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๐Ÿงต Why is it so hard to find a mentor who will teach?

Anonymous No. 943335

It's not fair that everyone on twitter and reddit have art friends who teach them. But you guys are assholes who refuse. Why are you like this? I'm in a dark room all day every day, with no one to talk to.

Anonymous No. 943355

Because this place is infested with miserable, depressed chudcels

Anonymous No. 943357

Spergs should use ChatGPT and not bother real people.

Anonymous No. 943371

i can teach you some stuff

Anonymous No. 943389

why would anyone teach a stranger for free?

Anonymous No. 943393

Go join a furry discord, best place to learn art skills and monetize them.

Anonymous No. 943421

lazy nigger OP, people have better things to do than give all of their free time to help you learn something

Anonymous No. 943432

Racism on a 3D board is not tolerated.

Anonymous No. 943435

there is a very high level of skill, patience and dedication that one needs to even stand a chance. if you can't make it on your own, you simply never had what it takes. this might seem harsh, but it's the truth.

Anonymous No. 943437

holy fucking cringe, batman!

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Anonymous No. 943439

Looks like I found a portray of you.

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Anonymous No. 943512

Digits confirm

Anonymous No. 943513


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90s peak humanity.jpg

Anonymous No. 943518

we're at the end mate, everybody is trying to grab as much cash as possible, before the inevitable obsolescence

Anonymous No. 943541

fuck off, cris.

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Anonymous No. 943543

> Finding art mentors
Is that still a thing? I tought only Renaissance/Greeks artist did this. I want a solo 3D gamedev mentor of my own, how do I find this?

Anonymous No. 943544

no it isn't a thing. OP is a whiny pajeet that can't follow simple tutorials and hasn't accepted yet that he will never make it.

he's in the bargaining phase of acceptance ("hey maybe someone else will do it for me, for no reason whatsoever!").

Anonymous No. 943562

White people can be niggers too.

Anonymous No. 943567

>But you guys are assholes who refuse
You realize this board is 99% hobbyists who can barely navigate the basics of their software, right? This board is not full of talented experts refusing to help you. They literally don't know how to help you.

Anonymous No. 943572

A lot of salt and projection in your post. There's definitely a lot of people here that know how to 3D (otherwise to what board in 4chan would they flock?, or is your argument that nobody who does 3D as a job browses 4chan?), but why would they care about 'teaching you'. What is even 'teaching you'? Daily video calls or something? If you ask questions in a general you get responses.
>I'm in a dark room all day every day, with no one to talk to.
Good. That's how I started my 3D journey. Decided to make a game and spent 4 years making assets. The game was never completed and I abandoned it, but with every asset I made and course I watched I learned new stuff. I haven't left the house since 2017 I think, and I haven't spoken with anyone other than my parents and grandpa, but I have become a god of 3D. I'm currently making assets for a different game. Now I make them better, faster, and have realistic expectations of scope.

Anonymous No. 943590


Anonymous No. 943591

nigga, just port all your youtube videos to udemy, retard I'd gladly buy em but you are being a massive faggoot. Do you even want our money?

Anonymous No. 943597

He browses /3/

Anonymous No. 943598

I'm not arrimus mouthbreathers. Is his story that similar to mine?

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7 Dollars.gif

Anonymous No. 943600


Anonymous No. 943627

problem, i cant find paid courses NOR teachers for cold hard cash

the reason learning 3D takes so long is the same as painting and understanding rules because its all about understanding your tools and analyzing the thing you want to emulate

the ones who know simply wont share or dont know how to

Anonymous No. 943643

Ah yes, it's a secret kabal of a million members. If a single one started selling the knowledge he would become rich because of how secret it is, but nobody is doing it. This shit is so secret that it trumps capitalism and poverty and supply and demand. Or alliteratively you're just an idiot and looking for 'secrets' that will make you good overnight, which don't exist. Pick whichever of those two that seems more likely.
>go to Udemy
>buy a course
>practice 5 years
>do a different thing every time so you face a new problem
It's as simple as that.

Anonymous No. 943664

just reveal the code, neo. wtf is your problem?

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Anonymous No. 943666

This singular image brilliantly summarizes my entire pathetic existence, down to the last minute detail. I am truly undeserving of love.

Anonymous No. 944406

how much would you be willing to pay for 60 minutes of 1 on 1 session? for stuff like you send me your files, explain the problem and I give you the solutions. all recorded etc, from someone with over 10 years of pro experience?

I'm asking this unironically

Anonymous No. 944415

Anyone who charges less than 1000/hour for that is useless as a "mentor" anyway

Anonymous No. 946925
