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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945013

Still actively work on this model for portfolio. What advice can you guys give that can help me improve

Anonymous No. 945016

make porn out of it

Anonymous No. 945018

If I could rig and animate my shit properly then yes I totally would

Anonymous No. 945019

looks to me like it's lacking in plausible detail in many areas.
the lower leg just kind of blends into the foot without any appealing shape design.
the feet themselves are a bit meh
In generally I'd like to see more contrast between flesh and bone, with knees and shins etc. more defined and generally differentiated from the overall slimey mass. It kinda looks like a procedural slimey texture was applied somewhat indiscriminately.
But that's just my opinion as a cg hobbyist.

Oh and it does look pretty cool overall

Anonymous No. 945021

Thanks, I'm still trying to work on making sub surface scattering work well with the specular and the hands and feet we're definitely areas I need to improve on

Anonymous No. 945045

This looks like the lowest tier LOD or a first rough pass of detail.
Do a full pass of higher poly/higher detail and bake the normals, AO, etc down to the low poly.
Add teeth.
Don't forget to gather lots of reference. If you're recreating an existing character especially, and you're not sure what details to add next, the references are exactly what you need.
Also, give it an action pose and setup some nice lighting.

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Anonymous No. 945057

you do realize that all you did was poorly rip off that monster from stranger things, right? it's so extremely similar that you would even run into licensing problems - if you weren't small and pity inducing enough to get ignored...

Anonymous No. 945063

Nigger he's making it for a portfolio

Anonymous No. 945066

also, portfolio pieces of exisitng characters only showcase how bad You are in comparison to the model quality of that caliber.

Anonymous No. 945110

1) what the other anon pointed out
2) if that were true, then OP made an incomprehensibly bad thread - asking us for critique and NOT telling us that it's a LIKENESS instead of sth. original
3) he can't even fucking count to six (number of blowjobhole-flaps on the face) and the model is missing crucial elements such as the protruding things on the elbows.

i genuinely believe what happened here is that OP does not even know the show, saw the monster in an image somewhere without consciously thinking about it and then later """inventing""" it by pulling it out of his subconsciousness.

i refuse to believe the alternative, namely that OP would ask for critique of a likeness and hide the fact that it is one. either way he is never going to make it - for a likeness it is pure garbage and if it was meant to be original, then OP's brain literally works like an AI, aka soulless.

Anonymous No. 945135

what's with the toes lol

Anonymous No. 945749

more refined edges. more deep wrinkles

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 945750

non commercial portfolio work is covered by fair use in the United States and does not require permission, you idiot. Think before you post

Anonymous No. 946053

>Gather up alot of humanoid creatures references for pureref, throw in some vortigaunts for good measure, and see what changes, adjustments, observations you can make
>check your proportions since might not want the lower half to be shorter than tbe upper half of the body
>get intimate with making anatomically correct humans and then manipulate the base mesh until it's transformed into your creature (all around good secret learning method for mastering everything from creatures to anime heads)
>throw in alot of naked people and limbs in your pureref of course and give anatomy for sculptors a looksie
If your primary forms look sex, then it will quickly show and multiply with a paint job. Also show wireframe for more advice and because whoever you're showing the portfolio to will want to see it as well.

On a personal note, not really feeling those Spaghetti O toes, but could male porn with them nonetheless just give them some refinement.

Guards, this woman has lost her composure.

Anonymous No. 946076

you express yourself like a fucking retard