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๐Ÿงต The current year

Anonymous No. 944951

Why in the year of our lord 2023 is it still completely impossible to find a blender tutorial on modelling a house that isn't either

1. Purely exterior with a hollow shell of nothingness inside
2. Purely interior for a presumably fixed camera that has nothing outside
3. A postmodern shitbox made by extruding the default cube a couple of times

And why is there no comprehensive solution to the eevee lightbleed/crazy jagged shadow problem that actually works? Nothing anybody suggests actually fixes the problem

I just want to make a nice normal suburban house with a nice interior that also looks good from the outside, with a nice backyard and some low poly but not visibly low poly neighboring houses- so my character can freely walk in and out of the house without necessitating camera cuts to hide that the interior and exterior are actually totally separate .blend files. And I want the lighting for the interior and exterior to not necessarily look professional studio quality but merely not be super fucked up. Pls help me

Anonymous No. 944952

>blender tutorial on modelling a house

Anonymous No. 944953

Layout the house (Interior and exterior walls, ceilings, doorways, etc.) with boxes and other primitives if necessary. Then use them as bounds for the amount of space you're allowed to use for those things.

Then do the same for the assets you're going to place inside (clocks, beds, chairs, tables, toolbox, doors etc.)

Create those following assets in their own files then import and place them in when completed

Sounds like the rest of the information you need are in the tutorials you've came across. Just do those but with the interior and exterior of your complete house

The key is having a layout

As for lighting, shading and stuff, I don't use blender so I can't help you there really

Anonymous No. 944954

>lightbleed/crazy jagged shadow

stick a black convex mesh inside the walls that has no seams and use that one to ensure there are no gaps for your light to find their way thru. It's very common to use simple 'shadow aid' geometry whenever using models that aren't convex hulls themselves.

Anonymous No. 944956

just use cycles

Anonymous No. 944957


That doesn't seem to be doing anything


Am I missing something with cycles? I'm trying to make 4k animations, and rendering 1 frame of a scene with two lights and hardly anything in it takes my 4090 almost 6 minutes. I don't see how this can be viable for one person

Anonymous No. 944959

You'd be surprised how many AAA films have a ~1080p digital intermediate the past decade.

Use an upscaler if you want 4K

Anonymous No. 944983

Spend 5 minutes reading the documentation on how Cycles or rendering in general works.
You can set a time limit on renders. You can change the sample count. More samples is higher quality and takes more time but at a certain point the difference isn't noticeable and it just eats time. The default is way too high for most things (4000 samples). Instead start with like 128 samples and start doubling it if you need more because the image is too noisy.
You can also set a noise threshold which is another way to optimize it based on noise.

Anonymous No. 944984

>The default is way too high
Why? Couldn't they put the right value in there?

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Anonymous No. 944986

>The default is way too high for most things (4000 samples).

Anonymous No. 944990

What is architectural modelling.

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Anonymous No. 945039

Ok so I learned some stuff about how to render in cycles and it seems maybe it is viable after all, and I started modelling a new house from a floor plan paying attention to the actual dimensions and will worry about the roof later I guess. But what's going on with the dimensions? I scaled my image plane appropriately so that my walls match the dimensions in the blueprint, and according to the site I got them from the ceiling should be 8 feet high. I changed my units to imperial and imported this character who is supposedly 5 feet tall, but the house is towering over her? What's going on here? The scene scale is 1 and I imported her with a scale of 1

Anonymous No. 945041

Before you go any further and waste more time, try to add window and door holes to your walls. You'll very quickly understand why people use proper software instead of Blender to model houses. There's also specialized software to create roofs and stairs.
Obviously but you need to look around.

Anonymous No. 945046

People use Geometry Nodes to do most of that procedurally.

Anonymous No. 945054

Convert imperial to metric on google first of all lol
Then use the grid to judge what is the incorrect scale

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Anonymous No. 945071

>I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDD tutorials to be EXACTLY about the specific thing I want to do!

literal brainlet take

Anonymous No. 945094

use zbrush

Anonymous No. 945128

best post

Anonymous No. 945397

Why in gods name would you need a tutorial for this??

