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๐Ÿงต Making a youtube animation channel.

Anonymous No. 943191

It's a good idea to start an animation channel on youtube making literal slideshows animes?

Pretty sure it would be possible to literally make some slideshow with pannings and minimal editing, and then using one of the meme new anime AI to use as render NPR engine.
Then just a quick voice over using some AI voice and some stock music from a stock site.

I think an OVA would be possible to make in a month of work.

I mean, most animes are literal slideshows already with 3 FPS, shouldn't be too dificult to make an slideshow animation on blender.

Just recicle the most animations like it's a videogame and then is doable I think to pull this off.

Anonymous No. 943215

if its you cris no
you're fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 943224

It's possible but it is too much work for you to actually follow through, sorry Cris.