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๐Ÿงต Mudbox vs Zbrush

Anonymous No. 944183

Is Mudbox still worth getting to pair with Zbrush together? It is said Mudbox has a true 3D camera and the better ability to sculpt finer details due to a more comfortable sculpting feel than Zbrushs as the tools feel comfy to use.

Anonymous No. 944187

zbrush is all you need for sculpting

Anonymous No. 944192

I'm considering giving mudbox a try for a serious project for once. Sometimes the way brushes act Zbrush is a headache, mainly due to quirks of the fake viewport

Mudbox's layering system is far better too of course. It just works as a layering system is expected to from what I can remember

Just need to use it to find out what is and isn't stable as the few perks it has on paper are enticing

Anonymous No. 944224

Yeah and the texture painting is way superior. It is super comfy but lacks in features to Z

Anonymous No. 944250

Zbrush is all you need for any kind of modeling, poly modeling is dead.

Anonymous No. 944256

lol no. not all of us want to create the same garbage "hurrr i guess this looks acceptable" sci-fi greeble style.
i use max for hard-surface and there are at least half a dozen additional tools for higher precision that i wish it had.

zbrush can potentially replace hard-surface when it comes to fantasy/freestyle models, but even then it seems suboptimal. just because i ***can*** use a wrench to hammer in a nail doesn't mean that i should or that hammers are obsolete.

Anonymous No. 944261

If you need precision modeling, you use CAD. And if you are creating garbage that's a you problem, nothing to do with the software.

Anonymous No. 944268

idiotic comment. you literally do not even model and it shows. probably skipped through 30secs of a michael pavlovich "you can hard-surface model in zbrush, too, guize" video and based your entire opinion on that.

Anonymous No. 944361

mudbox's sculpting tools are smooth, clean and comfy as fuck. feels like soft clay compared to zbrush's laggy rough feel

Anonymous No. 944518

Tried pirating it earlier today, damn package didn't have the licence data for the 2024 version, the version that the package is supposed to be for.

I don't want to tell Autodesk my life story just to get a fucking trial.exe lol.

Thing's super cheap anyway so I can shell out for an actual version when I got a week to kill

Anonymous No. 944519

>Tried pirating it earlier today, damn package didn't have the licence data for the 2024 version, the version that the package is supposed to be for.
you probably have a virus now, too lmao. You people will never learn

Anonymous No. 944567

Zbrush wasn't just touted as the sole industry standard for sculpting without hesitation. Pixologic unintentionally acheived a meta that I don't know if any future software can replicate nor would any company want to. It revealed that Reddit Syndrome is an enigmatic behavioral disorder rather than just another case of normie arrested development and group think. Many pros and hobbyists alike have dedicated time and video to an ongoing exercise in sadomasochism on an order of magnitude greater than eschewing specialized retopology tools for the topology brush. This as an experience the redditors have called "fun", and spend a significant if not most of their time polygonal modeling in a program that has neither multiple view panels nor a real 3D coordinate system that allow for actual spatial quadrant control not limited to one plane based on your perspective, as that's the optimization trade off for the cpu intensive processing of moving around 6 gorillion points of raw vertex data on a toaster. Some go as far as to say that they are not very good at sculpting, so they spend most of their time confusing their love of polygroups with using zmodeler. These are the sort of people paypigging for Maxon right now.

Just experiment with other software. Nobody is going to notice all the things, both big and small, things that would give you relief in changing software just like how they take for granted proper highlighting and selection.
That's right, Mister Shapiro. The process should be as slow and innefficient as possible. Plugins are for shitters who should solve simple problems other software don't have by exploring convuluted that don't really work out in the end. I hope one day moving my limbs can be a suboptimal 12 step process.

Anonymous No. 944581

Nope, I take precautions

Anonymous No. 944586

I got it from here and it works fine, with license cracker and 2024 version

It does not have as many tools as Zbrush but the sculpting feel is 150% more smoother and responsive where in Zbrush it feels heavy, rough and laggy. I just use both. The camera viewport is also much better and not a pain, along with it's layer systems.

Anonymous No. 944597

layer system is nice...

but everything is worse (personal experience), especially that there's no mask extract feature.

