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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945055

What do you guys think about this movie? Does it look good?

Anonymous No. 945056

stylistically it's disgusting and nothing compared to hand-drawn cartoons, from a technical standpoint it is uninteresting.

animation should have never become 3d, it just does not work.

Anonymous No. 945068

You have two eyes, what do you think OP?

Anonymous No. 945093

I think its better than what america is churning out, the characters are cute

Anonymous No. 945129

looks like another disney copycat gyslop. I hate those big eye designs in pixar.

Anonymous No. 945150

bland but competent.
strange seeing something this conservative when other non-disney studios are willing to take risks.

Anonymous No. 945158

why are you on a 3d board?

Anonymous No. 945421

making 3d does not mean i have to like every single style, just like painting does not mean that I have to accept garbage modern art as equally valid as classical.

you have no argument.

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Anonymous No. 945424


I see you trollin'.

Anonymous No. 945431

are you mentally retarded or something? everything I've said makes perfect sense. I love 3d and the style OP posted i don't like. what exactly do you not understand, insect?

Anonymous No. 945434

I'm not a fan of it, simply because it's a bit generic (execution is fine), but I will admit my dick has a weak spot for bitches wearing heavy eyeliner.

Anonymous No. 945439

It sucks, everything is too soft and undetailed
that girls head is bigger than the other characters and they just added that tattoo below her eye to pathetically break the symmetry
the female's gold attire are nice, but the male one's to her left are really bad

Anonymous No. 945447

I like the style. Looks a lot better than some other crap we get

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Anonymous No. 945530

makes me coom

Anonymous No. 945531

your seething suggests that you don't like 3d.
>you have no argument.
I asked a question you gig autist

Anonymous No. 945559

still no argument.

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Anonymous No. 945601

>animation should have never become 3d, it just does not work.
>on a /3d/ board
>replies with "still no argument"
>next reply will be something racist
kys troll

Anonymous No. 945624

still no argument.

Anonymous No. 945653

looks pretty basic but not bad, at least it's not full-on pixar potato face style
i know a dude who's a bit like this - really into 3D and specifically the animation aspect, but vocally dislikes 3d animation and says 2D animation is better. weird.

Anonymous No. 945671

>really into 3D and specifically the animation aspect, but vocally dislikes 3d animation and says 2D animation is better. weird.
I can kinda agree with that sentiment.
I like doing 3d, I like doing 3d animation, but I hate the state of things in the industry as it is right now. It's pretty garbage 90% of the time. If I do watch something animated, it's more checking out where technology is nowadays, but I can't watch a 3d animated movie without my brain automatically kicking into "this is how this was probably done" mode, or "I could have done this better". At least with 2d the "magic and mysticism" is still there because I don't do it.
I'm not saying all 2d is better than 3d, because there's a ton of trash out there as well, but I definitely do prefer hand drawn 2d than 3d. Like comparing old Disney with nu Disney. The 2d shit is really great, but the 3d is just par for the course. The tech behind it is neat, but the craft is just meh.

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Anonymous No. 945703

>/3/ would pummel you over any sort of imperfection and adhering to "industry standards"
>meanwhile in the actual industry
Also I wonder what the whole face rig on the main girl looks like, because she's had some weird deformations around her nose and eyebrows.

Anonymous No. 945707

That's lazy. The texture resolution on the fabric is also too low, visible clearly on the left. This would be acceptable in a student film, but you expect a certain quality standard in 3D nowadays that this fails to meet. Seams like that shouldn't be visible and texel density should be high enough to not notice any blurriness.

Anonymous No. 945720

>texture resolution on the fabric
You're the only one who cares about it. What you're really saying is: "if they gave me the job I would have done it better". But they didn't give you the job. Why? Because you care about things nobody else cares about.

Anonymous No. 945722

Because you would have wasted their money on useless details only to satisfy your own personal obsessions and you would have neglected the narrative and the overall quality of the scene. That's why they didn't give you the job.

Anonymous No. 945747

There was never meant to be an argument. Calling 3d soulless indicates that you don't like 3d. Watch you still not answer the question

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Anonymous No. 945759


Getting real upset for being recognized as a troll. Maybe you aren't cut out for it?

Anonymous No. 945760

This may be controversial here but this make it obvious that western style cartoon 3Dcg is done much better than anime 3Dcg.
Noses in western animations have more variety are more expressive and better match the style.
Meanwhile """"anime""" 3Dcg noses are essentially cones with no nostrils and that's just uncanny. Nevermind that actual drawn references are few and far between and noses without drawn detail only really occur in background scenes.

Anonymous No. 945761

>You're the only one who cares about it. What you're really saying is: "if they gave me the job I would have done it better". But they didn't give you the job. Why? Because you care about things nobody else cares about.
I wouldn't want to get hired at this studio. Their quality is below my standards. I'd go to a job interview somewhere where they actually put effort into things and they'd hire me on the spot after they realize how good I am at producing flawless 3D animated films.

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Anonymous No. 945763


I'm the only lucid person on this board, so my opinion matters most.

Frankly, Op; what does "looking good" mean?
As a product, it does what it is meant to do. It's a children's cartoon, meant for children to consume. They're not looking for artistic expression or aesthetics or pushing the medium forward. It's not meant to be incredible. It was made to make a buck on top of dimes. My guess is that it probably succeeded because it does look a tad on the cheaper side of production quality.

Fewer animations really push art forward, as exemplified by both Spiderverse (2019) and Puss in Boots 2(2022). But these are long, expensive productions. Alberto Mielgo was one of the Art Directors creating the Spiderverse aesthetic as far as 2014. 5 years is a lot of time, you need BANK to make that happen. OP's animation was probably done in a third-world cave, with box modeling of polys.

Actually, I've just done some research and it was done by a small company in Spain; 4 cats studios. Did they attempt to change animation forever, or were they just a bunch of people trying to make a living with animation? Rhetoric question. There is not a lot of business in audiovisual media outside the US. Even the great foreigners like Ghibli and most recently Fortiche are settled on niche content and seldom with American investment. Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks... they are the ones with the caps that make these animations look amazing. It took Fortiche YEARS of development to make Arcane work - and Riot had already scrapped the project once.

So yeah OP, I think it looks good enough.
It's not about being incredible. It's about doing as best as you can with whatever you have while working on moving towards that never reaching perfection; which is by definition, impossible to conjure due to the subjectiveness of artistic expression.

Anonymous No. 945766

I'm sick and tired of the Spiderverse style

Anonymous No. 945767

did i call all 3d soulless, or just this particular style? for someone with your shocking level of autism you lack quite a lot of reading comprehension and elemental logic.

Anonymous No. 945769

reported for low quality. also didn't read.

Anonymous No. 945770

still no argument.

Anonymous No. 946252

How can i think anything if i don't know what fucking movie is that. Only other mention of it i've seen is on egyptian fap threads on /v/.
Is it even good as a movie?

Anonymous No. 946272
