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๐Ÿงต Paper Umbreon in a Cafe

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945175

Haven't been here in a while. But yeah. Here's some art I made as a raffle prize for a friend of mine. This probably should've gone in /vp/ but eh... whatever.

Anonymous No. 945180

Why is everything covered in a crunchy bump map like it's a 1999 point and click puzzle game?
It doesn't really come across as paper.

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945184

Ah! Good question! The answer to that is because I used a procedurally generated noise texture in Blender, which I learned about from a Blender tutorial.
It comes across as paper to a bunch of other people, but I can see why it may be unconvincing to some.
Thanks for the reply!

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Anonymous No. 945192

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945194

Oooo! This looks neat. Though my purpose with making the scene dark is to give it a warm cozy feeling of staying at a restaurant in an autumn evening. I feel having it too bright kinda goes contradictory to that vibe.

Anonymous No. 945197

There's a lot of literature on how to set up the color properly to give a specific impression but the bottom line is that after you finish a rendering you should open it in GIMP and check the levels.
You'll be surprised how much better your renderings can get with very little additional effort.

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945210

Thank you very much for the advice! I never thought about that!
In this instance though, I don't want to adjust the levels here since I want it dark as an artistic choice.
Regardless though, yeah! This should be really useful advice for future renders that I DON'T wanna be dark! Again, thanks!

Anonymous No. 945225

>using expressions like oh! and ah!

Get the fuck off here nigger faggot this isn't a tranny discord server, nobody cares about your shitty art

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945227

Ya know. I am not usually into responding to slur-spamming trolls, but I guess I'll bite and humor you anyways.

1) I don't care if you don't like if I am giving myself a name. 4Chan gives me the feature to do so and I intend to use it to my fullest.

2) I also don't apparently care if this "isn't discord". It's just the way I like to respond to people and I like to be myself. I fully intend to keep speaking like the way I do.

3) If nobody cares about my bad art, then why are there people giving wonderful feedback; and for that matter, why did you even make this response if nobody (including you) cares about my art? It sounds like you care a lot to me. Hehehe~

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Opisafaggot No. 945234

Yer feckin gay, m8

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945238

Heh. Thanks for the compliment, but I am actually aroace. =w=

Anonymous No. 945240

This isn't my wheelhouse but I'll give you some feedback
>Normal map is way way too strong. Less is more. Look at some photos of real paper. The texture isn't that strong
>Creases are way too fine. Everything has a razor sharp fold or crease which doesn't look right. You wouldn't get creases that hard from manually folding paper.
>overall too much perfection. If you folded those seats yourself what do you think the chances are that all the sides would be perfectly flat with no warping in them?

Overall you need to use reference a lot more. It may even be helpful for you to make some papercraft in real life to learn how what goes into it and how it really looks. This might also be a nice read.

Anonymous No. 945241

This board is a gathering of lost souls at the outskirts or hell.

Anonymous No. 945246

>overall too much perfection
That's right. Modern CG is all about texture mapping multiple layers of shit stains on top of everything. And water cooled video cards.
Without those things... You're just not in the modern era, which means you're out, you know...

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945249

Fair enough. I was mostly referencing Paper Mario rather than paper, so I should probably study paper stuff more carefully. Thanks!

Anonymous No. 945252

Zoomers are so annoying.

Anonymous No. 945254

you have issues bro. If you looked at any professional work you would see that's not true

MewArtist !!mumvRNoX9TG No. 945258

Hehe. I am a Zoomer and I go Zoom Zoomin' all over the place >:3

In all serious, it's kinda funny how this went from critiquing my 3D art to saying how "Zoomers are annoying".

I appreciate both the constructive and deconstructive criticism though... hehe~

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Opisafaggot No. 945371

Ahoy black man you are a gay nigger may you lose all your hair and may my hair grow stronger with every hair you lose.

Anonymous No. 947193