Mudbox to Zbrush feels like driving Lada 128 to a BMW

Anonymous No. 944598

Unironically, Cinema 4D has more sculpting features compared to Mudbox

Anonymous No. 944599

dude c4d sculpting is mad underrated. i haven't used it in like 10 years, but i remember sculpting with it was so smooth and buttery. i love maya but the sculpting tools are so useless compared to c4d. idk about mudbox, might try it just cuz it's cheap as hell, but it seems like the last time they added so much as one new feature was in 2019? at least that's what it looks like after skimming about five years of release notes. most years it's just "minor fixes, new installer" etc. but maybe it's mostly feature complete and they're not trying to bloat it up. i really hate the interface on zbrush. sure, if you've been using zbrush for a decade, you're used to it, but just step back and realize what a bloated cluster that thing is.

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Anonymous No. 944704

I've been using mudbox and the sculpting feel is godly and buttery smooth, probably cause the software isn't bloated. It lacks in some features compared to Zbrush but when it comes to sculpting itself, it's great. The last content update was in 2019 where you can tessellate certain areas on your mesh to add/remove detail, it's really handy rather than completely having to retopologize your entire mesh each time.

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Anonymous No. 944705

Like this when I turn wireframe on. You can retopologize the mesh into quads at the end though. Honestly I prefer mudbox's sculpting feel and I pair it with zbrush together to do things not possible in mud.

Anonymous No. 944755

>>944192 (me)
>>944518 also (me)

So I tried Mudbox and have decided that I'm going to use it from now on for the later stages of organics, simple as.
Zbrush is bloatware at said later stages, Mudbox's Viewport and Layer system just moggs all over ZB

>Detailing organics

>Everything Else

That's my verdict (for now)

I appreciate the link

>The camera viewport is also much better and not a pain, along with it's layer systems.

Anonymous No. 945081

i'm new to modelling and my laptop is outdated, what type of laptop is good for zbrush?

Anonymous No. 945095

All it uses is CPU and RAM
So you can cheap out on the GPU

Any modern hexa-core would probably run more than great.

Try to get at least 32GB's if you're going to work on mesh's (subtools) that are more than ~30 million polygons

I have 64Gigs and I hate going towards the 40's 50's and up. Undo's and other things become super sluggish if you don't hide parts you aren't working on and such. That has nothing to do with RAM however.
Just saying that going to a bazillion polygons on 1 subtool is a headache. Take care of the rest in Mari or what have you.

Anonymous No. 945097


Anonymous No. 945695

Been using the software more, haven't done any texturing or anything, Just been sculpting in it after rendering the model I was working on right out of Zbrush.

I gotta say, when working on something where you have to be delicate with how smooth/rough the sculpt is (around the secondary and tertiary forms area)
Zbrush has never been a good indicator of how well that balance has been, because over the years, I've began to notice that it has always made my sculptures look more rough than they actually do.

Doing something smooth like a toony sculpt or something rough like middle-aged/elderly people or real/imaginary creatures come out fine enough after Zbrush though.
Toony stuff is toony stuff, easy, and rough stuff are carried by all the random changes of forms you put little thought into, creating a lot of interesting highlights and shadows. (Never ask a sculptor to sculpt a realistic young adult in a short amount of time.)

As I've said before, Mudbox's viewport is far better, you actually see the fucking model you're working on. And that's a major benefit. As it translates well to Arnold
Now here's a major con.
When you get to higher polycounts like ~20m+ if you even go that far (Though you could argue you don't have to because of Mudbox's smoothed Normals not tricking you into thinking you need an extra subdivision or 2)
Switching between layers becomes a slog, creating new layers become a slog, and going up and down high polycount subdivisions become a slog.

So I can't imagine what its like trying to use layers and whatnot if you were to ever work on a 200m+ poly model. (Yes, you can go that high on 1 'subtool' in mudbox and have the entire model active).
You would probably have all of your layers deleted, a single new one made MAYBE and just sculpt on that for how many more weeks you want in it's own file. (Just do it texturing though you maniac, you can recreate your sculpting brushes but only be limited to 'sculpting' directly up and down)

Anonymous No. 946202

>>945695 (me)

Back with another update

Do not paint textures other than diffuse in Mudbox. It doesn't have a PBR Material out of the box, so it's pretty much useless in this age. Unless someone decides to create and release a PBR shader they code up themselves.

