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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944283

post a game character creator that can make mario 64 or sully or synty type of models.

I need a character creator like Vroid, makehuman and character creator, but for low poly trashy indie models like synty.

Anonymous No. 944286

i mean like
mash some scaled primitives together
apply textures
standardize the hierarchy and body proportions so you can continuously reuse envelopes/skinclusters

Anonymous No. 944287

that takes 50 minutes.

looking to have something that can generate a model in 5-10 minutes.

Anonymous No. 944290

Ask this guy >>943448 he seems pretty competent in what you're looking for.

Anonymous No. 944327

Cris doesn't know the fuck is doing, ask on /agdg/ >>>/vg/

Anonymous No. 944333

Looks good Cris
Keep it up buddie

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Anonymous No. 944334

dude there is this AMAZING 3d modeler called cris that seldomly honors us with his presence. he developed this ultra cool 5-10 minute low poly workflow. maybe try to see if his deep wisdom can help you?

Anonymous No. 944335

I doubt that you're going to use all that extra free time productively

Anonymous No. 944341

You have three options:
1. spend a month making the creator system yourself. You can do it entirely in blender.

2. Crank out about 10 of them yourself in a day or two.

3. Pay a third worlder on fiverr to do it for you.

I suggest you don't bother with any of them, since you are a ngmi whose project will never go anywhere. Get a real job, neet.

Anonymous No. 944348

>giving a constructive answer
you're talking to a spambot you goddamn moron

Anonymous No. 946738


Anonymous No. 946750

So I am supposed to do the exact opposite of what he says and does, right?

Anonymous No. 946752

who is cris someone please explain

Anonymous No. 946757

i thought it's a bot
but everyone is telling him to duck off like he's actually reading the threads
and he seems incredibly old
it blows my mind that he didn't get banned yet

Anonymous No. 946758

crazy lore

Anonymous No. 947274

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 947278


Anonymous No. 947286

Kris living rent-free in one anon's head

Anonymous No. 947302

it's incredible that one person is able to bring an entire board to its knees

Anonymous No. 947303

Cris is based stay mad wagies.