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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Golden job opportunity

Anonymous No. 945074

To explain quickly my situation: I'm a backend programer and left my job to pursue the gamedev dream. I haven't worked for 3 years and now I'd like to get back to it since I can gamedev efficiently.

So, I dreamed for a second to find a job on my new hobby (anything 3D) but after a few research, I gave up cause no 3D degree/experience/portfolio. I surprisingly aslo have a hard time finding a decent webdev job. But through someone I know, I met a guy that is a project manager for a news channel in my country.
I send him my resume for a .NET job but when he saw that I put Unity in it, he told me that he had a lot of stuff done in Unity (3D animations, parametrized scenes for 3D TV sets, etc...

The guy was very cool because he told me that he doesn't expect me to be an expert but since I'm a dev, I should still make some progress quickly on whatever he asks me. So I have a few questions if anyone works on a similar job/company:

- What are THE MUST HAVE skills for these kind of jobs for Unity?
- Any courses for Unity on that specific subject
- If you worked on these type of projects, any advice to give me on stuff to know, concepts, whatever... ?

I just want to know the maximum amount of stuff before starting.

Anonymous No. 945076

Stop larping.

Anonymous No. 945077

This board is hell.

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Anonymous No. 945079

You two fags are part of the problem. Wtf is wrong with what I asked?
Jealous bitches.

Anonymous No. 945087

You made everything up. You do it every week.

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Anonymous No. 945089

I've seen threads like this before but on God, this time it's actually true, kek and I'm not even that guy.
Brehs, it's a golden opportunity, I prayed for one like this and actually got it. I just need directions. I'll find the course/material I need to study. Just tell me where to go.

Anonymous No. 945105

Fuck off

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Anonymous No. 945107

I know I'd be pissed too if a random hobbyist came and got an interview when I spent years to build a portfolio. But it's not my fault tho.

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Anonymous No. 945111

>I just want to know the maximum amount of stuff before starting.

...what works for me is grinding tutorials to learn anything new, dont try to think for yourself or try to find out by yourself in the beginning, just put as many infos into your brain, follow the instructions brainless(your brain works behind the scene for you in automode).

ask your pal if he can give you some example files they used in the past, study them, what tools they used, grind tuts, etc ...

...when your task will be to build studio sets, learn about lighting a scene the right way, and get your hands on a parametric modeling software( that has a good nurbs to 3d engine remesher ...

...and, at last, cheat! dont take the long road, ask people, you have a foot in the door, with some discipline and work ethic you can become a pretty capable guy in two month when it comes to such work ....

Anonymous No. 945113

Let me explain your life to you.

>I'm a backend programer and left my job
You've been unemployed for 3 years. It's a guaranteed career killer. You'll never work a resume job ever again.

>The guy was very cool
Your dad noticed that you've been furiously masturbating in your bedroom to more and more questionable pornography. So he pulled some strings and contacted some person.
Your dad told person: "It's about my son. I am disappoint". And then he asked him to contact you and mentor you.

>I just want to know the maximum
It's not a real job. Don't worry. It'll go nowhere regardless.

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Anonymous No. 945114

>be this guy
>invest years into 3d
>a total failure at it
>get triggert hard by others who just got a job in 3d by sheer luck

Anonymous No. 945115

>what works for me is grinding tutorials
What kind of yearly income are you able to generate by watching clickbait Youtube tutorials? Blender Guru makes money because you watch his nonsense.

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Anonymous No. 945116

>Blender Guru makes money because you watch his nonsense.

... yeah, his tuts are for noobs and he makes a living with his buisness, but compared to you, he lifts up the people around him, compared to toxic guys like you!

Anonymous No. 945117

>he lifts up the people
Blender Guru's tutorials objectively useless for any skill level and that's when he's no trying to sell you NFTs.

In many cases I prefer to face the truth just because when you know it, then you can do something about it. You call that "toxic behavior". It's ok. It's your life and it's your choice.

Anonymous No. 945119

>Blender Guru's tutorials objectively useless

...for you, me, i guess thats right, but for someone who knows nothing about 3d its the perfect entry point ...., its no miracle why everyone in 3d knows him and i assume he knows many people to who matter in 3d ... i am pretty sure, you are a complete nobody compared to this ... so, why are you so dumb and makes fun of him?

Anonymous No. 945121

> first serious answer
> trips
Thanks man. Lightning for example is one of the things I never took deep interest in. Thanks a lot. I have some experience on parametric modeling since I made a few projects with Houdini.
> imagine being this bitter
Damn man, I swear, I'm starting to feel sorry for you

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Whole lotta proje....jpg

Anonymous No. 945136

Oddly specific scenarios there anon.

Didn't know you had a unfortunate set of experiences, hope you'll get better soon.

Anonymous No. 945140

>I should still make some progress quickly on whatever he asks me
You won't. Most "devs" I have ever known couldn't learn how to model if their life depended on it.

