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Anonymous No. 944295

Answer me just this one thing : is it better to keep cg as a hobby and do any other job? Ive worked real cg gigs before in games and it was horrible

Anonymous No. 944297

Doing it as a hobby is the best route, you actually care about the shit you make.
And you'll likely be able to monetize it eventually.

Anonymous No. 944301

Sounds like you have more experience than everyone on the board. You tell us.

Anonymous No. 944306

dont work on MMOs

Anonymous No. 944326

Why are you asking the retards here? You know they haven't worked a gig in their life. You probably have more experience with it than they ever will.

Anonymous No. 944419

And you can learn new things at your own pace.

Anonymous No. 944420

HAHAHA you will never be adhd you will never have any other skill besides 3dcg you will never have a comfy programming job making 140k plus while doing 3d on the side. You will never be a government wagie pretending to work hard. You will never be a blue collar worker tradesperson making the same as the programmer. You will never be a engineer, a lawyer, a doctor or a nurse that contributes to the betterment of society. Fuck, I know janitors making more than you will make in 3dcg KEK. You will always have to work unpaid overtime to meet deadlines. YOu will always have to skillup to get better jobs in cg. You will never make six figures because all you know it to model guns, low poly shit. You will never be a supervisor or a director. Even then you will have to work 3x more than if you were only just a modeler. KEK it's over just let the dream die time to come back to the ground OP.

Anonymous No. 944425

What a tone deaf and horribly timed post. Is shitting your pants, groping around for insults in the wrong thread what passes for bait these days? It's like this board only updates anymore when a couple of out of touch redditors decide to sperg out.

Anonymous No. 944617

You just answered your own question

Anonymous No. 944636

sounds like you never worked pro, otherwise why would you ask this board 90% filled of hobbyfags. Your mood is entirely dependent on two things the people and the project. If you can score a plus in both those categories then you got it made. One plus in either is livable. If both the people and the project suck, then you will wish you kept it as a hobby.

Side note you sound like a retard.

Anonymous No. 946931


Anonymous No. 946966

Depends on how good you are at it. If you're intelligent, have good 3D skills and you're an artist, you can do it as a job. If you're some goober who doesn't have what it takes, quit 3D and find something that suits you.

Anonymous No. 947008

All depends on where you work at, if you do freelance that probably will be real pain in ass trying to be swiss knife man. I currently work in outsource studio and usually its just chilling working listening to music or anything else, I get task with specified requirements and just do my work, sometimes shit happens when client unsatisfied but mostly its OK, also WFH and almost no need to interact with other people is another huge plus, though depends ofc