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🧵 How to add shapes that mess with structure edges?

Anonymous No. 945427

How would one approach at adding details that affect the structure edges of the model, without fucking up the edge flow and causing the 'pinch' effect when applying subdivision.

Example this fire hydrant, the flat shape on the back (text excluded, just the shape).

Anonymous No. 945429

I’d be adding it as floating geometry

Anonymous No. 945430

in the case you encircled it's just a normal map that you get by simply adding the almost perfectly flat detail to your high res mesh, but not the low res version.

otherwise literally just learn how to model. adding rectangles, cylinders etc to surfaces in a clean fashion is always the same. 3ds max has lots of handy scripts that blender is lacking - i can just add 16 verts to a surface, align them into a perfect circle and center that circle exactly where i want it in a few seconds. in blender it would probably be a pain in the ass.

in general you can learn a lot from "how do i model this".

Anonymous No. 945432

Wouldn’t be a problem for blender, has preaty much same scripts.

Anonymous No. 945435

Seems like a perfect place to use edge creases.
I'd do something like duplicate the model, add a shrinkwrap to the old one set to the new one (so the overall shape stays the same when shifting verts), move the existing verts around to make the outline of the shape in the geo, apply the shrinkwrap, flatten out the faces to make the flat section, and then use crease on the "outline" of it.
I'll admit I'm not the best at subsurf modelling when it comes to edge flow and shit like that, but I think that's how I'd go about it. Faces would all still be quads too, since you'd be using what's already there (assuming they're already quads).

Anonymous No. 945437

>blendertard reflexively posts "hurrr blender can do that, too" without actually being able to model

if blender possesses these scripts, then tell me in which menus they can be found. protip: you can't and you don't even model.

Anonymous No. 945443

You use decals.
>Make the geometry as a separate object
>Model the chamfer that would exist on the real object
>Make a plane and bake the extra geometry to plane
>When you texture mask out the areas of the plane with no detail
Easy industry standard workflow

Anonymous No. 945444

You use Zbrush.

Anonymous No. 945465

>then tell me in which menus they can be found
Not that anon, but why do you need to know exactly where they are if you're so averse to using the program? Hoarding knowledge about a program you hate just seems like a surefire way to have it live rent-free in your head. It seems like it does already, but still.

Looptools seems like it'd have most of what you're describing though. The circle shit at least (w>looptools>circle in edit mode with the addon enabled, comes with Blender by default).
I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "add 16 verts to a surface" though, the language isn't clear. You could be talking about loopcuts, subdividing edges and adding points, adding new geometry entirely, knife cutting or projecting, or even just adding 16 randomly floating unconnected verts. Probably should go without saying that all of that is possible quite easily as well without jumping through hoops.
That being said, I doubt you're being genuine in terms of actually wanting to know, and you're just being antagonistic for no real reason other than to be antagonistic.

Anonymous No. 945469

Boolean then retopo

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Anonymous No. 945482


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Anonymous No. 945485

>this much thought into modelling a freaking fire hydrant
This is why scanning exists.

Anonymous No. 945486

funny bait good one anon u already triggered one person