable in Blender
god no. attempting this is a perfect recipe for self-torture. blender cannot be salvaged and moving to zbrush for sculpting and 3ds max for hard-surface was the best thing I ever did.

this board is full of blender beginners that have developed a stockholm complex for the shitty freeware that keeps what little talent they have hostage and will vehemently disagree with me.

do not listen to them.

Anonymous No. 943284

blenders approach to absolutely everything is to *technically* include the core feature (hard-surface, UV-mapping, nodes, sculpting etc) but to never actually perfect it or even streamline everything towards real usecases. they halfass the basics with no understanding of why the features even exist and then they just... stop developing them to their conclusion . best example:
3ds max introduced "modifiers", the single most important one BY FAR being the "edit poly" modifier(for you blender users: hard-surface itself is a modifier in max) , since having it means you can go back to almost any point in your undo history forever and cop/replace/edit elemental changes such as having added holes even way into working on a part. take a guess as to which modifier blender DIDN'T steal and has no plans on stealing...

blender to me very much feels like the biggest demo of all time. you can have a look around, but you won't fulfill your dreams with it.

it is useful for beginners to learn the entire asset creation workflow for free so they can see if 3d is generally for them, but if you end up being serious about it, you have a duty to outgrow it ASAP, as it breeds mediocrity, half-assing things and quite simply putting comfort ("omg all in one program!!") over perfection.

Anonymous No. 943313

>Surely it's not impossible for Blender to find the centerpoint of a face, then allow you to attach an object to that point
You are right, it isn't. Which you'd know if you spent 1 minute googling the question instead of shitting the board, based misinfo-kun.

Anonymous No. 943323

Is there something that's the opposite of Plasticity? Instead of CAD software intended for people used to Blender, a vertex-based software meant for people who're used to CAD?

Anonymous No. 943441

Wow that's cute, so because you can't be bothered to make backups or hit the undo button, your software has a built in function to pad your retardation. Does your software also include a diaper in case you shit yourself?

Anonymous No. 943446

Don’t reply to this blenderfag. He can’t come up with a better workflow for aligning the gizmo perfectly to any selected component in under 3 actions just like in Maya

Anonymous No. 943478

Just use Zbrush like any normal person.

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Anonymous No. 943521

Zbrush, Zmodeler is unbeatable
yes the interface is on some weirdo shit but here's your "no more excuses" video to learn

Anonymous No. 943542

thx for admitting defeat, blendertard.

Anonymous No. 943545

Skill issue. Learn to work with the cursor.

Anonymous No. 943546

Always the user's fault.

Anonymous No. 943549

he's right
blender developers should add that option to the snap to menu.

Anonymous No. 943557

If the tools are there and you don't use them of course it's your fault.
>blender developers should add that option to the snap to menu.
Add it. Blender is FOSS; commit it. Otherwise take half a second to snap the cursor to center.

Anonymous No. 943576

>Oh, there's shit on the sidewalk. Someone should really clean that u-

Anonymous No. 943587

>commit it
The Blender people won't let you commit anything if it doesn't come from their circlejerk.

Anonymous No. 943588

Ah right, the fairy that picks up poop for free so you don't have to take a 1 foot detour around it. I'm very confident that your name is Karen.
Fork it.

Anonymous No. 943593

Blender is great for hard surface modeling. You can download a CAD plugin for free if you want those inference snapping features.
I've learned Maya and Max since learning Blender, and I still find Blender more intuitive, stable, and quick to work with.
In max you need plugins to do simple things like quad cap or circularize. It's modeling is good but hasn't received any major updates for years. Maya is great too but it randomly crashes on me just opening random windows and the interface overall is a little laggy relying on Marking Menus and toolbar buttons for everything.
I like Blenders hotkeys. I can precisely model things without ever needing to touch a gizmo or hunt for obscure toolbar buttons.

Anonymous No. 943602

>Fork it.
Shut up. You know nothing.

Anonymous No. 943607

>since having it means you can go back to almost any point in your undo history forever
What? That's what node networks are good for. The purpose of modifiers is and always has been having a short (a SHORT) list of filters so you can work on a simplified version of your model and certainly NOT enabling some kind of history editing on steroids.

Anonymous No. 943610

>relying on Marking Menus and toolbar buttons for everything
This is exactly what I want out of software. I despise dealing with arcane hotkey shit. Everything I regularly need to use should either be constantly on screen in a ribbon/toolbar, or within a single layer of context menus.

