๐งต Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Apr 2023 17:58:23 UTC No. 943653
>3D tutorial on a topic
>Instead of going straight into the topic itself and focus only on what's supposed to be taught it periodically cuts to the author's ugly face covering the screen
Why do these faggots keep doing that?
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Apr 2023 18:19:02 UTC No. 943654
It's a lot easier and cheaper to produce such a low quality video. Being educational and helpful is simply unprofitable.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Apr 2023 19:14:36 UTC No. 943661
didn't expect an actual answer. yeah that makes perfect sense. guess that's why the most effective way to improve is to search for highly specific problems and learn from 500 subscriber channels instead of trying to find a "home".
also fuck blender haha
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Apr 2023 19:18:39 UTC No. 943663
A) What 3D modeling and rendering software would you recommend?
B) I command you to share this folder, at once!
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Apr 2023 19:21:45 UTC No. 943665
a) learn the basics in blender (at least several hundred hours) , then switch to 3ds max for hard-surface and zbrush for sculpting
b) it's an often seen thread on anime/cute
Anonymous at Fri, 12 May 2023 04:54:27 UTC No. 945675
A lot of us aren't on your level of autism. Where you just absorb information without context. For the rest of us need an introduction, and an explanation of what we are about to see, before we see it. That way, we have a context for what we're seeing. Which helps us absorb the information better.
Anonymous at Fri, 12 May 2023 07:01:34 UTC No. 945682
>Autism = fast learning genius cope
You need to stop believing that every mention of autism here is genuine and talk to some real autists. These fuckers are very often more dense than stone when you try to explain something to them.
>For the rest of us need an introduction, and an explanation of what we are about to see, before we see it. That way, we have a context for what we're seeing. Which helps us absorb the information better.
Some faggot showing his ugly mug and interrupting the flow for that "big celeb energy" in his video is exactly the opposite of what you say, retard. Focusing on what's about to be taught does not exclude introducing the topic and explaining what that is. It only encourages doing that.
Anonymous at Fri, 12 May 2023 07:09:21 UTC No. 945683
>You need to stop believing that every mention of autism here is genuine and talk to some real autists.
I have real autistic family members, and I watch how their brains shut down when you try to be too communicative. But if you keep your communications short, and relevant to their interests, then they're able to follow along. I'm not saying all autists are geniuses. But they do process information differently. Which often involves a hyper focus on the informational, while ignoring the communicative. Or even being thrown through a loop when encountering communicative aspects... such as a guy showing his face in the middle of a lesson here and there.
It's such a dumb thing to get mad about. Like, imagine yourself in school, and getting mad because sometimes the teacher looks back at the class when he's talking, rather than pointing at the information on the board.
Anonymous at Fri, 12 May 2023 07:42:31 UTC No. 945685
>The teacher looks back at class
He looks back at class and that's it. The board is still there, he is still telling you about what you're here to be taught with the board beside him.
Now what these fags are usually doing, if we go by the teacher analogy, is as if the teacher finished writing one part of the board, and then obstructed it by lowering the projector screen, which shows his webcam feed, where he's still continuing to lecture while being present in class before rising it back up and continuing to write on the board - It's useless and retarded.
I don't like the "corner webcam" format either, but it's miles better than shit in the OP since it's way closer to your example of the teacher and the board since both are there at the same time, keeping the flow WHILE having those social aspects you talk about.
Anonymous at Sat, 13 May 2023 04:21:25 UTC No. 945757
I'll agree it's technically difference. But not significantly different. You're still whining over nothing.
Anonymous at Sat, 27 May 2023 16:57:52 UTC No. 946863
I don't like this format either, but not because it shows A face, but more like THE faces it usually shows. Does not apply to 3D alone either, like in case with CNC kitchen.
Most of those who actually do that type of format that i've seen look like people that i would hear about in school/college getting dunked into the toilet and think "Yeah, that's justified" by looking at them. I usually am very calm and sociable with people but people looking like this genuinely make me want to beat the shit out of them on sight and it annoys me on top of their annoying "quirky" mannerisms they usually incorporate into the videos.
I'm alright with the format otherwise.
>That's just another type of auti--
I have an actual medical note saying i don't have it.
Anonymous at Sat, 27 May 2023 17:13:16 UTC No. 946864
you have to be a narcissist to succeed at youtube, simple as.
Anonymous at Sat, 27 May 2023 18:07:40 UTC No. 946876
You just seenieboppered a normaltroid Referee skin brained Unix 1920 Beaned. Cyrax
Anonymous at Sat, 27 May 2023 23:55:44 UTC No. 946896
For what it's worth I don't think that disliking something means that there's something wrong with you, or that you have some kind of different attribute than others.
Honestly? I think what you have is a *preference*. Most people prefer not to look at ugly things. Though what you consider ugly is more complicated because it's based on bias and personal history.
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Jun 2023 05:42:31 UTC No. 948205
>What does Max offer which blender doesn't?
NTA but Max is very widely used in professional industry unlike Blender which is free and constantly being updated, what can it offer that blender doesn't? For one, it's got a great modelling kit, but the reason why this anon said to use it AND Zbrush at the same time is because Max doesn't have a dedicated sculpting kit unlike Blender, however Blender's sculpting kit isn't perfect either, that is why ZBrush is a go-to for sculpting, 3DS Max is great for animations and rendering art, it's got its own rendering engine different from Blender's EEVEE and Cycles. 3DS Max has a great rigging system for use in posing and animation and such alike. And it had a major update for simulation liquid and other particles.
You don't need to upgrade to Max if you're a pro, sometimes it's best to stick with Blender (or Maya) as Blender has alot of community-made plugins such as AI generators and a plugin that allows you to spawn a pre-existing model from a website into your scene.
At the end of the day, it's your decision to make, the only advice i can give you is: Use whatever 3d program you want, but ZBrush is the best tool for sculpting as Blender's sculpting kit isn't that great (it is very inefficient and lacking in freedom).