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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 943743


Anonymous No. 943744


Anonymous No. 943747

I like it a lot

Anonymous No. 943752

this entire board should be shut down.

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Anonymous No. 943754

Wow. So these two tiles are actually the same color??
Who would have guessed?

the chair nerd No. 943756


Anonymous No. 943758

Better than most fags who do this shit and just slap a tile texture on and don't care if it lines up or not. That shit pisses me off to no end for some reason.

Anonymous No. 943763

>actually a montage to make it look like 4h
how lame. I wanted to see how he'd hold up doing that for 4hours.

Anonymous No. 943769

It's not technically impressive work, but it satisfies some autistic part of my brain.

Anonymous No. 943881

This is just nothing.

Anonymous No. 944758

Depends on your skill level

Anonymous No. 944928

Pretty cool imo

Anonymous No. 944939

i only worked 3 pic in d3, cause i usually like to draw on the pc more, well i am able to make it...

Anonymous No. 944993

looks like it came out of early/mid 2000's

Anonymous No. 945127

DESU it looks like it could be made in 5 minutes. The floor and walls are just a few extruded squares and the texture is a stock grid pattern with randomized color. The lamp is an octagon extruded up a few times. Slap on some noise patterns for the lamp color and tile bump. The clean UVs are the best part..
It doesn't make sense what this is. Because there was obviously no plan or creative inspiration. Just started extruding boxes. When I look at this, I just think and feel nothing.

Anonymous No. 945156

It's not necessarily bad. Your materials are not very good though.

Anonymous No. 945202

Good for what?

Anonymous No. 947192


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Anonymous No. 947257

How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way.

Anonymous No. 947265

Its good, but textures have seamless noise, which is impossible in real life.

Anonymous No. 947270

it looks like the decor of a pizza place in a dead mall started to spread like a deadly fungus

Anonymous No. 947271

No, its not good. If you hired someone to lay tiles they would never in a million years lay it like this


Anonymous No. 947410

looks fun

Anonymous No. 947437

>When I look at this, I just think and feel nothing.

True understanding that even shit art that makes you feel something is better than perfect art that moves no one.

Anonymous No. 947440

>Random noise
You will never be an artist

Anonymous No. 948279

I like the old 90s render look it has.

Anonymous No. 948320

You will never be a woman.

Anonymous No. 948335

>new backrooms just get dropped

Anonymous No. 948361

remove the lava lamp and post it to some liminal spaces circle jerk

Anonymous No. 948503

It's got some late 90's/early 2000's materials, but otherwise, very good.

Anonymous No. 949030

I want to have rabid manic sex in this room.

Anonymous No. 949057

yep shaders perfectly allign