Anonymous No. 943634

>doing a blender tutorial
>miss ONE step where the youtuber presses an obscure hotkey
>now you can't do shit
Many such cases

Anonymous No. 943645

>Everything I regularly need to use should either be constantly on screen in a ribbon/toolbar, or within a single layer of context menus.
Couldn't work with Blender. Most functions are related to modes, so your ribbons would be changing all the time and the visual guidance wouldn't solve your problems as much as you think. If you're in edit mode and you're thinking of using the automatic in-betweener, no amount of ribbons and menus is gonna help you because you have a skill issue. On the other hand, if you know how to set up an animation workspace you don't need the in-betweener in a ribbon, you just know the hotkey. In other words, not knowing how to meet the conditions to trigger a feature will filter you a thousand times harder than not knowing the hotkey or where in the menus to find it. You can:
>type the feature in the search command area
>look in the documentation where it is located
>add tools you use the most to your own workspaces in ribbons
>use the hotkey
But if your problem is the other thing then you need to watch a 15 minute video at the very least.

Anonymous No. 943811

You can call it personal preference and I'll accept that, but it's much slower to rely on toolbars and menus. Pressing a hotkey is nearly instant; versus holding right mouse for a sec, then dragging and releasing to a specific point on screen.

If you've ever played RTS games like Starcraft, you would know that using hotkeys for everything is 10x faster than clicking icons on the screen.

Anonymous No. 943823

talking about the speed advantage of hotkeys is retarded. when you're modeling it's not the half a second it takes to click a toolbar button that's slowing you down, it's the actual modeling itself.
preferring hotkeys because they're "faster" is like buying a Lamborghini but not getting the optional cupholders because you want to save money. the difference is absolutely negligible.

Anonymous No. 943843

Any professional will tell you that speed is critical. Taking 2 hours versus 2 days is the difference of being employed.

Anonymous No. 943844

That's true and that's exactly why nobody hires Blender people and/or uses Blender in a professional environment.

Anonymous No. 943845

And also because Blender people tend to be exceptional individuals who have a lot of wrong training from Youtube tutorials that needs to be undone. A company is not going to eat up the cost of deprogramming you from all the Blender Guru nonsense you've eaten.

Anonymous No. 943930

>talking about the speed advantage of hotkeys is retarded. when you're modeling it's not the half a second it takes to click a toolbar button that's slowing you down
It is. I can do a thing with hotkeys and then press another hotkey to repeat last action 50 times; you're gonna have to go to the button and now you're 25 seconds behind. If you don't find the feature immediately then you're gonna be another 10 seconds behind and so on. Now suppose that I'm modelling something that requires 200 actions. The modelling time alone may be 30 minutes for both, but the time selecting the tool and the superior concentration I achieve favors me. By the way, you're not taking half a second in average to click a tool; record yourself and measure it. It's more like 3.5 seconds to the tool, click, and back to working. Bottom line is that you're gonna take 40-50 minutes doing the thing I did in 30. Don't be retarded dude. Homework exercise:
>ask yourself:
>"why all modelling and drawing software has hotkeys?"
>"do I know more than the whole 3D industry?"
>"why do I know better than the whole 3D industry and the people who make the software?"
>be really honest to yourself
Further homework:
>ask yourself:
>"do I know every single 3D modelling company that exists?"
>"why can I make statements about 'all' or 'none' of the 3D companies if I haven't seen them all?"
>"can I read the minds of the people who make the hiring decisions?"
>"am I privy to info about how companies decide which 3D artists to hire?"
>"has somebody who does 3D for a living ever learned with Blender?"
>"has somebody who learned with Blender ever been hired?"

Anonymous No. 943933

And more homework for you:
>ask yourself:
>"what's my sample size of people who use Blender?"
>"how did I pick that sample to avoid different sampling biases?"
>"what's my control group and how did I pick it?"
>"am I talking about something I know, or about something I feel?"
>"how much, in average, companies spend 'deprogramming' people who learned wrong stuff?"
>"where did I learn that companies have to 'deprogram' you from stuff you learned on youtube?"
>"why is partial knowledge from youtube a disadvantage rather than a building block towards the complete knowledge? how do I test that my answer to the previous question is correct?"
>"if companies don't want to pay 'deprogram' you, then they don't 'deprogram' you. but then why am I claiming that they have to 'deprogram' you if it doesn't even happen?"
>"am I adding value to the board with my posts, or am I just doing it to feel better?"
>"is adding value to the board a good thing?"
>"how can I make my posts add more value to the board?"
Be really honest. If you cheat you're only cheating yourself.

Anonymous No. 943965

The difference between hotkeys and toolbars isn't even anywhere near 2 hours vs 2 days though. It's more like 2 hours vs. 2 hours and 10 minutes, but you save yourself a month of learning the god-awful hotkey interface whereas you can pick up a toolbar oriented software in a day or two.

Anonymous No. 943966

>>"why all modelling and drawing software has hotkeys?"
not even remotely true, only vertexshit has hotkeys. CAD is toolbar/menu based with occasional hotkey usage for very common actions. I've never seen a drawing software where hotkeys are important at all.

Anonymous No. 943968

Blender is only for poorfags in poor countries. Learn 3ds max, maya and zbrush these are the white man's best buds.

Anonymous No. 943970

I opened this board as I had recently got some new hardware and figured I'd make the most of it by learning some 3d modeling and animation as a hobby, but when I get here what do I see? Discouraging posts about the software I already learned to make cool pretty donuts on.