Anonymous No. 945170

It's over anon. A golden opportunity is nothing without an offer letter. With a 3 year work gap you need any opportunity you can get

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Anonymous No. 945173

How about you stop posting and get a fucking dishwasher job retard? I have no respect for anime waifu fags who just NEET on my tax money.

Anonymous No. 945176

Stop doomposting. You can easily get a job with any amount of gap as long as you're not a felon

Anonymous No. 945188

I had a 8 year gap and it's fine lol

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Anonymous No. 945215

I know, I got plenty of those already. But the guy seemed to be eager to work with me, I have no idea why. Maybe we selling me a dream but whatever, i'll still take the chance, what do I have to lose. Nothing. On the worst case scenario, I'lll be more proficient with Unity and that's all.
I don't think modeling is going the type of tasks I'll get. I'm pretty sure I'll be more on the tooling/coding side of the projects. He told me something about linking parametrized scenes in Unity and 3DSMax or something like that.
> I have no respect for anime waifu fags who just NEET on my tax money
And it says a lot about you. A lot that I don't even want to know

Anonymous No. 945293

First off... the job you are probably going to be put on an unpaid internship for isn't a gamedev job... its a 3D job but using Unity to render/do physics... if you're still interested in that, you don't need to learn Unity scripting or whatever, just how to use it as a renderer... and then learn Max+Maya+Blender (yes all 3)...
Otherwise, if you really want to get a gamedev job... then I really have to ask you what the fuck were you doing for the past 3 years... you should've been making games, participating in game jams... the fact that you have to ask "What Do I Need For Unity?" is proof that you have no had a single completed project (and you need at least 3!) on Unity/Unreal... go and MAKE GAMES and stop wasting your time... time is precious, life is finite, and you need to stop wasting it...

Anonymous No. 945296

It's no use anon, NEETs will find every excuse in their arsenal to pin the blame away from them.

Anonymous No. 945301

I stopped using Unity a while ago and started deving in Unreal. And past the basic stuff wich is common with Unity and learning C++, I spent most of my time learning Zbrush, modeling, Houdini, rigging, animating and the rest of the pipeline.
I made games but never deep enough to script/do tooling stuff between various softwares. The closest thing to that is when I made a Python rigging script in Maya.

Anonymous No. 945311

Why a portfolio for gamedev jobs? I'm not interested in gamedev or 3d stuff, and I stumbled on this board by pure luck (the boards are in alphabetical order in clover, so I accidentally open /3D/ sometimes), but I've met people who got into game development (mostly bullshit companies like ubisoft and whatnot). They didn't have a portfolio or work experience, so I'm kind of confused why it would be necessary. They were just ordinary math/comp sci. majors, I think one had a physics minor. My understanding is that if you aren't a moron with no college degree, then you can probably get one of those jobs (but it's not worth it because you can make more money working for a real company).

Anonymous No. 945417

I'm supposed to have news in the begining of June so I'm bumping this thread until then

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Anonymous No. 945940

Lol I got the job. Let's BUMP THIS SHIT

Anonymous No. 946227

What on earth?

I know you haven't explicitly claimed this, but putting that webm as your attachment makes it seem as if it is something you made.
I know for a fact that it isn't yours because it's mine.

What is your intention?

Anonymous No. 946228

Found it funny saved it. One day I need something to illustrate a Unity related thread and your webm popped up.
Nice webm btw anon.

Btw I still need help on the matter. I'm busy finishing a Spring Boot work for the moment but in a week, I'll have like one week to finish a .Net tutorial and Unity course (wich will be done fast I hope since I already have experience in both) but anything more is welcome. I still have no idea what I'm going to do there kek.

Anonymous No. 946229

Oh okay. Thanks.

I really don't think I can help you since I have no idea what I'm doing, especially when it comes to careers. Hope you have fun at your new job though.

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Anonymous No. 946293

>putting that webm as your attachment makes it seem as if it is something you made.

Anonymous No. 946359

Cris, wakie wakie, time to drink your daily coca cola.

Anonymous No. 946410

can you compile an exe and upload it? I just wanna drive some cars in comfy sandbox environment in my aging laptop

Anonymous No. 946468


op kys you dumb nigger
all of you are retarded

that is drive

Anonymous No. 947951

OP, hey king, honestly, I congratulate you for your accomplishment (if true) - I had faggot wage-slave naysayers tell me the exact same things as those said by the bitter cunts here.

I didn't give up, and started my own IT company.
Now, I make all my money from my business.
I don't need to wageslave for some faggot, and I didn't care about what the gatekeepers said.

They're just bitter, and genuinely jealous as fuck, kek, I can see the envy dripping off their posts.
It's literally the same elitism as faggot tradies with their unions - "B-BUT YOU AREN'T IN THE SPECIAL BOYS CLUB, Y-YOU CAN'T MAKE MONEY, SOMEONE, STOP THAT MAN!"
Don't be demoralized, brother, I believe in you.

Anonymous No. 949411

Thanks man