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🧵 Makin Heads

Anonymous No. 943143

Hello 3 Im trying to get better at makin heads. I have been using the f2 addon to make a mesh of mostly quads while lining it up with my reference. are there any tips ya got that could be helpful to me?

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Anonymous No. 943149

Ditch tracing and eyeball shit. Tracing never works. Character sheets are created for 2d animators and artists to coordinate the outfit and hair. They're not for 3d modeling. There's several issues with tracing. Character sheet-like reference is basically never accurate because it's drawn, and it also doesn't convey enough information about the shape, especially considering anime is toon shaded so that's even less visible information. The most important parts of the anime look is the snout-like shape of the jaw and the shape of the cheeks and jaw, neither of which are really described by a front/side reference. What you really want is a 3/4 view, and your only option is to eyeball it. There's also problems with tracing from orthographic views. First, people are not used to seeing stuff in ortho, so things are never drawn in ortho. Look at actual portraits of people shot with a large focal length (>300mm), they don't look natural. Another problem is caused by mis-estimating where the "outline" is actually located on the head, that leads to box syndrome - without a knack for it, you tend to match the vertices closer to the front of the face to the "outlines" of your reference, when those "front" parts are actually supposed to be located much farther away from the outline. Another thing is the shape of the brain box. It's generally hidden by the hair so it's hard to get right without experience. But it's much bigger, especially in anime heads. The general direction of an anime head tapers like \/ towards the chin, so the brain box, actually more of a ball in anime, is bigger than normal.
I see you're not making topology to support the structure of the face either. Topology isn't so much about maintaining all quads, as it's about maintaining necessary poly density and structure for good normal smoothing and providing a good base for easy skinning, good deformation and uv mapping.

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Anonymous No. 943167

It all comes down to pic related. It looks like a joke but it isn't.
If you think of an ellipsoid in 3D, then no matter how look at it, no matter the angle or the perspective, its profile it's going to be an ellipse in 2D.
This is something some clever people figured out long ago even before computers.
If you read a certain genre of manga they sometimes include a couple of pages with the ellipsoidal scheme they've used for the characters, so in time you can learn to make your own.

Anonymous No. 943168

If you just attempt to trace other people's drawing without this particular knowledge, then your product is inevitably going to look like it was made in Blender.

Anonymous No. 943172

learn anatomy, idiot

Anonymous No. 943176

Go back to drawing retard.

Anonymous No. 943182


Anonymous No. 943186

Another 3d artist wannabe extracting shekels from beginners.

Anonymous No. 943187

The tutorial is kinda cool and well produced. The problem with it is not what he tells you. It's what he doesn't tell you.

What he doesn't tell you is that has probably years of artists practice and knows methods to estimate ratios and proportions by eye, so when he moves thing around, it all looks amazing.

When it's going to be your turn to do the same thing it'll look horrible because you don't have his same background knowledge.

In other words, he's teaching you things without actually teaching you anything. That's a very common trick that I see being employed all around the Youtube tutorial world.

Anonymous No. 943197

follow this series:
after that, follow this one:

Anonymous No. 943210

realism doesnt work with anime. as >>943149 said.

Also find an actual tutorial

Anonymous No. 943226

He doesn't explain the importance of edgeloops but he shows the mesh deforming, which puts the tutorial in a league of its own.

Anonymous No. 943229

Edgeloops and whatever you've been told by Blender people it's important, it's not that important.
What's important here is his artistic knowledge and talent of positioning facial features. He's not giving you any of that. He's just giving you some rather generic topology and that's it.

Anonymous No. 943272

yeah here's a tip: please spam three fucking threads simultaneously for the same uninspired anime garbage that you're never going to finish, anyway.

Anonymous No. 944146

You guys so cool i clapped.

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Anonymous No. 944150

who the fuck models with such high levels of subdiv modifier?

you really need to match that shape using creases or manual editing along with grease pencil, or just what do what anons said here, learn 3d anatomy

Anonymous No. 944154

Why should everyone always explain the importance of edgeloops?

Anonymous No. 944182

When deforming a mesh with Edgeloops, they tend to be the first to deform and tend to collapse on itself.

Anonymous No. 946872

I make head too

Anonymous No. 946874

Blowjobs are not a valid way to make head, anon.

Anonymous No. 946982

The drawing does convey enough info, it’s just that people going straight to 3D have no drawing/anatomy backgrounds.

Anonymous No. 948289

Good head tutorial