Anonymous No. 943971

Discouraging posts about Blender are important because Blender is sold as a wannabe professional tool. In reality it isn't and it's important to remind people that they're not going to be able to do 3D as a job if they learn Blender.

Anonymous No. 943972

Real artists don't have this kind of unwarranted elitism that you seem to hold over spending money on proprietary closed source subscription based scamware, Anon.

A skilled, passionate artist will make beautiful art whether it's with dollar store crayons, or the rarest 5000 year old pigments from an ancient long lost civilization worth 10 million dollars.

Anonymous No. 943973

And by that I mean that even talented people are going to be stumped in their career if they don't avoid Blender and the Youtube tutorial demons.

As an hobbyist you should consider that almost any other software under the sun is much more pleasant to use than Blender, so you may want to look around before settling.

Anonymous No. 943974

You may call it proprietary closed source subscription based scamware, and it is. But it's also what's companies use.

Anonymous No. 943975

One day I'll tell you stories about how much I hated to use a Mac and Quark Xpress at work. No matter how much I complained, I had to use it.
Why? because that's what the job required me to do. I'm sorry to say but It's as simple as that.

Anonymous No. 943988

How could gatekeeping a powerful free tool based on nothing be 'important'? 99% of things you learn by using Blender are applicable to other DCC's. And Blender is perfectly capable of professional work.

Look at Ian Hubert's work or the fact that LucasFilms lists Blender as acceptable experience on many of their job openings.

Jama Jarabaev is a great example of a professional concept artist working for LucasFilm and uses Blender.
"Blender Workflow for Feature Films"

I also noticed in a recent Frost Giant update, their lead animator is using Blender for their game, Stormgate.

Anonymous No. 943989

>LucasFilms lists Blender as acceptable experience on many of their job openings
It's a classical bait and switch all companies do to some extent. If you get in at all with Blender experience, you'll be working on the company's call center.
You also mention two other people who apparently did whatever. I have no idea who they are.

But nevermind all of this. I've told you what the reality is. You can believe me, or you can believe this guy >>943988 complete nonsense.
It's your choice. I've done my part.

Anonymous No. 944010

>you can believe me for only typing words, or you can believe the other guy who can post sources and link to people who say the same thing he does
I feel like you have a skill issue with 3D. Get good.

Anonymous No. 944668

I don't know how to do it myself but check out Arijan on YouTube, he does some amazing hard surface stuff in Blender

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Anonymous No. 944681

>Should I bother learning Blender if I only care about hard surface?
>Seems like the whole thing is very much catered to organics

...yesterday i learned that blender has a build in killer feature since two years++ but never heard of it until yesterday. i even started scripting an addon for myself, after it was already shiped with blender after a year to be able to do exactly what this addon does ...

....why the fuck noone mentioned "tissue" in blender? iam angry and happy about it at the same time! wired sentiment when you ask me ....

Anonymous No. 944687

>100 poly input mesh
>processing takes 20 seconds
why the FUCK doesn't blender have a c++ api? python is a JOKE

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Anonymous No. 944690

>blender is shit because i need to wait a few seconds for a complete reskin of my object with different parts that would take hours when made by hand

Anonymous No. 944709

>Python is a joke
>All industry tools and standard software use python

the only joke here, is (You)

Anonymous No. 944751


Enjoy using your computer as a space heater retards, your interpreted (KEK!) code is running on a SINGLE THREAD netting you 1% performance. Yes, ONE PERCENT, you pay the compound 90% interpreter tax and 90% single thread tax. Thanks Roosendaal!

Anonymous No. 944752


Do stuff in CAD, bring it over to blender or whatever, retopologize, then go from there

CAD(Nurbs) is the best way of designing hard surface things in my opinion

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Anonymous No. 944786

>...your interpreted (KEK!) code is running on a SINGLE THREAD netting you 1% performance.

...yeah, but it is still a few thousand times faster than doing the task by hand!

Anonymous No. 944795

>A skilled, passionate artist will make beautiful art whether it's with dollar store crayons, or the rarest 5000 year old pigments from an ancient long lost civilization worth 10 million dollars.

that is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. a passionate artist will strive for perfection, get his hands on the very best tools and learn how to use them properly, no matter how much harder that may be, instead of developing a fucking stockholm syndrome for the garbage freeware that is limiting his vision.

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Anonymous No. 944810

>...instead of developing a fucking stockholm syndrome for the garbage freeware that is limiting his vision.

...kek, you are cringe as fuck!

Anonymous No. 945539

artstation begs to differ there's more blender models every day from professionals
blender will slowly take over the industry

Anonymous No. 945541

blender is very much a "jack of all trades, master of none" sort of program

Anonymous No. 945542

You are not japanese. They get a pass for using blender but you don't.

Anonymous No. 946654

you're parroting bullshit that professors taught you in 2010. Go actually look at professional work you stupid fuck.