Anonymous No. 945413

He has a lack of confidence and a low willingness to learn through error, like most people

Anonymous No. 945483

Set it to GPU.

Anonymous No. 945835

>1. Purely exterior with a hollow shell of nothingness inside
>2. Purely interior for a presumably fixed camera that has nothing outside
if only there was some way to combine knowledge...

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Anonymous No. 945856

>I don't know how to use archipack

Anonymous No. 945859

And then the architect makes a small change to the file you've imported from LibreCAD and you have to re-do everything all over again.

Anonymous No. 945861

Lad it is fully parametric, you don't have to redo shit

Anonymous No. 945910

What the fuck are you even doing? Everybody uses AutoCAD and 3dsMax for this kind of thing. Why are you being retarded? Just the use software that works.

Anonymous No. 945911

LibreCAD is perfectly fine for 2D.
>Why are you being retarded?
Because if you need to do mostly 2D, there is no possible way you can humanly justify the price and the torture Autodesk puts you through to have a genuine license.

Anonymous No. 945914

>justify the price
Autocad costs a fraction of a single project.
Torture is not being able to share files between teams because you are using a retarded software that doesn't support the files that everybody uses.

Stop being retarded.

Anonymous No. 945917

DId you know that in the Autoesk EULA, which you legally accept even if you pirate it, there's a clause that allows Autodesk representatives to inspect your premises? It's not always enforceable but it's there.

>Stop being retarded.
Why do you have to shill and earn $0.02 per post if Autocad is so good? Are you not able to make money with it?

Anonymous No. 945918

lol lmao even

Anonymous No. 945921

>Autocad costs a fraction of a single project.
If it's a small project, it can be a significant fraction.

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Anonymous No. 946024

Here is your problem.
It is 2023.
The internet is dead.
YT is dead.
Old good content got
B) ALgorithmed away by YT itself and now impossible to get out o the YT search.
C) Chanel was purged by YT for (((copyright infringement))) or (((violating YT guidelines)))

Now all you get is clickbait shit like donut fagot. No seriously his 10 minute trash video about making a house triggered me.

It is the definition of clickbait.
He literally talks for 10 minutes about he did buy assets and put them into a scene and does not say anything of value.

Stop using trash.
Use ray tracing! Abandon this eevee crap.

Anonymous No. 946025

>nything in it takes my 4090 almost 6 minutes. I don't see how this can be viable for one person
The what now mate?
I render 1 frame of cycles in 1 minute on my old GTX 900.

Check your drivers or something.

Anonymous No. 946030

best post

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Anonymous No. 946032

Hey ya'll OP here

So I managed to figure out the floorplan stuff and got my interior looking pretty nice/rendering fast without any artifacts in Cycles

However I still can't into roofs. This is a real pickle

Also while I got interior renders to happen in an acceptable timeframe I still don't understand how I'm ever supposed to have animated outdoor scenes, as having anywhere near the appropriate amount of grass particles makes the render time for each frame completely bananas

Anonymous No. 946054

Whats a convex mesh

Anonymous No. 946233


>However I still can't into roofs. This is a real pickle
I'd say just use Houdini but I'd be trolling

use some sort of instancing for roof tiles, have some way to ID handfuls of tiles into groups so you can assign all sorts of variations to them (transforms, materials, texturemaps, etc.).
Start off by making 3 - 5 max rez tiles (dependant on how close you're going to get to any one of them in a shot), and then reduce them into lower res versions for far shots to keep the scene efficient.
basically find a way to do proxy work in blender. Pipes, gutters, etc. are business as usual, you could perhaps make a profile of a shape follow a curve for some things either completely or just at first. Depends on what way's you're going to texture things if you are at all.

>as having anywhere near the appropriate amount of grass particles makes the render time for each frame completely bananas
I'd say just use Houdini but I'd be trolling
You're in for a world of pain my friend, less you find a way to do proxy work in blender

General thing too keep in mind is that for what you're trying to do, you should have high res and a few levels of lower rez versions of a handful of your models too keep things efficient instead of having everything be loaded and accounted for a render time when their high res existence won't contribute shit to whatever camera angle and distance you're rendering from.