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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944888

What does /3/ think of 3DCoat? I'm mainly interested in it for texture painting, and I don't want to give my money to Adobe.

Anonymous No. 944889

I've only used an old version, but when sculpting it seemed like it painted a voxel field and applied a marching cube algorithm upon that field.
That meant that you were "painting" into the void (with minimal effect) until suddenly a threshold was reached and a big blob "came into existence". overall an annoying experience, but back then it was the only software with dynamic meshes.
These days blender can do something similar with a more intuitive feel, however I'm sure newer versions of 3d coat feel better than back then.

Anonymous No. 944895

if you don't want to give them your money for ethically correct reasons (them overcharging, making the product worse, infecting your PC with malware etc), the only sensible approach is to pirate their product.

this is literally and unironically not a sin. software companies have no fucking right to infiltrate your computer, especially without even announcing it, and lowering the profits of an organization that is focused on nothing but the products while shitting on their own consumers makes the world a better place.

buy a cgpeers invite and pirate, anon.

Anonymous No. 944899

I like it for UV mapping, retopology and sculpting. Texture painting is OK but usable especially hand painted styles, if you want texture painting without adobe try marmoset 4 as well

Anonymous No. 944912

>infecting your PC with malware

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Anonymous No. 944915

>buy a cgpeers invite and pirate...

pay to get aids!

Anonymous No. 944918

the fuck is that anon talking about?

Anonymous No. 944947

install maya, houdini and substance and there will be roughly a dozen "authentication services" running that do who-knows-what with your data. you will never be told that these services are running, most of them can't be stopped by closing them via task manager (they just reappear).

if doing unknown things on your system, not being optional or stoppable by normal means and sending unknown data via the internet isn't the definition of malware, then what is?

pirate, then use services.msc (the actual, hidden startup apps manager in windows) to forbid them.

by fucking with your system/software, these companies have automatically given you the right to fuck with their software.

Anonymous No. 944955

Ah, so you meant those.
Yeah that's one of the big reasons why I try to shift more and more to open source. Not even because of data concerns, it's just that I fucking hate the thought of WASTING RESOURCES on retarded nanny SPAM that is not essential for the programs to run. So much useless fucking shit bloating up the machine until at some point it fucking grinds to a stop.

Remember CD copy protections that literally made your computer crash all the time? This is just another flavor of that faggotry.

Anonymous No. 944962

I was trying to texture nipples on a big breasted female and the software locked itself. Fuck this Christcuck 3D software

Anonymous No. 944964

yeah, same. I am running win 10 pro for workstations (special version with extra few bloat) and plan on never upgrading from it.
when microsoft inevitably stops supporting it, instead of upgrading to win 11, I'll build a 2nd PC for surfing, torrenting etc and make my actual PC always offline.

when asshole companies like microsoft try to coerce you into using programs with less and less user control by going "haha the superior version is insecure now" you don't upgrade - you cut the fucking connection forever.

Anonymous No. 945705

i do all of my textures in 3dcoat and it works for me

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Anonymous No. 945738

>I was trying to texture nipples on a big breasted female and the software locked itself. Fuck this Christcuck 3D software

Anonymous No. 945819

You didn't even read the TOS or the blog posts about the new prudebot AI system?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 945820

everything went better than expected.png

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Anonymous No. 945855

I'm using it right now, though specifically the 3DCoat Textura - much cheaper version that has *only* texturing tools, no sculpting/modeling.
Seems pretty useful so far, definitely better than stock Blender (if only because of the robust layers system) and more intuitive for handpainting then Substance Painter (which seems more suited to more realistic style with photo/procedural mats).
Another plus is that you can port your brushes from Photoshop directly to it.