As you can't just straight up vertex paint on your model like you can in Zbrush and probably blender (no uv's required),You'll have to either create up uvs in mudbox, set up ptex painting, or do both elsewhere.

Do not set up UV's on mudbox, it literally has not controls other than telling it how many tiles you want. The reason this is a problem is because the UV's it creates are hundreds if not thousands of overly 'optimized' shells.
They're so tightly packed that if you don't use a high enough texture resolution on your paint layers. You will end up painting pixels that cross over 2 UV's shells meaning you put some paint elsewhere on the model without knowing, or you will not be able to paint the pixel at all depending on what your edge bleed settings are in the preferences.

All and all bad if you want to keep your scene optimised.

Use Ptex. Instead of having to send the model to another program to do UV's properly or even quickly. Ptex takes under a minute to set up.
You can also increase/decrease the resolution where ever you want on the model, when ever you want. (Though decreasing is destructive).
So it's like vertex painting but you don't have to SubD your model to a bajillion polys to get some nice resolution going. In other words, better.

When you're done and actually want to keep your paint for whatever reason, you could export the ptex data if you want and use that in whatever render engine that supports it.
Or you can come back to the file later and transfer the ptex to a UV'd version of the model you finally decided to set up, keeping the layers and all.
(I usually only paint in these software for guidance. I do my proper textures elsewhere)

Not having a PBR shader is a major de-buff

Anonymous No. 946203

>>946202 (me)

The painting tools themselves. It's all the same shit really. Stencils, stamps, blending modes, everything notable has them.
Can paint your XYZ maps in MBX if you wanted, then continue to do what you need to the sculpt to make the XYZ pass better all in on package. (I haven't tried it though, that's just in theory).

Mudbox's VDM capabilities are great too (talking about sculpting now). Sure everything can stamp a VDM nowadays. But I have yet to see a software that lets you do VDM stokes with a fucking brush, only height map strokes. Now that I think about it though, I think Zbrush can do that too, I've see the '3D alpha' icon before but never thought of mixing that and stoking together.

Play around with the default VDM 'stamps' in Mudbox on a sculpting brush when you get the chance. You'll see the capabilities. I''ll se what I can do with setting it up in ZB, there may even be a default brushes that do the same thing right out of the box

Anonymous No. 946239

what if i'm planning to import to maya anyways?

Anonymous No. 946241

If you're asking about painting, you can do your UV's at any stage you want, the whole ptex thing is more for being able to have the Zbrush ability to lay colour down whenever you want

Anonymous No. 946277

I use Mudbox for fine detailing my models and finalizing them, the base meshes and accessories are done in Zbrush.

Anonymous No. 946427

zbrush is just way more optimized for high polycounts compared to anything i've tried. it's absurd how the ui is so shit but the underlying renderer is so good.

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Anonymous No. 946444

I have never learned zbrush because my brain is smooth but this is the low poly version of the sculpt I did exclusively on mudbox. Dynamic tessellation is a gift from God.

Anonymous No. 946446

How do you keep those tubes smooth and circle like? Mine always look flat and deformed. Mudbox has a problem with symmetry in my experiences aswell if you smooth at the edge of a mesh it can fuck up your symmetry.

Anonymous No. 946493

should i get a zbrush light or zbrush mini or whatever the fuck they call the cheap nerfed version subscription on the sale tomorrow? or should i just get mudbox? the zbrush-lite costs 20 bucks more a year than mudbox. is it 20% better than mudbox? i'm just gonna retopo all the shit in maya to make low poly game assets. do i real need 100 million polygons zbrush?

Anonymous No. 946505

pirate it? literally just pirate it, i can send you the link to mudbox.

Anonymous No. 946530

perhaps mudbox is better choice for you because of how it's integrated with maya
you can bring model from maya to mudbox and back with file->send to mudbox/maya command (it keeps textures you paint, very cool)

Anonymous No. 946602

the only thing that makes me hesitate is that they never released a apple silicon version of mudbox and since it gets basically no development for years, i don't want to start using it and eventually apple drops support for rosetta 2 and mudbox is assed out.

Anonymous No. 947444

What type of detailing of the model inside mudbox do you guys like?

Anonymous No. 947495

i'm noob to mudbox what did u mean by this?