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mfw this shit.png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต post your work, then, fag.

Anonymous No. 944976

For all the trash talk againts cris, at least he can make some garbage waifu model on godot and make it run.

The rest of fags here love to post WIP screenshots and WIP renders, and larp how they work on a AAA studio or some advertising firm but can't post some personal shit because of NDA, or faggot blender vs autodesk flamewars or AI cope threads.

But I don't see here fags doing animations or 3D games.
Only some WIP screenshot and some NDA larping.

Don't worry, I know you're too busy working on illumination or dreamworks to post some non WIP render.
I'm sure you have done national advertising shit on fortune 500 companies.
Sure, I understand you have an NDA.

Anonymous No. 944977

nobody cares

Anonymous No. 944978

you're like a toddler coming up to the adult table and challenging them to a fight. except toddlers (non-ethnic ones) are cute.

Anonymous No. 944987

fuck off chris

Anonymous No. 945014

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 945023

I love how you always make absolutely NO attempt at disguising yourself. Do you even understand how identifiable you are?

Anonymous No. 945027

You do realize there's an entire industry of work to be had with 3d that doesn't fall under the handful of big 3d studio names, right?
You also realize that you don't have to work for a big AAA studio for them to not want the shit they paid (or are paying) for plastered all over a website that's associated by the public with hackers, school shooters, and Nazis. I'm not saying it is, but the general public is fucking retarded.
I'm sure the ones that aren't in that group are probably either too busy to actually post something, or have the complex where "nothing is ever good enough, it needs to be super presentable to post" to actually have enough confidence to post their shit.

Not to mention PYW is hardly ever an end to an argument (in the way that people think), no matter how much the one person's skill outweighs the other. It could be award-winning work, and the other party is always going to nitpick it to hell and back as if it somehow supports their argument.
The only way PYW is the end of an argument is when someone pulls that out of their ass when they can't refute your points. You get PYW as a response after you've argued in good faith and put forward good points? You've won. GG EZ no re.

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Anonymous No. 945062

Your turn

Anonymous No. 945069

>whining about people posting wips when all cris does is post wips, for literal years

Anonymous No. 945078

lol kys cris

Anonymous No. 945099

fuc off cris

Anonymous No. 945112

>cris asks for proof that others are more talented than him
>anon posts proof
>cris ignores it, but will make the exact same claim again later

cris functions very much like spam-mail or youtube continuously asking you if you want to buy premium. cris is possibly just an annoyance bot/AI, he fails my turing test every fucking time.

Anonymous No. 945124

is this Dazlet work? Cris has no 3d skills but Daz users aren't much better

Anonymous No. 945126


Anonymous No. 945422

just as I said: he shit out another spam thread without addressing the art he requested.