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๐Ÿงต what is a good place to start/Great resources

Anonymous No. 944698

Hi, I'm interested in learning 3D modeling with hopes of making mini's and maybe animation down the road. I have blender and a decent laptop, what are some good videos to watch/ good resources to get started.

Anonymous No. 944702

to make minis you mix hard surface and organic sculpting, the best place to start is ofc the Donut
from there
Hard Surface

Anonymous No. 946932


Anonymous No. 946970

learn the entire process of asset creation once:
1.) hard-surface or sculpting
2.) retopology if necessary
=> result: high- and low-poly meshes
3.) UV-mapping, packing, baking maps
4.) texturing
5.) rigging, weight painting
6.) animating

learning this properly will realistically take you 1000-2000 hours. once you have created an animated asset of your choice that genuinely looks like it has been ripped from a modern video game, get rid of blender forever. it is for people that will never make it (aspergers and third-worlders).

Anonymous No. 946987

What do you consider the "superior" hard surface modeling tool? I use Blender for modeling and UVs and I have yet to test a better tool when it comes to modeling (I don't know about UVing)

Anonymous No. 946988

you made your own question obsolete by stating that you are content with blender. people end up switching because they absolutely need tools that allow for higher precision. if you're not regularly annoyed by its limitations, then clearly it is the right tool for whatever you attempt to do.

Anonymous No. 946990

>He is polymodelling his hard surface projects
>He is not using zbrush to replace 80% of blender
Wow that's some next level ngmi right there.

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good luck sculpti....jpg

Anonymous No. 946994

hard-surface in zbrush is limited to areas/styles where exact measurements are not required, such as soulless "i guess this looks acceptable" sci-fi greeble garbage.

good luck trying to tell a potential client "yeah sorry i can't accurately recreate that piece of machinery, car, train etc. but I can make a badass ripoff of the halo helmet if you like, i even add unnecessary pipes and bolts everywhere!!111"

yes I know, *technically* it is possible to measure in zbrush as well, but if you had actually ever done it, you'd know just how inconvenient it would be to do a non-fictional non-organic asset in zbrush.

Anonymous No. 946997

Yeah I wasn't planning on switching so fast. iwas just wondering cause I used Maya and 3DSMax and wanted to check if was going to mention the latter. It's cnsidered by a lot to be the best but I had literally one of the worst software experience when I tried it. I'm a hobbyist though.
Zmodeler is cool but it was already tiring to set up my own UI and shortcuts for the rest that I can't picture myself doing the same for EVERY zmodeler tab/feature.

Anonymous No. 947001

Meant for >>946988

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Anonymous No. 947003

No, you are just not autistic enough.

Anonymous No. 947004

but you just proved my point by showing an example where the measurements are off!? look at the curvature of the cabin parts, they are not identical...
such is the case in very old planes and trains, but not a modern helicopter. the end result also makes no statement about how inconvenient it was to get there, which means you didn't address my main criticism.

>challenging my autism
jokes on you, demanding more than that is precisely why I'd make that heli in 3ds max.

Anonymous No. 947188

thats stupid