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Marmoset AO baking No. 943374

Hey guys. I have a problem with baking Ambient Occlusion in Marmoset. All on picture. I've tried everything that seems to be possible, but I still get this damn white stripe at the joints of the meshes.
And this is not a seam, yes
I know that this can be fixed in photoshop, but I have not a free thousand years of my life
Using a painter instead of a marmoset for baking is also not a very good option...
Maybe someone can help me?

Anonymous No. 943375

Increase UV padding.

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Marmoset AO baking No. 943377

i will kill myself............................

Anonymous No. 943381

no, in Marmost, there's a UV padding option that blurs your AO outwards from the UV islands that's called UV padding.

The white line in your picture is there because there doesn't seem to be a white background color in your texture with the AO not extending outwards enough, which leads to your UVs sampling first the correct "dark" edge but then "slipping out of the island" where only white is present, turning the very edge of your UV islands pure white.

This is a limitation inherent to how UVs work, you can read a bit about it here:

The first row is basically what's happening in your pic, unwanted colors from neighbor pixels are bleeding into your UV island.
The second row shows how edge padding can help "push back the unwanted colors".

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Marmoset AO baking No. 943383

I don't think that's my problem. I tried different padding in Marmoset (8,16,512, 1024lol...), but the problem persisted.

The white lines doesn't appear at the seams, but everywhere, look

Anonymous No. 943384

huh, it seems like Marmoset is baking those white lines into the texture... have you checked your baking cage? If there's a hard edge there the cage could cause render overlap where both islands think the crease is on "their side" and render their own crease independently, both slightly off center.

Marmoset AO baking No. 943388

There are no sharp edges at all. And yes I checked cage, all ok. This shit happens even when there is no edge at all in a problematic place, only a face.
And with the same model in the Substance Painter everything is baked well! Some incomprehensible bullshit.

Anonymous No. 943405

damn, that's weird... sorry I couldn't help

Marmoset AO baking No. 943406

Finally! I just downloaded Marmoset 3 (instead of 4) and all works fine. Thanks for trying to help. After three terrible days, my soul calmed down.

Anonymous No. 943959

open the texture in photoshop and paint the white edge out.